影片單字學習 : 

drown [draʊn] 溺水

-- If you can keep your head above water, your won't drown.

desperately [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] 絶望地, 拼命地

-- He desperately saw her disappear into the crowd.

aid [ed] 援助

-- The food in the area has been given by foreign aid.

on site 在現場

-- The aminal aid has arrived on site.

on the verge of 瀕臨   (verge [vɝdʒ] 邊緣)

-- She is on the verge of tears.

-- He drove her to the verge of despair.

weaken [ˋwikən] 削弱

-- You could see the poor dog weakening daily as the disease spread through its body.

slip [slɪp]  off 滑掉

-- Keep close to me, and mind you don't slip (小心別滑倒了).

frantically [ˋfræntɪklɪ] 瘋狂似地

-- Thie year has been frantically busy for us, so I need a holiday just to wind down (放鬆).

count on 指望, 依靠

-- That was the only thing they could count on.

-- I'll count on it. 

rappel [ræˋpɛl] down 垂降

-- He rappelled down the rock face.

momentum [moˋmɛntəm] 動力, 氣勢

-- Once your puch it, it keeps going under its own momentum.

-- We should continue to maintain good growth momentum.

solid [ˋsɑlɪd] 固體(的), 實心的

-- The TV stand was made of solid wood.

shelter [ˋʃɛltɚ] 庇護所

-- In the storm, I took shelter under the tree.


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