This buffalo is being chased by a pride of lions.

He quickly runs into the water to escape them.

But suddenly a crocodile tries to attack him.

He needs to escape the crocodile but the lions are still waiting on shore.

The buffalo's trying to defend himself but the lions have him surrounded and he needs backup.

He has nowhere else to run until the buffalo's herd comes charging at the lions to protect him.

All of the lions run off and the buffalo is finally safe.


單字註解 :

chase [tʃes]  : 追趕

a pride [praɪd] of : 一群 

escape [əˋskep]  : 脫逃

attack [əˋtæk]  : 攻擊

on shore [ʃɔr] : 在岸上

defend [dɪˋfɛnd]  : 防守

surround [səˋraʊnd] : 包圍

backup [ˋbæk͵ʌp] : 後備支援

buffalo's herd [hɝd] : 水牛群 

charge at : 猛攻

run off : 逃離


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