Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學 網站http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw
想說一口流利的英語嗎? 須線上英文一對一家教嗎? 要線上學英文嗎? 請參閱我們網站 歡迎申請免費試上課哦~~

目前分類:公告訊息 (32)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Dear teachers and students,

Our ABC Online school will be off during Lunar New Year holidays from Feb 8th (Thur) to Feb 14th (Wed) for 7 days.


If you're willing to have class during the holiday, please tell your teacher by Feb 7th.

如果您願意過年期間上課, 請在2/7之前通知您的老師. 

Happy Lunar New Year ~~



Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文課程










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Dear teachers and students,

Our ABC Online school will be off during Chinese New Year holidays from Jan 20th (Fri) to Jan 29th (Sun) for 10 days.


If you're willing to have class during the holiday, please tell your teacher by Jan 18th.

如果您願意過年期間上課, 請在1/18之前通知您的老師. 

Happy Chinese New Year ~~



Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文課程


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Dear teachers and students,

Our online school will be off during Chinese New Year holidays from Jan 29th (Sat) to Feb 6th (Sun) for 9 days.


If you're willing to have class during the holiday, please tell your teacher by Jan 28th.

如果您願意過年期間上課, 請在1/28之前通知您的老師. 

Happy Chinese New Year ~~



Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文課程




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公告 :


請告知線上學校服務人員, 將不計入堂數.


Our ABC Online 敬上




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Dear teachers and students,

The online school will be off during Chinese New Year from Feb 10th to Feb 16th for 7 days.


If you're willing to have class during that time, please tell your teacher by Feb 9th.

如果您願意過年期間上課, 請在2/9之前通知您的老師. 

Happy Chinese New Year ~~


2 0 2 1 年 2 月
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7 8 9 10 11 除夕 12 初一 13 初二
14 初三 15 初四 16 初五 17 18 19 20
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        便宜 有效 趕緊線上預約免費試上課程

        全英文課 雙語課 都有

         Our ABC Online 官網









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Dear students,

This online school will be off from January 24th ~ January 29th for 6 days due to Lunar New Year 2020.

If you can have class during that period, please inform the online assistant or your tutor before January 24th, and then we'll do the additional arrangement for you. 

PS. All classes for January 23rd will go on as normal. 


Wishing you and your family a happy new year filled with favorite things! 




如果您可以過年期間上課, 請在1/24之前通知線上助理或您的老師. 

如此, 我們將可額外安排您的線上英文課程. 


備註 : 1/23(四)的所有課程將照常上課.


祝閤家新年快樂 萬事如意! 


Skype ID : service_jean

Line ID : ourabc168

Phone NO : (0918)364-558 

Our ABC Online 線上英文 全體敬上

Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學官網 連結


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Dear students,

This online school will be off on February 4th ~ February 10th for 7 days due to Lunar New Year 2019.

If you can have class during that period, please inform the online assistant or your tutor before February 1st, and then we'll do the additional arrangement for you. 

Wishing you and your family a happy new year filled with favorite things! 




如果您可以過年期間上課, 請在2/1之前通知線上助理或您的老師. 

如此, 我們將可額外安排您的線上英文課程. 

祝閤家新年快樂 萬事如意! 


Skype ID : service_jean

Line ID : ourabc168

Phone NO : (0918)364-558 

Our ABC Online 線上英文 全體敬上

Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學官網 手機版連結





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[2022]線上學英文 美籍家教 線上英文教學 一對一課程 特惠增額50名

 報名流程 :

1 官網填具「免費試上課」申請表送出 

2 相約在Skype上免費英文程度檢測, 完成後傳送試上的教材

3 再於約定時間和老師免費試上課程 (試上課老師=正式課老師)

4 試上滿意後, 再考慮加入正式課程, 所有使用教材均免費

5 美國老師英文課程學費優惠增額50名  

歡迎預約免費英文試上~ 心動快行動唷~~ 

一對一線上英文教學 Our ABC Online


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Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文家教


即日起 ~ 7月底凡報名美籍或菲籍線上英文課程, 均享有以下優惠 :

美   國老師英文課 15小時 8,550 (570元/60)

菲律賓老師英文課 12小時 3,360 (280元/60)


每週固定排課1.5 ~ 2小時或以上, 固定老師
免費程度檢測 免費試聽試讀 歡迎預約
官網報名表 http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw/4-1.htm





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Dear students,

This online school will be off on Chinese Lunar New Year 2017 from January 27th to February 1st for six days. 

If you can have class during that period, please inform the online assistant and your tutor by January 24th, and then we will arrange it additionally. 

Wishing you and yours good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. 




如果您可以過年期間上課, 請在1/24(含)之前通知線上助理和您的老師, 

如此, 我們將可額外安排您的線上英文課程. 

祝閤家身體健康, 萬事如意, 新年快樂










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我們提供免費英文程度測試和免費電子教材, 推薦外籍母語老師或華人雙語老師和您免費試上課程, 如果您滿意, 可考慮加入該位老師的正式課程。
方便, 經濟, 專屬, 專業的互動學習方式, 讓您聽說讀寫能力迅速提升。

課程名稱:(兒童/青少/成人) 線上一對一英文教學 - 生活會話 / 全民英檢 / 商用英文 / 主題討論 /文法解析 / 口語及聽力訓練
課程時間:週一 ~ 週日 07:00 ~ 24:00 均有開課, 免出門, 用網路Skype通訊軟體和固定線上英文家教學習 (每堂60分鐘, 每週 1 ~ 6堂 自行選定)
課程難易度:初級 (英中雙語), 中級 (英中/全英), 中高 (全英), 高級 (全英文上課)
師 資:區分外籍母語老師 (美加, 英澳, 菲律賓, 南非)及華人雙語老師, 嚴選師資, 大學及以上學歷, 經驗豐富, 國際教學證照.
報名方式:官方網站申請免費試上課 https://www.ourabc-online.url.tw/4-1.htm, 或直接加入線上助理Jean

Skype :service_jean

Line ID :ourabc168

Email :service_jean@yahoo.com.tw

TEL :(03)375-5925, (0918)364-558
聯絡時間:網站申請寄送 - 隨時, 或線上客服 - 週一~五 3:30PM~10:30PM
課程說明:免費試上課 - 滿意 - 加入正式英文課, 固定上課時段, 固定老師, 有事可依規定提前請假, 補課
課程費用 : 每堂 60分鐘 (10小時課~80小時課)
華人 英文課 (雙語) : 330~290元 / 60分鐘

菲律賓 (全英文) : 260~232元 / 60分鐘

南非 (全英文) : 285~255元 / 60分鐘

美加, 英澳 (全英文) : 590~488元 / 60分鐘

此線上教學[官網1] [官網2], 公司登記 "峻業企業社" , 請安心線上學英文, 讓英文力迅速提升!! 


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欲報名參加全民英檢GEPT的學員們, 請記得報名和測驗日期哦~~ 

加油! Go! Go!


Our ABC Online

線上英文教學 全部一對一 







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慶祝婦幼節, 1對1線上英文教學"澳洲老師"特惠活動來囉~

即日起至四月期間, 報名澳洲老師課程,

每堂課60分鐘, 每周排課1.5~6(自行決定), 固定課表, 固定老師
提供免費試上課, 相同的品質, 更划算的價格, 盡早報名額滿為止哦!

為自己, 為另一伴, 英文實力成為職場的助力.
為孩子, 英文全方位聽說讀寫能力超越同儕

"免費試上課申請表" 連結 www.ourabc-online.url.tw/4-1.htm











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Dear Students,

This school will be off during the Chinese New Year holidays from 2/6 (Saturday) to 2/14 (Sunday).  

If you can have the class during the period or you prefer moving the class to other day, please inform Jean or your teacher in advance. 

Happy Chinese New Year~




如果你們過年期間可以上課, 或者希望把課調至別天上課, 請提前通知Jean或老師. 



Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學 敬上









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Skype軟體在9/21週一下午及晚上發生全球性短暫當機, 無法登入或通話. 當天受影響的線上課程一律不計時數, 不計費用.
經過Skype公司致力搶修, 於隔天9/22週二凌晨1時已恢復正常運作. 所有課程也恢復正常上課.

Skype communication app is down across the globe

© Dado Ruvic
Popular communications application Skype went down across the world on Monday. Numerous users are currently complaining on social media that they are not able to sign in.

“We're a bit overloaded right now...Please try again later, or download Skype to use it anytime,” Skype wrote on its website.


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1對1線上英文教學 使用免費Skype軟體上課

特惠活動: 南非/菲律賓外籍老師1對1線上英文課程

特惠期間: 2016年即日起~12月底前報名

特惠價格: 12小時課, 每小時280元, 教材免費

每堂課為1小時(60分鐘), 每週排課1.5~6堂(自行決定)

自備網路通訊, 耳機和麥克風, 在家在辦公室都可以線上學英文

欲加強英文對話口說及聽力 請至網站填寫「免費試上課申請表

或者詢問線上客服人員 Skype ID:service_jean

電洽 (03)375-5925 , (0918)364-558

下定決心馬上行動哦~~ 優惠名額有限~~




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農曆過年2/18(三)~2/23(一)休假停課6天, 2/24(二)恢復正常上課. 如果您過年期間可以上課, 請提前告知Jean安排課程.


Dear teachers and students,

Hope you are well!!

The school will be off from February 18th (Wed) till February 23th (Mon) for 6 days due to Chinese New Year.

All the classes will restart normally on Tuesday the 24th of February.

If you can have class during the New Year holidays, please inform Jean to arrange the class ahead. 

Happy Chinese New Year to Everyone~~

以上, Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學 敬告



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Dear tutors and students,

The classes will go on as normal on the National Day, which falls on the 10th of October.

If you can not attend the English class, please obey the policy to inform the online school.

Happy National Day~~

Best regards,

Our ABC Online one to one online English school







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