
  1. insecure [͵ɪnsɪˋkjʊr] => 無安全感的
  2. what for => ()= for what為什麼 有時可用why替代
  3. flip [flɪp] => V.N.輕拋 輕彈 翻轉 快速翻閱 Let’s flip the coin to decide who should go first. 我們來拋硬幣決定誰先走Be sure to flip down your collar. 看看你領子翻好了没有 I’m learning how to do a back flip. 我正在學習如何後空翻 After flipping through some novels, she took one of them to the checkout counter. 在瀏覽了幾本小說後, 她選了其中一本到結帳櫃台.
  4. overwhelmed [͵ovɚˋhwɛlm] => 無法承受的 不知所措的
  5. smile at => ….微笑 If we smile at the world, it will smile back. 假如我們向世界微笑, 世界也會向我們微笑
  6. ain’t [ent] => ()= am not, are not, is not, have not, has not 的縮寫
  7. if only => .(表示現在/未來願望 用過去式表達)但願 如果該有多好 If only I were rich. 但願我很富有 If only I could speak good English. 如果我會說一口流利的英語該有多好. .(表示與過去事實相反的願望 用過去完成式表達)要是...就好了 If only I had remembered to set the alarm clock last night. 要是我昨晚記得設定閙鐘就好了.
  8. desperately [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] => 不顧一切地 拼命地 孤注一擲地 非常地 The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side. 那個落水的人拼命地想游到河岸邊 I’m desperately hungry. I could eat a horse! 我餓死了我可以吃下一頭馬.
  9. 單字註解由Our ABC Online提供。
  10. 如果您想快速地說得一口流利又漂亮的英文, 可以參加我們專業的線上課程, 和中/外籍英文家教一對一互動學習唷~~ 歡迎預約免費試上課






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