Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學 網站http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw
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目前分類:英文教學團隊 (46)

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美國老師 Ken

2013/03/15 02:53

老 師 : Ken

國 籍 : 美國

英文教學資歷: 17年

擅 長 : 大兒童/青少年全民英檢, 及成人生活會話. 商用英文. 新聞時事討論

  • Business English, ESL, Oral English, Curriculum Development
  • Adult, university, high school, and middle school learners
  • Awards for outstanding teaching excellence
  • Lifetime of travel, residence and teaching in 22 countries
  • Languages: Mandarin (fair), Spanish (good), Portuguese (good)


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澳洲老師 Michael

2013/03/09 12:34

國 籍 : 澳洲

學 歷 : University of South Astralia, 主修 - 文學 Arts

教 學 年 資 : 12年

擅 長 : 大兒童/青少年全民英檢, 及成人生活會話, 口語及聽力訓練, 商用英文及新聞時事討論


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美國老師 De'Ashia

2013/01/26 00:04


A love for students and education expressed through teaching and mentoring. A positive female role model. Diplomatic and tactful with students, families, peers, professionals, and non professionals. Accustomed to handling sensitive and overwhelming situations. Enthusiastic for opportunities to share my talent in skills with others, including the youth.

         : De'Ashia

        : 美國女老師

教學經驗 : 7

擅長課程 : 生活會話/ 全民英檢商用英文

         : 英文(母語), 中文(普通)

        : Charleston Southern University  - Charleston, South Carolina, USA 

                    Awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration

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英國老師 - N. Cook

2013/01/25 23:08

English Tutor : N. Cook

國      籍 : 英國籍男老師

擅      長 : 生活會話, 商用英文, 新聞時事/文章討論 尤其電子科技產業

教學經驗 : 8

其它工作經驗 : 工程師, 經營公司

學      歷 :  College, TEFL國際英語教學證照

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May 中籍老師 (主修英語教育, 留學美國碩士)

2012/06/06 21:43

English Tutor : May

國      籍 : 中籍老師

擅      長 : 生活會話, 商用英文, 旅遊英文, 口語及聽力訓練, 文法解析

教學經驗 : 線上教學經驗5年, 目前亦任教於當地學校

學      歷 :  大學主修英語教育, 及應用心理學碩士學位, 並且留學美國舊金山Olivet大學的教育學碩士學位, 具有合格教師資格證照.

如有興趣該課程, 請連繫Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文學習


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Cris - US Tutor

2012/04/26 02:21

English Tutor : Cris

國      籍 : 美國籍女老師

擅      長 : 生活會話, 商用英文, 新聞時事/文章討論

教學經驗 : 12

學      歷 :  Arts, Seattle University,  Seattle, WA 

目前任教於 Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文家教


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Allisson - UK Tutor

2012/04/26 00:14

English Tutor : Allisson

國  籍 : 英國籍女老師

擅  長 : 生活會話, 商用英文, 新聞時事/文章討論

教學經驗 : 15

學  歷 : 

                            Sir John Leman High School, Beccles, Suffolk                              

                            Lancaster University, Lancaster                           

                            Waveney Secretarial School, Beccles, Suffolk  

                            St Giles College, London                                        

擅長多國外語 :

                                    English (mother tongue)

                           French (fluent)


                           Chinese Mandarin (conversational)




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Momo 老師 (留學澳洲, 目前居住西班牙)

2012/04/13 01:12

English Tutor : Momo

國  籍 : 中籍老師

擅  長 : 生活會話, 商用英文, 新聞時事

線上教學經驗 : 3年

學  歷 : 大學主修英文, 留學澳洲悉尼大學文學院, 主修電影學, 留學德國不來梅應用科技大學, 主修國際關係等雙碩士, 目前居住西班牙, 進修博士.

擅長多國外語 : 英文通過BEC劍穚商務英文檢定 - 高級程度, 且精通德語, 法語, 西班牙語.

工作經驗 : 除了英文教學, 及教老外中文外, 並運作所學, 為德國"明星"雜誌編輯製作網路3-5分鐘短篇Video十餘部.

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JoJo - English Tutor (留學英, 法, 瑞典, 碩士)

2011/07/21 20:00

Jojo - English Teacher

國籍 - 中籍老師

擅長 - 生活會話, 旅遊英文, 商用英文, 文法寫作

教學經驗 - 線上英文教學經驗4年

學歷 - 碩士, 英國, 瑞典, 法國

09.2008--06.2009        Course de Civilisation française,  Institut Parisien , France

09.2006--06.2008        Master course in Gender Studies, Lund University , Sweden

09.2003--06.2006        Bachelor degree in Development Studies. University of East Anglia , UK

09.2002--06.2003        GCE A-Level  Black’s Academy, Jersey , UK



現行任教 Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學            


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Lily - English Teacher (留學澳洲, 碩士)

2011/07/19 21:07

English Tutor : Lily Wu

國籍 : 中籍老師

擅長 : 生活會話, 商用英文

線上教學經驗 : 1年

學歷 : 碩士, 留學澳洲

·Master of Professional Accounting

    University of New South Wales, Australia   

    Achievements: 1. Australian CPA Courses

                                2. Gained essential business knowledge

                                3. Experienced business team work

                                4. Obtained international business view/awareness


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Cathy - English Teacher (留學美國, 碩士)

2011/07/19 20:37

English Tutor :Cathy

國籍 : 中籍老師

擅長 : 生活會話, 商用英文, 新聞時事

線上教學經驗 : 2年

學歷 : 碩士, 留學美國

The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA  2007   Master of Science in Engineering, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Thesis title: Optimization and Characterization of Transparent Oxide Layers for CIGS Solar Cells Fabrication


現行任教 : Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學



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Australian English Tutor

2011/01/14 18:59

Margo Ray

Nationality : Australian




I would like to help students with English language.I am the mother of four adult children including twins and the eldest of eleven children in my family.I am very interested in people and have a caring, patient nature and TESOL.



Post Graduate Palliative care and Aged care nursing certificates from Newcaslte University.NSW.2000-2001

General and Midwifery nursing certificates /diplomas from Mater Hospital North Sydney

NB -Matriculated to University and gained a teachers scholarship

Computer 1 course TAFE Sydney NSW 2008

TESOL - ATA Australia -2008-2009

ELECTIVES- English Tutoring for Kids and Adults/  Medical English /


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James - US tutor

2011/01/14 18:33

Tracey James Smith

Nationality: American




Teaching Experience

Clifton Park High School, Clifton Park, CA

September 2001- 2004

Developed and implemented daily and unit lesson plans for 9th grade, administered tests and evaluations, and analyzed student performance.

   --Conducted group/individual reading, math and science activities.

   --Fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning and promoting excellent  student/teacher interaction.

   --Participated in faculty and parent conferences.



Michelin College, Saratoga Springs, CA
May 1998
Bachelor of Science in Education

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John -- American Tutor

2010/10/16 14:36

Name : John L. Jackson

Nationality : US

Objective :

To work in a professional overseas environment that allows me to use my English skills and educational experience to help students improve English.

Education :

Associate of Arts Degree -- Creston , Iowa Community

B.S. In Education -- University of Maryville , Maryville , Mo.

M.S. In Education Administration -- University of Maryville , Maryville , Mo.

目前正任教於Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學, 深受國小四~六年級, 國中及高中生學員喜愛及信任, 教學有系統, 對課程規劃, 按步就班, 非常適合兒童, 青少年等在學學生, 從初中級程度開始, 建立起聽.說.讀.寫各項平均的能力. 尤以全民英檢課程最受歡迎.


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Jamie- British teacher from the UK

2010/06/19 15:30

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Neil -- UK English tutor

2010/04/21 19:12

Profile __________________________________________

Motivated, personable professional TEFL qualified teacher with 5 years experience of Teaching English and 8 years of working for the newspaper industry in England . Reliable and enthusiastic attitude, rising to any new challenge presented.

Flexible and versatile with a good sense of humor and the ability to work well under pressure.

Professional Experience ___________________________________________________

University English Teacher

u        Oral English teacher to freshman and second year English majors.

u        Reliable and active participant in extracurricular School related activities

u        Hebei Foreign Expert Bureau certified

High School English Teacher

u        English teacher to Junior High School students at the top Middle school. Teaching Children aged 13 to 14.

u        Responsible for devising and structuring periodical oral examinations. Based on the school’s curriculum.

Education ______________________________________________________________

Mid Cheshire College –  Cheshire , CW8 1LJ England

Amersham College –  Buckinghamshire , HP7 9HN England


Neil 老師目前任教於Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學 


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2010/04/17 15:46


中籍全職英文老師, 留學加拿大及新加坡, 擅長生活會話及商用英文課程,

教學認真, 態度親切, 線上教學經驗三年, 已引導多位學員克服口說英語的心理障礙, 

且有多位學員, 已通過全民英檢中級老試,



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2010/01/30 03:23

Name : Stormy

Nationality: USA

Had over 10 years of work experience from the US, mostly clerical and customer service

Holding a Bachelor's degree in business management, and TESOL Certificate

Having a friendly and energetic personality


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2010/01/30 03:13

Name:  Frederick Otto
Nationality: American

Master Degree in English Literature in 2002 from Cambridge International College
TEFL Diploma from Scotland-UK

Taught English in Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College for 2006/2007 academic year Currently teaching English in Qingdao University since 2007

Often teach Business English and companies staff 

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2010/01/30 02:47

Name : Rosy

Nationality : USA

Educational background:

2004-2008             Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

Providence RI , USA



Born in England

Lived in Scotland , Canada (American, Canadian, and Bangladeshi Citizen)

Visited- Japan , China, France, Germany , Netherlands , Australia , Bangladesh , Belgium , UAE

Languages- English, Bengali, familiar with Japanese language and culture, familiar with Spanish


Working experience:

Online English tutor for 3 years

Tutored adults and children oral English

Supervised students’ development and improvement

Encouraged students to speak out and participate in conversations


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