
有一次在新竹東門城 看見一群年輕小伙子在跳舞 就用這首歌呢~

原版MV 附英文歌詞 :

翻唱好學 附中英文歌詞

1. swing [swɪŋ] => V.N.搖動 搖擺 擺蕩 揮動 秋千 轉向 He swings his arms when he walks. 他走路時擺動手臂 The swing of the ship made many people seasick. 船的搖擺使很多人暈船 The golfer took a swing at the ball. 打高爾夫球的人揮動球桿擊出了球 The kids tied a (piece of) rope to the tree and used it as a swing. 孩子們繫(一根)繩子在樹上當作秋千 Can you swing him round/around to our opinion? 你可以讓他轉而接受我們的觀點嗎 Voting showed a 10% swing to the Opposition. 投票結果顯示有10%的人轉而支持反對黨。 swinging [ˋswɪŋɪŋ] => 搖動的

2. vine [vaɪn] => 藤蔓(植物)

3. flash [flæʃ] => V.N.閃爍 閃光 閃光燈 一剎那 I’ll flash my headlight to make sure he sees us. 我會打開車前燈讓它閃爍以確保他能看見我們 The train passed me as quickly as a flash. 列車風馳電掣地從我面前開過 A flash of lightning is electricity jumping. 電光一閃是跳電 Did you use flash when you took these pictures? 你拍這些照片時有用閃光燈嗎 Inspiration came to me in a flash. 一瞬間我有了靈感 (inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] => 靈感) Flashing => 閃爍的

4. seek [sik] => 尋找 探索 (過去式/過去分詞sought [sɔt]) seek out =>尋找出 探索出

5. bold [bold]=> 英勇的 大膽的 放肆的 厚顏無恥的 He is very brave, or rather very bold. 他很勇敢,或者應該說是很大膽(brave[brev]=> 勇敢的)(,or rather更確切地說) You are so bold that you never do something on second thought. 你太魯莽所以從不知深思熟慮後再做事 May I make bold to ask for help at such a late hour? 我可以冒昧地這麼晚了還來找您幫忙嗎

6. drown [draʊn] => 淹死 淹沒 沉沒 蓋過 It’s cruel to drown the cat in the river. 把貓淹死在河裡是件殘忍的事 (cruel[ˋkruəl]=>殘忍的 慘痛的) He turned up the radio to drown (out) the noise from next door. 他開大了收音機的音量以蓋過隔壁房子的噪音 It’s no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 想借酒消愁是於事無補的

7. 以上單字註解由Our ABC Online提供

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