我從事業務工作, 時常需要和國外客戶連繫, 不管是視訊還是電話都需要使用英文溝通, 以後還可能需要到國外出差. 目前收發英文email也是例行事項, 所以我下班後到補習班和自修英文很多年了, 聽說能力普普通通, 但仍時常遇到詞不達意, 很卡的時候, 甚至還會有需要猜想對方意思的情形發生. 實在影響了我的工作表現. 

因此, 今年過年之前, 開始試聽線上英文教學的課程, 最後我選擇了這間Our ABC Online, 因為遇到了真正喜歡和適合的老師, 他在我講英文的同時, 會快速地把我講的句字連同更正的地方全部都完整地打字下來, 讓我講完後看一遍自己的句子和被更正的地方. 著實學到了新的更貼切的表達單字和方式. 除了教學經驗老道, 老師還很熱情有趣, 好像認識很久的朋友, 上課時間60分鐘感覺過的很快, 在歡愉的氣氛中學英文, 可算是我工作壓力之下的娛樂兼進修, 很期盼下次上課的到來.    

以下是我在March,06, 2020 的上課記錄, 給予學校公開貼文, 特此感謝Our ABC Online的安排. 讓我英文有持續明顯地進步.  


Online Tutor,下午 08:59

Hi, Cathy. Please, be ready for our class.


Cathy,下午 09:00

Pls call me again 1 小時 5 分鐘 7


Online Tutor,下午 09:03

I stayed home for the whole day. I have lost 3 kilograms because tomorrow, I will join a party. I need to wear a small-sized dress so I went on a diet. Most of the time, I danced along with the music. But, sometimes I invited my husband to join me. Right now, he is jogging because he also wants to lose weight. He has gotten used to jogging every night around 9 to 10 pm. He always teased me because I have become too fat. It was gradual so I didn't realize I was getting that big. I tried the skirt every night to no avail, but, I made it last night. I could actually fit in. Today, I danced for an hour hoping that I would not rip it when I wear it.


Online Tutor,下午 09:06

Broke is for glass or heart. That is why we say my heart is broken. Or my eyeglasses are broken.


Online Tutor,下午 09:07

I ripped my dress. rip vs. reap (ript= ripped)


Online Tutor,下午 09:10

Sorry, we will have to part (goodbye). Departure means goodbye. My departure is at 7:45. I need to board two hours before. My bus will depart at 7:45. (duh PART chir = departure)


Cathy,下午 09:20

My ferry departs at 7:45.


Online Tutor,下午 09:22

What is your departure time? When do you depart?


Online Tutor,下午 09:25

What kind or what type of document do you have?

passport document, paper or document

business visa, study visa, travel visa and a passport

They are all documents. What kind of documents do you have? I have a passport and a business visa.


Online Tutor,下午 09:30

issue = to give

Where was the paper issued or given?

released a new album

released = issued (ruh LEEST = released)


Online Tutor,下午 09:35

I have read a new magazine. I have read a new issue of the magazine.

The new magazine has been issued.

has been issued = has been released


Cathy,下午 09:41

reply response


Online Tutor,下午 09:41

(ruh PLAI =reply)

(ruhs PONS = response)

(REE yu LAIZT = realized)

(redo = do again)

(ruh VYU = reviewruh)

(ruh MEM bur = remember)

(ruh LEEST = released)


Online Tutor,下午 09:49

He has been released from prison.


Online Tutor,下午 09:50

/bIn/ =been


Online Tutor,下午 09:51

been vs. bean


Online Tutor,下午 09:52

I've been to Georgia and California anywhere I could run. I've been to paradise but I've never been to me.


Online Tutor,下午 09:56

They are popular in the seventies.


Cathy,下午 09:51

In the 70s


Online Tutor,下午 09:56

Madonna is popular in the eighties. Jackson was very popular. Have you ever been to the USA? I've been to the USA twice. Have you been in love?

I love green beans.


Online Tutor,下午 10:00

Have you ever been to the UK? No, I've never been to the UK. I am not interested. It frequently rains. The air is humid. I don't like the humidity. They are only known for the Town Hall and the London Bridge.


Online Tutor,下午 10:03

I feel happy that you know how to pronounce the short I and the long ee because it means a lot to me as your teacher.




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