Dialogue - Visiting A Factory

2011/04/16 13:38

Dialogue 3


A: How large is the plant?

B: It covers an area of 75,000 square meters.

A: It’s much larger than I expected. When was the plant set up?

B: In the early 70s. We’ll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary.

A: Congratulations!

B: Thank you.

A: How many employees do you have in this plant?

B: 500. We’re running on three shifts.

A: Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product?

B: Our associates specializing in these fields make some accessories. Well, here we’re at the production shop. Shall we start with the assembly line?

A: That’s fine.


[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:00:20] Tutor.Jackylin: hi

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:00:26] Tutor.Jackylin: Good morning

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:01:33] Tutor.Jackylin: Are you there?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:02:18] *** Tutor.Jackylin 通話 ***

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:03:00] Tutor.Jackylin: Did you have brunch yet?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:03:22] Tutor.Jackylin: Would you like to drop the topic?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:08:41] Tutor.Jackylin: company, firm, corporation

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:08:44] Tutor.Jackylin: factory=plant

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:08:50] Tutor.Jackylin: mill

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:10:03] Amy: mill小的工廠, 輕工業

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:12:08] Tutor.Jackylin: tofu

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:12:10] Tutor.Jackylin: mill

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:12:26] Amy: My uncle is running a tofu mill.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:13:44] Amy: I am working in a tofu mill.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:14:19] Amy: much larger than I expected

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:14:34] Amy: much bigger than I expected.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:14:56] Tutor.Jackylin: image

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:14:59] Tutor.Jackylin: imagine

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:15:05] Amy: than I imagined

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:15:54] Amy: That factory is larger/bigger than I expected/imagined.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:16:32] Amy: When was the plant set up?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:16:38] Amy: set up the tent

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:16:42] Tutor.Jackylin: found

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:17:02] Amy: found 建立 (found/founed/founed)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:17:12] Tutor.Jackylin: be founded

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:17:23] Amy: When was the plant founded?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:17:43] Amy: When was the plant established?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:18:36] Amy: In the early 70s.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:19:14] Amy: In the late 70s

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:19:51] Amy: She was a super star in the 70s.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:20:46] Amy: during the 70s

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:21:15] Tutor.Jackylin: in 1970

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:22:30] Amy: Well soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:23:21] Tutor.Jackylin: wedding

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:23:52] Amy: My husband and I will be celebrating the 15th (wedding) anniversary this Sunday.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:24:34] Tutor.Jackylin: at the age of 22

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:25:48] Amy: celebrating the thanksgiving

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:26:35] Amy: How many employees do you have in this plant?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:26:49] Tutor.Jackylin: hands wanted

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:26:53] Amy: How many workers

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:27:04] Amy: How many hands do you have in this plant?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:27:44] Amy: day shift

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:27:48] Amy: night shift

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:28:09] Amy: we are running on three shifts.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:28:24] Tutor.Jackylin: work on the day shift

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:28:59] Tutor.Jackylin: be on duty

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:29:12] Amy: I will be on duty tonight. (值夜班)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:30:52] Amy: I am on (the) night duty. (值夜班)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:31:52] Amy: I am on (the) night shift. (輪夜班)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:33:29] Tutor.Jackylin: raw

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:33:53] Tutor.Jackylin: row

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:34:17] Amy: raw未加工的(adj.)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:34:43] Amy: row, 划船, 吵架 (noun, vb.)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:34:55] Tutor.Jackylin: I have a row /rau/ with my boss.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:35:33] Tutor.Jackylin: quarrel

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:35:35] Tutor.Jackylin: fight

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:37:09] Amy: raw material >< finished product

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:38:29] Amy: accessories 配件

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:39:19] Amy: assembly line 組裝線

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:39:28] Tutor.Jackylin: assemble vb.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:40:27] Tutor.Jackylin: PC

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:40:29] Amy: My husband is good at assembling the computer.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:42:19] Tutor.Jackylin: ABC is a computer-assembling company.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:44:51] Amy: This production line is in charge of assembling computers.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:45:54] Amy:

1. label - tag 的差別及相同處

2. mild - warm 的差別及相同處

3. Could you fill the prescription for me ? fill在這, 怎解釋?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:46:44] Tutor.Jackylin: manual

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:46:46] Tutor.Jackylin: instruction

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:47:19] Tutor.Jackylin: label- an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:48:26] Tutor.Jackylin: tag- a small piece of cloth or paper

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:48:54] Tutor.Jackylin: price tag

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:50:42] Tutor.Jackylin: wild

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:50:44] Tutor.Jackylin: mild

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:52:47] Amy: she is a wild person.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:52:58] Amy: 狂野

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:53:46] Amy: open-minded

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:53:50] Tutor.Jackylin: narrow-minded

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:54:23] Amy: mild 溫和, 清淡 (不只指溫度”)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:54:50] Amy: The coffee is mild.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:55:01] Amy: The coffee is strong.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:55:09] Amy: The food is mild.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:55:18] Amy: The food is spicy.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:55:42] Amy: The tea a mild.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:55:45] Amy: The tea is strong.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:55:59] Amy: The weather is mild. 溫和的 (風和日曬)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:57:23] Amy: The weather is warm. 溫暖的 (指氣溫)

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:57:36] Tutor.Jackylin: He is a warm person.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:57:56] Tutor.Jackylin: Could you fill the prescription for me?

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:58:11] Amy: fill....

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:58:15] Tutor.Jackylin: fill in

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:58:17] Tutor.Jackylin: fill out

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:58:18] Amy: 填寫

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:59:29] Tutor.Jackylin: Please fill me in about it.

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:59:51] Amy: 請告訴我關於…..

[ 2011/4/11 下午 10:59:59] Tutor.Jackylin: to fill a doctor's prescription; to fill the order….

[ 2011/4/11 下午 11:00:33] Amy: (按藥方)配,(按定貨等)供應

[ 2011/4/11 下午 11:00:43] Tutor.Jackylin: to fill all requirements

[ 2011/4/11 下午 11:00:58] Amy: 滿足(需要、要求等)



以上感謝Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文家教 學員Amy Huang分享上課筆記


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