[2015/10/16 20:30:20] *** Call to Anna ***

[2015/10/16 20:31:15] Abby (tutor): Movement

[2015/10/16 20:31:46] Abby (tutor): Move

[2015/10/16 20:32:35] Abby (tutor): Obviously

[2015/10/16 20:33:55] Abby (tutor): Obvious

[2015/10/16 20:37:42] Abby (tutor): Our school is at the other side of the road.

[2015/10/16 20:38:16] Abby (tutor): Walk into the room

[2015/10/16 20:39:19] Abby (tutor): Walk out of the room

[2015/10/16 20:39:25] Abby (tutor): Nobody

[2015/10/16 20:40:14] Abby (tutor): No one

[2015/10/16 20:40:17] Abby (tutor): Everyone

[2015/10/16 20:41:21] Abby (tutor): Notice

[2015/10/16 20:42:39] Abby (tutor): I have noticed that....

[2015/10/16 20:43:22] Anna: Have you noticed that John is here?

[2015/10/16 20:43:36] Abby (tutor): Furniture

[2015/10/16 20:44:59] Anna: He noticed that I changed the furniture.

[2015/10/16 20:45:35] Abby (tutor): Swim

[2015/10/16 20:45:48] Abby (tutor): Have a swim

[2015/10/16 20:45:57] Abby (tutor): Rest

[2015/10/16 20:46:08] Abby (tutor): Have a rest

[2015/10/16 20:46:18] Abby (tutor): Walk

[2015/10/16 20:46:31] Abby (tutor): Have a walk

[2015/10/16 20:47:01] Abby (tutor): Glimpse

[2015/10/16 20:47:58] Abby (tutor): Have a glimpse

[2015/10/16 20:49:31] Abby (tutor): We had a glimpse of our new classmate.

[2015/10/16 20:50:53] Abby (tutor): Ride horse

[2015/10/16 20:51:29] Abby (tutor): Have a ride

[2015/10/16 20:51:42] Abby (tutor): Rode

[2015/10/16 20:51:59] Abby (tutor): Had a ride

[2015/10/16 20:53:45] Abby (tutor): Yesterday I had a ride on the horse for the first time in my life.

[2015/10/16 20:57:58] Abby (tutor): Look at =have a look at

[2015/10/16 20:59:14] Abby (tutor): I am looking at = I am having a look at

[2015/10/16 21:01:41] Abby (tutor): I was looking at = I was having a look at

[2015/10/16 21:05:23] Anna: I was looking at the old photos last night.

[2015/10/16 21:06:51] Abby (tutor): Swim

[2015/10/16 21:07:03] Abby (tutor): Swam

[2015/10/16 21:07:28] Abby (tutor): Swim = have a swim

[2015/10/16 21:07:57] Abby (tutor): Swam = had a swim

[2015/10/16 21:08:27] Abby (tutor): Wash

[2015/10/16 21:08:38] Abby (tutor): Washed

[2015/10/16 21:08:49] Abby (tutor): Wash= have a wash

[2015/10/16 21:09:11] Abby (tutor): Washed= had a wash

[2015/10/16 21:12:37] Anna: He washed before he went out.

[2015/10/16 21:14:45] Anna: He had a wash before going out.

[2015/10/16 21:16:37] Abby (tutor): Fight

[2015/10/16 21:16:44] Abby (tutor): Fought

[2015/10/16 21:17:09] Abby (tutor): Fight = have a fight

[2015/10/16 21:17:28] Abby (tutor): Fought= had a fight

[2015/10/16 21:18:13] Abby (tutor): Quarrel= have a quarrel

[2015/10/16 21:20:09] Abby (tutor): Follow

[2015/10/16 21:20:50] Abby (tutor): Please follow me.

[2015/10/16 21:21:44] Abby (tutor): July follows June.

[2015/10/16 21:22:28] Abby (tutor): Advice

[2015/10/16 21:22:42] Abby (tutor): should follow someone's advice

[2015/10/16 21:25:50] Anna: We should follow his advice.

[2015/10/16 21:27:24] Abby (tutor): Traffic rules.

[2015/10/16 21:29:26] Anna: We should follow the traffic rules.

[2015/10/16 21:30:14] Abby (tutor): Follow this road

[2015/10/16 21:32:50] Abby (tutor): Follow this road until you get to the end of the road, then turn left.

[2015/10/16 21:33:56] Abby (tutor): Follow the instruction

[2015/10/16 21:35:39] Abby (tutor): As follows

[2015/10/16 21:36:27] Abby (tutor): The rules are as follows.

[2015/10/16 21:36:42] Abby (tutor): 1....2...

[2015/10/16 21:39:15] Anna: The reasons are as follows.

[2015/10/16 21:40:24] Abby (tutor): Following

[2015/10/16 21:41:34] Abby (tutor): Due to the following reasons.

[2015/10/16 21:43:23] Abby (tutor): Surprise

[2015/10/16 21:43:37] Abby (tutor): I am surprised

[2015/10/16 21:44:50] Abby (tutor): Be surprised

[2015/10/16 21:45:03] Abby (tutor): Surprising

[2015/10/16 21:46:25] Abby (tutor): A surprising news and I am surprised.

[2015/10/16 21:48:06] Abby (tutor): Begin to do something

[2015/10/16 21:48:17] Abby (tutor): Start to do something

[2015/10/16 21:49:46] Abby (tutor): Continue

[2015/10/16 21:50:06] Abby (tutor): Continue to do something

[2015/10/16 21:51:19] Abby (tutor): We continued to work after the rest.

[2015/10/16 21:52:41] Anna: He continued to read all night.

[2015/10/16 21:53:04] Abby (tutor): Refuse

[2015/10/16 21:53:14] Abby (tutor): Refuse to do something

[2015/10/16 21:54:46] Anna: He refused to help me.

[2015/10/16 21:55:09] Abby (tutor): Charmer

[2015/10/16 21:56:17] Abby (tutor): Charm

[2015/10/16 21:56:24] Abby (tutor): Charming

[2015/10/16 21:56:35] Abby (tutor): Attractive

[2015/10/16 21:56:58] Abby (tutor): Show your charm

[2015/10/16 21:57:40] Abby (tutor): A snake charmer

[2015/10/16 21:58:25] Abby (tutor): He played a tune.

[2015/10/16 21:59:15] Abby (tutor): We watched a snake charmer in a square in old Delhi.

[2015/10/16 21:59:59] Abby (tutor): He had a long pipe and two large baskets.

[2015/10/16 22:01:44] Abby (tutor): He played a tune and the snake rose out of the baskets and began to follow the movements of the pipe.

[2015/10/16 22:02:01] Abby (tutor): Then the snake charmer played modern tunes but the snake continued to dance slowly.

[2015/10/16 22:02:08] *** Call ended, duration 1:31:45 ***

以上, 感謝Our ABC Online學員Anna分享上課筆記



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