[2018/4/13 下午 10:00:37] Alice Lee: The headset was not working because I plugged it in the wrong place.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:01:02] OurABConline: Your microphone was plugged in the wrong point.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:02:25] OurABConline: I had a sore tummy.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:02:35] OurABConline: I had a sore stomach.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:03:45] OurABConline: I had diarrhea.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:04:16] OurABConline: I suffered from diarrhea.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:05:04] OurABConline: If you have diarrhea, a lot of liquid feces comes out of your body because you are ill.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:05:33] OurABConline: = I had loose bowels.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:05:52] OurABConline: = I had running bowels.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:06:29] OurABConline: L/S/G
[2018/4/13 下午 10:06:45] OurABConline: liquid
[2018/4/13 下午 10:06:48] OurABConline: solid
[2018/4/13 下午 10:06:55] OurABConline: gas
[2018/4/13 下午 10:07:38] Alice Lee: I was awake all night.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:09:08] OurABConline: He cut his finger by accident/accidently.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:10:20] OurABConline: He needed to run it in water.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:11:45] Alice Lee: rush to run it in water
[2018/4/13 下午 10:11:49] OurABConline: He needed to rush to run it under water.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:13:21] OurABConline: prepare for something
[2018/4/13 下午 10:13:25] OurABConline: prepare something
[2018/4/13 下午 10:13:56] Alice Lee: I am preparing the exam.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:14:28] OurABConline: I am preparing for the presentation.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:16:03] OurABConline: be prepared for something
[2018/4/13 下午 10:16:12] OurABConline: be ready for
[2018/4/13 下午 10:17:26] Alice Lee: be prepared for = be ready for
[2018/4/13 下午 10:20:51] OurABConline: The chance is slim
[2018/4/13 下午 10:22:37] OurABConline: sink
[2018/4/13 下午 10:23:44] OurABConline: The chance of success is slim.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:24:08] OurABConline: = The chance of success is small.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:25:31] OurABConline: It’s no way. = It’s fat chance. = No way. = Fat chance.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:27:19] Alice Lee: The chance of passing her final exam is great.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:28:01] OurABConline: To him, it's a long shot to pass the final exam because he didn't prepare for it in advance/before hand.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:30:32] OurABConline: the comprehension of math and language
[2018/4/13 下午 10:30:48] OurABConline: reading comprehension
[2018/4/13 下午 10:31:07] OurABConline: comprehend (vt.)
[2018/4/13 下午 10:31:45] OurABConline: Human beings do not yet comprehend the universe.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:33:13] Alice Lee: It’s difficult for children to comprehend a long text.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:33:34] OurABConline: understand
[2018/4/13 下午 10:33:46] OurABConline: pronunciation
[2018/4/13 下午 10:35:02] OurABConline: reputation
[2018/4/13 下午 10:35:47] OurABConline: He has a good reputation as a doctor.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:36:11] OurABConline: competition
[2018/4/13 下午 10:37:08] OurABConline: He is going to enter a boxing competition in September this year.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:38:01] OurABConline: I ever took part in a tennis competition when I studied in college.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:38:15] Alice Lee: enter = take part in
[2018/4/13 下午 10:39:48] OurABConline: There will be 20 competitors in the boxing competition.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:41:03] OurABConline: There are nearly 250 players entering the competition.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:43:24] Alice Lee: There are nearly 250 players taking part in the competition.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:45:19] OurABConline: The firm has to fight off a lot of competition to win the contract.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:46:06] OurABConline: compete (vt.)
[2018/4/13 下午 10:47:12] OurABConline: He can compete with/against a French competitor who won the championship last year.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:48:35] OurABConline: challenger
[2018/4/13 下午 10:49:08] Alice Lee: The challenger and the champion will meet next week.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:50:04] OurABConline: competitive (adj.)
[2018/4/13 下午 10:52:41] OurABConline: The competitors sell the similar goods, but the prices and quality of our products are more competitive.
[2018/4/13 下午 10:54:17] OurABConline: How can you maintain strong competitive advantage?
[2018/4/13 下午 10:56:31] OurABConline: give their employees a budget
[2018/4/13 下午 10:57:09] OurABConline: provide with
[2018/4/13 下午 10:59:28] Alice Lee: The company provides their employees with a budget.
[2018/4/13 下午 11:01:03] OurABConline: See you next Tuesday at 10pm.
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