Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學 網站http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw
想說一口流利的英語嗎? 須線上英文一對一家教嗎? 要線上學英文嗎? 請參閱我們網站 歡迎申請免費試上課哦~~

目前分類:學員上課心得/筆記分享 (21)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

我叫Eve. 之前是個上班族, 隨著兩個孩子漸漸長大, 我現在是個家庭主婦, 平常整理家務之外, 興趣就是學英文. 今年因為肺炎疫情的關係, 開始在Our ABC Online線上學習英文, 訓練口說和聽力, 我不想感到學習的壓力, 所以, 希望老師用free talk的方式, 引導我多講多聽, 很幸運我遇到這位老師可以順著話題和前面的語意, 聯想出我正在表達的意思, 提示我單字和糾正我的句子, 無論講對講錯都會打字下來給我, 讓我表達越來越完整, 學的很紮實. 

從好幾年前, 我就一直利用本身的英文能力, 陪伴及教導我的孩子學校和補習班的英文科目, 除了英文作業和考試, 我也將英文融入他們日常生活對話當中, 即使不是生活在國外, 也盡量給他們一個中文和英文雙語的生活環境. 

這次的上課內容, 是討論健康和教育的主題, 還提到了一點現今的防疫情形. 如果你們也有英文學習的需要, 推薦這一間線上英文教學, 我的先生在他們這裡學商用英文(要再考多益), 我大女兒在這裡上雅思課(未來打算去英國讀書), 他們也很習慣和喜歡. 分享個人經驗給你們, 可以去試讀看看, 反正是免費的, 有喜歡再購買課程, 希望你們也能夠有所收獲.  

(以下為Eve學員2020/8/20 的上課內容和中文筆記, 感謝分享~~ )

OurABCtutor,下午 08:00 Hi Eve, How are you doing today?


to take more medicine

side effects


effect of the medicine

consumed or used up all (consume吃光/耗盡)

took all the pills

delivered not yet


prescription medicine from the doctor has not arrived yet

What is prescription?

It is the paper from the doctor

Doctors prescribe medicine.

5 pills of ____

2 mg of ____

Aspirin can only make me feel more comfortable.

When I inhale cold air, I have a stuffy/blocked/congested nose soon.

My left face feels sore.

temperature allergy (allergy 過敏症)

allergic reaction to change or abrupt change of temperature (abrupt 突然的)

When the air becomes suddenly humid, something in the air makes my nose uncomfortable.

rhinitis (rhinitis鼻炎)

allergic rhinitis

pollen (pollen 花粉)

My mind was not clear.

Were you also taking medicine at that time?

I had to take medicine every after meal.

narcotic side effects like drowsiness and others (narcotic 麻醉劑/鎮靜劑)(drowsiness 睡意)

tinnitus (tinnitus耳鳴)

traditional Chinese medicine he prescribed

I just took the medicine he prescribed for almost 12 days.

tiny needles = acupuncture (acupuncture針灸)

It worked for 2.5 years.

His nose allergy was gone and he felt better for 2.5 years.

doctor who practiced western medicine

entrance exam for high school

I feel more pressured.


with calm down

If I am angry with her, it is not good for my health and my ear problem will get worse.

So, I changed the way to communicate with her.

I asked my husband to help me explain things to her. Like recently, I didn't know why my daughter had money to buy things. I and my husband would only give her money for lunch.

She went roller skating/blading. (roller skate 四輪溜冰) (roller blade 溜直排輪)


Eve,下午 08:24 rolling shoes


OurABCtutor,下午 08:24 Did you check her computer activity?

husband and wife criminals (criminal 罪犯)

They pretend to be young but they are sexual predators. (predator 捕食者)

graphic pictures (graphic 圖樣的)

You blocked him.


Eve,下午 08:34 cooking food games


OurABCtutor,下午 08:36 It’s highly suspicious for a 18-year old girl to make money without your noticing (suspicious 懷疑的)

the source

cliques (cliques 派系/小集團)

I cannot manage my time.


Eve,下午 08:38 bad scores/poor scores

lay them there


OurABCtutor,下午 08:43 leave it there

delivery boy



A few people who got out of Taiwan tested positive in the rapid test for NCOV 19.


social distancing

1.5 meters

If they speak with the mask on, I couldn't hear them clearly.

speak softly

ups and downs

bad hair days = those days with bad luck


Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學


Our ABC Online 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我從事業務工作, 時常需要和國外客戶連繫, 不管是視訊還是電話都需要使用英文溝通, 以後還可能需要到國外出差. 目前收發英文email也是例行事項, 所以我下班後到補習班和自修英文很多年了, 聽說能力普普通通, 但仍時常遇到詞不達意, 很卡的時候, 甚至還會有需要猜想對方意思的情形發生. 實在影響了我的工作表現. 

因此, 今年過年之前, 開始試聽線上英文教學的課程, 最後我選擇了這間Our ABC Online, 因為遇到了真正喜歡和適合的老師, 他在我講英文的同時, 會快速地把我講的句字連同更正的地方全部都完整地打字下來, 讓我講完後看一遍自己的句子和被更正的地方. 著實學到了新的更貼切的表達單字和方式. 除了教學經驗老道, 老師還很熱情有趣, 好像認識很久的朋友, 上課時間60分鐘感覺過的很快, 在歡愉的氣氛中學英文, 可算是我工作壓力之下的娛樂兼進修, 很期盼下次上課的到來.    

以下是我在March,06, 2020 的上課記錄, 給予學校公開貼文, 特此感謝Our ABC Online的安排. 讓我英文有持續明顯地進步.  


Online Tutor,下午 08:59

Hi, Cathy. Please, be ready for our class.


Cathy,下午 09:00

Pls call me again 1 小時 5 分鐘 7


Online Tutor,下午 09:03

I stayed home for the whole day. I have lost 3 kilograms because tomorrow, I will join a party. I need to wear a small-sized dress so I went on a diet. Most of the time, I danced along with the music. But, sometimes I invited my husband to join me. Right now, he is jogging because he also wants to lose weight. He has gotten used to jogging every night around 9 to 10 pm. He always teased me because I have become too fat. It was gradual so I didn't realize I was getting that big. I tried the skirt every night to no avail, but, I made it last night. I could actually fit in. Today, I danced for an hour hoping that I would not rip it when I wear it.


Online Tutor,下午 09:06

Broke is for glass or heart. That is why we say my heart is broken. Or my eyeglasses are broken.


Online Tutor,下午 09:07

I ripped my dress. rip vs. reap (ript= ripped)


Online Tutor,下午 09:10

Sorry, we will have to part (goodbye). Departure means goodbye. My departure is at 7:45. I need to board two hours before. My bus will depart at 7:45. (duh PART chir = departure)


Cathy,下午 09:20

My ferry departs at 7:45.


Online Tutor,下午 09:22

What is your departure time? When do you depart?


Online Tutor,下午 09:25

What kind or what type of document do you have?

passport document, paper or document

business visa, study visa, travel visa and a passport

They are all documents. What kind of documents do you have? I have a passport and a business visa.


Online Tutor,下午 09:30

issue = to give

Where was the paper issued or given?

released a new album

released = issued (ruh LEEST = released)


Online Tutor,下午 09:35

I have read a new magazine. I have read a new issue of the magazine.

The new magazine has been issued.

has been issued = has been released


Cathy,下午 09:41

reply response


Online Tutor,下午 09:41

(ruh PLAI =reply)

(ruhs PONS = response)

(REE yu LAIZT = realized)

(redo = do again)

(ruh VYU = reviewruh)

(ruh MEM bur = remember)

(ruh LEEST = released)


Online Tutor,下午 09:49

He has been released from prison.


Online Tutor,下午 09:50

/bIn/ =been


Online Tutor,下午 09:51

been vs. bean


Online Tutor,下午 09:52

I've been to Georgia and California anywhere I could run. I've been to paradise but I've never been to me.


Online Tutor,下午 09:56

They are popular in the seventies.


Cathy,下午 09:51

In the 70s


Online Tutor,下午 09:56

Madonna is popular in the eighties. Jackson was very popular. Have you ever been to the USA? I've been to the USA twice. Have you been in love?

I love green beans.


Online Tutor,下午 10:00

Have you ever been to the UK? No, I've never been to the UK. I am not interested. It frequently rains. The air is humid. I don't like the humidity. They are only known for the Town Hall and the London Bridge.


Online Tutor,下午 10:03

I feel happy that you know how to pronounce the short I and the long ee because it means a lot to me as your teacher.




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Selena,下午 09:59

Hi Ms. Rad


ph,下午 10:00

Hi Selena


ph,下午 10:06

1. Hobbies

Everybody has hobbies, and everybody loves talking about them. Hobbies could be passions too, you know. Some simple questions to ask include:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • Why do you like your hobbies so much?
  • How often do you do these hobbies?
  • How long have you been doing these hobbies, and how did you get started?
  • What hobbies did you used to have, but now do not?
  • Is it important to have hobbies? Why/why not?


ph,下午 10:08

Side effect


ph,下午 10:08



ph,下午 10:12

Kilo gram


ph,下午 10:13

I gain weight 2 more kilo grams


Selena,下午 10:14

lose weight


ph,下午 10:15



ph,下午 10:16



ph,下午 10:18



Selena,下午 10:21

My first hobbit is watching music video, especially 80's and 90's English songs.


Selena,下午 10:24

Roxette's concert is the only one I ever attended to.


Selena,下午 10:24

My legs were aching.


Selena,下午 10:26

main singer


ph,下午 10:26



ph,下午 10:26

Or lead singer


ph,下午 10:28

Brain tumor


ph,下午 10:29

So is she a cancer free now?


ph,下午 10:30

Her face is deformed


ph,下午 10:33



ph,下午 10:34



ph,下午 10:34



ph,下午 10:35

Hollywood Actors

Hollywood Celebrities


ph,下午 10:36

Plastic surgery


ph,下午 10:37

We can still recognized them


Selena,下午 10:44

What's the meaning of the songs?


Selena,下午 10:44

I can know what the meaning of the songs is


ph,下午 10:46

To be honest


ph,下午 10:46



ph,下午 10:47

Icing cake


ph,下午 10:47



ph,下午 10:48

To view this shared photo, go to: https://login.skype.com/login/sso?go=xmmfallback?pic=0-ea-d6-68bc8356ccadf1c97d2e64c59d8ad6e0


ph,下午 10:49

Chocolate cake


ph,下午 10:49



ph,下午 10:50



ph,下午 10:50



ph,下午 10:53

Do social media


ph,下午 10:55

Surfing Facebook

Searching Facebook

Checking Facebook


Selena,下午 10:57

When my arm is sore, I’ll stop surfing online and go to the refrigerator to find something to eat.


ph,下午 10:59




ph,下午 11:00

It’s not good for your health to eat too much Junk food.


以上, 感謝OurABConline學員Selena Lu分享上課實錄


Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學官網 連結


Our ABC Online 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[2018/7/9 下午 10:00:15] OurABC: hi

[2018/7/9 下午 10:00:57] OurABC: Just message when you are ready.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:01:06] ** 來自 OurABC 的來電。 **

[2018/7/9 下午 10:01:52] OurABC: energetic

[2018/7/9 下午 10:05:56] OurABC: bug

[2018/7/9 下午 10:06:45] OurABC: itchy

[2018/7/9 下午 10:07:41] OurABC: Lysol

[2018/7/9 下午 10:07:49] OurABC: tick

[2018/7/9 下午 10:08:12] OurABC: https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Ticks-Around-Your-Home

[2018/7/9 下午 10:11:21] OurABC: red spots

[2018/7/9 下午 10:15:07] OurABC: Part 1 Removing Ticks Indoors

De-clutter your home. Although ticks are found outdoors….

Wash dirty clothes in hot water....

Clean your house thoroughly....

Dust your home with pesticide....

Treat indoor pets.....

Call an exterminator….

[2018/7/9 下午 10:18:22] OurABC: clean the house

[2018/7/9 下午 10:19:11] OurABC: clean the house thoroughly with the husband helping

[2018/7/9 下午 10:20:49] OurABC: powder

[2018/7/9 下午 10:21:59] OurABC: spray

[2018/7/9 下午 10:22:41] OurABC: I clean the house with soap and water

[2018/7/9 下午 10:23:10] OurABC: and dust it with powder detergent

[2018/7/9 下午 10:25:21] OurABC: pesticide ---- ‘pɛstɪ͵saɪd

[2018/7/9 下午 10:26:04] OurABC: sprinkle

[2018/7/9 下午 10:27:33] OurABC: spray

[2018/7/9 下午 10:30:26] OurABC: exterminator --- ɪkˋstɝmə͵netɚ

[2018/7/9 下午 10:34:22] OurABC: put alcohol

[2018/7/9 下午 10:34:31] OurABC: first

[2018/7/9 下午 10:37:16] OurABC: then lather a lotion after to prevent skin from drying

[2018/7/9 下午 10:38:55] OurABC: smooth

[2018/7/9 下午 10:39:12] OurABC: our skin is smooth

[2018/7/9 下午 10:39:21] OurABC: you have a smooth skin

[2018/7/9 下午 10:40:07] Jessie: my hair is smooth and shiny

[2018/7/9 下午 10:42:28] Jessie: I like to take selfies.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:45:53] OurABC: in the past, I didn't have beautiful profile pictures, but with the new IOS application I can make many beautiful pictures.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:47:56] OurABC: What age does it looks like?

[2018/7/9 下午 10:48:52] OurABC: How old do you think I look like?

[2018/7/9 下午 10:49:21] OurABC: you can put “at” at the start of the sentence

[2018/7/9 下午 10:50:34] Jessie: At what age do I look like in the picture?

[2018/7/9 下午 10:53:11] OurABC: Please come and see this.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:54:32] OurABC: I’m coming to see you.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:54:58] OurABC: I’m going to you and see you.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:55:47] OurABC: There is an intention to come and see you.

[2018/7/9 下午 10:58:19] Jessie: =intent

[2018/7/9 下午 10:59:30] OurABC: intend --- is planning

[2018/7/9 下午 10:59:55] OurABC: I intend to see you.

以上, 感謝線上英文教學 學員Jessie Yen分享上課記錄

有興趣了解課程內容, 請加Skype:service_jean或者Line:ourabc168

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Our ABC Online 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[2018/2/27 下午 09:00:13] Our ABC: Hi Peter, shall we start now?

[2018/2/27 下午 09:00:22] *** Our ABC 來電 ***

[2018/2/27 下午 09:03:25] Peter: She’s going to take the exam in May this year

[2018/2/27 下午 09:06:12] Our ABC: exhausted

[2018/2/27 下午 09:06:31] Our ABC: stressful

[2018/2/27 下午 09:08:11] Our ABC: low spirit

[2018/2/27 下午 09:08:30] Our ABC: high spirit

[2018/2/27 下午 09:09:16] Our ABC: the following day

[2018/2/27 下午 09:09:21] Peter: I am worried that she might get low spirit for the following day's classes.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:10:24] Our ABC: get no energy

[2018/2/27 下午 09:11:17] Peter: have a little energy

[2018/2/27 下午 09:12:05] Our ABC: Don't be bothered

[2018/2/27 下午 09:12:36] Peter: =Don't be worried or upset.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:13:23] Our ABC: annoy

[2018/2/27 下午 09:13:48] Our ABC: keep your eyes on her

[2018/2/27 下午 09:14:34] Our ABC: graphic designer

[2018/2/27 下午 09:16:18] Our ABC: vocational school

[2018/2/27 下午 09:16:21] Our ABC: vocal

[2018/2/27 下午 09:16:25] Our ABC: voice

[2018/2/27 下午 09:16:33] Our ABC: vowel

[2018/2/27 下午 09:18:51] Our ABC: spiritual calling

[2018/2/27 下午 09:20:12] Our ABC: advertising

[2018/2/27 下午 09:20:59] Our ABC: advertisement design

[2018/2/27 下午 09:21:39] Our ABC: prefer

[2018/2/27 下午 09:21:43] Our ABC: rather

[2018/2/27 下午 09:21:46] Our ABC: She prefers painting to reading.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:22:19] Our ABC: She’d rather paint than read.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:23:14] Our ABC: She prefers to paint rather than read.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:23:51] Our ABC: devote herself in the major

[2018/2/27 下午 09:24:38] Our ABC: divorce

[2018/2/27 下午 09:24:41] Our ABC: divide

[2018/2/27 下午 09:26:13] Our ABC: divorce someone àget divorced to someone

[2018/2/27 下午 09:26:52] Our ABC: marry someone àget married to someone

[2018/2/27 下午 09:27:45] Our ABC: engage someone àget engaged to someone

[2018/2/27 下午 09:28:31] Our ABC: She divorces him. She gets divorced to him.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:29:16] Peter: He marries her. He gets married to her.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:29:32] Our ABC: He divorced her to marry Linda.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:30:59] Our ABC: engagement party

[2018/2/27 下午 09:33:48] Our ABC: wedding party

[2018/2/27 下午 09:35:57] Our ABC: in your parent's family

[2018/2/27 下午 09:36:43] Peter: We got/held the engagement party in her parents’ family.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:39:43] Peter: The wedding party took place in his parents' family.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:41:49] Our ABC: educate àteach

[2018/2/27 下午 09:42:36] Peter: I try to educate her to be independent.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:45:32] Our ABC: divide sth..to/into ...

[2018/2/27 下午 09:48:24] Our ABC: separate A from B

[2018/2/27 下午 09:50:28] Our ABC: take apart

[2018/2/27 下午 09:51:39] Peter: A year is divided into four seasons.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:52:45] Peter: Her parents separated when she was very young.

[2018/2/27 下午 09:53:59] Our ABC: The front end of the car separated from the rest of the vehicle.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:02:16] Our ABC: vehicle àtransportation

[2018/2/27 下午 10:03:01] Peter: The two countries are separated by a river.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:06:32] Our ABC: cable TV

[2018/2/27 下午 10:08:09] Our ABC: emphasize

[2018/2/27 下午 10:09:42] Our ABC: permission

[2018/2/27 下午 10:09:59] Our ABC: ask for one’s permission

[2018/2/27 下午 10:11:56] Our ABC: lie-lay-lain

[2018/2/27 下午 10:12:13] Our ABC: lie-lied-lied

[2018/2/27 下午 10:12:28] Our ABC: lay-laid-laid

[2018/2/27 下午 10:14:47] Our ABC: He lay in bed listening to music this morning.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:15:54] Peter: He laid some bananas on the table.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:16:33] Our ABC: countable

[2018/2/27 下午 10:16:43] Our ABC: opposite ß à

[2018/2/27 下午 10:16:57] Our ABC: uncountable

[2018/2/27 下午 10:18:58] Our ABC: Ving

[2018/2/27 下午 10:19:42] Our ABC: a sleeping bagà a bag for sleeping

[2018/2/27 下午 10:20:01] Our ABC: a sleeping babyà the boy who is sleeping

[2018/2/27 下午 10:23:16] Our ABC: She stayed up all night thinking about her business.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:24:55] Our ABC: =She stayed up all night when she thinks about her business.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:27:19] Our ABC: She saw and came running towards me.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:28:38] Peter: =She saw and came by/through running towards me.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:29:16] Our ABC: I usually wake up bright and early in the morning.

[2018/2/27 下午 10:30:08] Our ABC: bright and earlyßàpitch dark

[2018/2/27 下午 10:30:15] Our ABC: See you next week!


以上, 感謝Our ABC Online線上英文教學 學員Peter Liu上課分享

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[2015/10/16 20:30:20] *** Call to Anna ***

[2015/10/16 20:31:15] Abby (tutor): Movement

[2015/10/16 20:31:46] Abby (tutor): Move

[2015/10/16 20:32:35] Abby (tutor): Obviously

[2015/10/16 20:33:55] Abby (tutor): Obvious

[2015/10/16 20:37:42] Abby (tutor): Our school is at the other side of the road.

[2015/10/16 20:38:16] Abby (tutor): Walk into the room

[2015/10/16 20:39:19] Abby (tutor): Walk out of the room

[2015/10/16 20:39:25] Abby (tutor): Nobody

[2015/10/16 20:40:14] Abby (tutor): No one

[2015/10/16 20:40:17] Abby (tutor): Everyone

[2015/10/16 20:41:21] Abby (tutor): Notice

[2015/10/16 20:42:39] Abby (tutor): I have noticed that....

[2015/10/16 20:43:22] Anna: Have you noticed that John is here?

[2015/10/16 20:43:36] Abby (tutor): Furniture

[2015/10/16 20:44:59] Anna: He noticed that I changed the furniture.

[2015/10/16 20:45:35] Abby (tutor): Swim

[2015/10/16 20:45:48] Abby (tutor): Have a swim

[2015/10/16 20:45:57] Abby (tutor): Rest

[2015/10/16 20:46:08] Abby (tutor): Have a rest

[2015/10/16 20:46:18] Abby (tutor): Walk

[2015/10/16 20:46:31] Abby (tutor): Have a walk

[2015/10/16 20:47:01] Abby (tutor): Glimpse

[2015/10/16 20:47:58] Abby (tutor): Have a glimpse

[2015/10/16 20:49:31] Abby (tutor): We had a glimpse of our new classmate.

[2015/10/16 20:50:53] Abby (tutor): Ride horse

[2015/10/16 20:51:29] Abby (tutor): Have a ride

[2015/10/16 20:51:42] Abby (tutor): Rode

[2015/10/16 20:51:59] Abby (tutor): Had a ride

[2015/10/16 20:53:45] Abby (tutor): Yesterday I had a ride on the horse for the first time in my life.

[2015/10/16 20:57:58] Abby (tutor): Look at =have a look at

[2015/10/16 20:59:14] Abby (tutor): I am looking at = I am having a look at

[2015/10/16 21:01:41] Abby (tutor): I was looking at = I was having a look at

[2015/10/16 21:05:23] Anna: I was looking at the old photos last night.

[2015/10/16 21:06:51] Abby (tutor): Swim

[2015/10/16 21:07:03] Abby (tutor): Swam

[2015/10/16 21:07:28] Abby (tutor): Swim = have a swim

[2015/10/16 21:07:57] Abby (tutor): Swam = had a swim

[2015/10/16 21:08:27] Abby (tutor): Wash

[2015/10/16 21:08:38] Abby (tutor): Washed

[2015/10/16 21:08:49] Abby (tutor): Wash= have a wash

[2015/10/16 21:09:11] Abby (tutor): Washed= had a wash

[2015/10/16 21:12:37] Anna: He washed before he went out.

[2015/10/16 21:14:45] Anna: He had a wash before going out.

[2015/10/16 21:16:37] Abby (tutor): Fight

[2015/10/16 21:16:44] Abby (tutor): Fought

[2015/10/16 21:17:09] Abby (tutor): Fight = have a fight

[2015/10/16 21:17:28] Abby (tutor): Fought= had a fight

[2015/10/16 21:18:13] Abby (tutor): Quarrel= have a quarrel

[2015/10/16 21:20:09] Abby (tutor): Follow

[2015/10/16 21:20:50] Abby (tutor): Please follow me.

[2015/10/16 21:21:44] Abby (tutor): July follows June.

[2015/10/16 21:22:28] Abby (tutor): Advice

[2015/10/16 21:22:42] Abby (tutor): should follow someone's advice

[2015/10/16 21:25:50] Anna: We should follow his advice.

[2015/10/16 21:27:24] Abby (tutor): Traffic rules.

[2015/10/16 21:29:26] Anna: We should follow the traffic rules.

[2015/10/16 21:30:14] Abby (tutor): Follow this road

[2015/10/16 21:32:50] Abby (tutor): Follow this road until you get to the end of the road, then turn left.

[2015/10/16 21:33:56] Abby (tutor): Follow the instruction

[2015/10/16 21:35:39] Abby (tutor): As follows

[2015/10/16 21:36:27] Abby (tutor): The rules are as follows.

[2015/10/16 21:36:42] Abby (tutor): 1....2...

[2015/10/16 21:39:15] Anna: The reasons are as follows.

[2015/10/16 21:40:24] Abby (tutor): Following

[2015/10/16 21:41:34] Abby (tutor): Due to the following reasons.

[2015/10/16 21:43:23] Abby (tutor): Surprise

[2015/10/16 21:43:37] Abby (tutor): I am surprised

[2015/10/16 21:44:50] Abby (tutor): Be surprised

[2015/10/16 21:45:03] Abby (tutor): Surprising

[2015/10/16 21:46:25] Abby (tutor): A surprising news and I am surprised.

[2015/10/16 21:48:06] Abby (tutor): Begin to do something

[2015/10/16 21:48:17] Abby (tutor): Start to do something

[2015/10/16 21:49:46] Abby (tutor): Continue

[2015/10/16 21:50:06] Abby (tutor): Continue to do something

[2015/10/16 21:51:19] Abby (tutor): We continued to work after the rest.

[2015/10/16 21:52:41] Anna: He continued to read all night.

[2015/10/16 21:53:04] Abby (tutor): Refuse

[2015/10/16 21:53:14] Abby (tutor): Refuse to do something

[2015/10/16 21:54:46] Anna: He refused to help me.

[2015/10/16 21:55:09] Abby (tutor): Charmer

[2015/10/16 21:56:17] Abby (tutor): Charm

[2015/10/16 21:56:24] Abby (tutor): Charming

[2015/10/16 21:56:35] Abby (tutor): Attractive

[2015/10/16 21:56:58] Abby (tutor): Show your charm

[2015/10/16 21:57:40] Abby (tutor): A snake charmer

[2015/10/16 21:58:25] Abby (tutor): He played a tune.

[2015/10/16 21:59:15] Abby (tutor): We watched a snake charmer in a square in old Delhi.

[2015/10/16 21:59:59] Abby (tutor): He had a long pipe and two large baskets.

[2015/10/16 22:01:44] Abby (tutor): He played a tune and the snake rose out of the baskets and began to follow the movements of the pipe.

[2015/10/16 22:02:01] Abby (tutor): Then the snake charmer played modern tunes but the snake continued to dance slowly.

[2015/10/16 22:02:08] *** Call ended, duration 1:31:45 ***

以上, 感謝Our ABC Online學員Anna分享上課筆記



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自然發音法教學(Phonics) - Skype上課實錄 (初級)

2013/04/16 18:38

[2013/4/11 下午 08:29:52] service_jean: hello Cammy

[2013/4/11 下午 08:30:10] service_jean: How are you?

[2013/4/11 下午 08:30:11] Cammy (Jean/Peggie): hello

[2013/4/11 下午 08:30:17] service_jean: Let me call you. ok ?

[2013/4/11 下午 08:30:22] Cammy (Jean/Peggie): ok

[2013/4/11 下午 08:30:34] *** Cammy (Jean/Peggie) 通話 ***

[2013/4/11 下午 08:31:04] service_jean: ph -- /f/

[2013/4/11 下午 08:31:12] service_jean: phone

[2013/4/11 下午 08:31:53] service_jean: photo

[2013/4/11 下午 08:32:34] service_jean: qu -- /kw/

[2013/4/11 下午 08:34:42] service_jean: question

[2013/4/11 下午 08:34:47] Cammy (Jean/Peggie): quickly

[2013/4/11 下午 08:35:07] service_jean: adj+ly = adv.

[2013/4/11 下午 08:35:49] service_jean: very quick

[2013/4/11 下午 08:36:11] service_jean: very quickly

[2013/4/11 下午 08:36:22] service_jean: I have been very quick.

[2013/4/11 下午 08:36:39] service_jean: I have moved very quickly.

[2013/4/11 下午 08:38:08] service_jean: beV

[2013/4/11 下午 08:40:16] service_jean: I moved very quickly.

[2013/4/11 下午 08:41:18] service_jean: I asked my son to do the dishes quickly.

[2013/4/11 下午 08:41:37] service_jean: dish+es

[2013/4/11 下午 08:41:49] service_jean: class+es

[2013/4/11 下午 08:47:59] service_jean: teach

[2013/4/11 下午 08:48:05] service_jean: teach+er

[2013/4/11 下午 08:48:08] service_jean: rob

[2013/4/11 下午 08:48:24] service_jean: robb+er

[2013/4/11 下午 08:48:27] service_jean: lead

[2013/4/11 下午 08:48:31] service_jean: lead+er

[2013/4/11 下午 08:53:01] service_jean: print

[2013/4/11 下午 08:53:05] service_jean: print+er

[2013/4/11 下午 08:54:27] service_jean: farm

[2013/4/11 下午 08:59:17] service_jean: farm+er

[2013/4/11 下午 09:04:12] service_jean: health+y  Y字尾 -- /I/

[2013/4/11 下午 09:04:21] service_jean: sweet+y

[2013/4/11 下午 09:07:03] service_jean: cloud+y

[2013/4/11 下午 09:09:52] Cammy (Jean/Peggie): lucky

[2013/4/11 下午 09:13:29] service_jean: bath+room

[2013/4/11 下午 09:13:40] service_jean: bed+room

[2013/4/11 下午 09:19:59] service_jean: by bus

[2013/4/11 下午 09:20:03] service_jean: by car

[2013/4/11 下午 09:20:05] service_jean: by bike

[2013/4/11 下午 09:22:07] service_jean: play the flute

[2013/4/11 下午 09:22:21] service_jean: play the piano

[2013/4/11 下午 09:22:29] service_jean: play the guitar

[2013/4/11 下午 09:28:03] service_jean: bee...see...knee

[2013/4/11 下午 09:28:21] service_jean: ee -- /i/

[2013/4/11 下午 09:28:25] service_jean: tea...jeans...sea

[2013/4/11 下午 09:31:49] service_jean: ea -- /i/

[2013/4/11 下午 09:31:53] service_jean: value+able= adj

[2013/4/11 下午 09:32:06] service_jean: reason

[2013/4/11 下午 09:32:17] service_jean: +able

[2013/4/11 下午 09:32:19] service_jean: =reasonable

[2013/4/11 下午 09:33:28] service_jean: ….ts

[2013/4/11 下午 09:33:32] service_jean: skirts

[2013/4/11 下午 09:33:54] service_jean:

[2013/4/11 下午 09:34:13] service_jean: ....ds

[2013/4/11 下午 09:35:00] service_jean: goods

[2013/4/11 下午 09:35:39] service_jean:

[2013/4/11 下午 09:36:11] service_jean: …ted

[2013/4/11 下午 09:36:54] service_jean: …ded

[2013/4/11 下午 09:37:14] *** 通話結束,通話時間為 1:06:40 ***


以上, 感謝學員Cammy分享

Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學: www.ourabc-online.url.tw

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線上英文 - 上課筆記分享

2012/12/06 23:11

[2012/11/28 下午 09:00:20] English Tutor Ann: hello

[2012/11/28 下午 09:00:27] English Tutor Ann: good evening

[2012/11/28 下午 09:00:45] *** English Tutor Ann 通話 ***

[2012/11/28 下午 09:01:43] English Tutor Ann: soft

[2012/11/28 下午 09:02:09] Josephine Lee: the instant noodles are too soft.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:02:39] Josephine Lee: it took too long, so it is too soft.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:03:02] English Tutor Ann: soak-- put it in the warm water and left it there for a long time

[2012/11/28 下午 09:03:18] Josephine Lee: I soaked it for several mins, so it doesn't taste good.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:03:28] English Tutor Ann: leave it to soak

[2012/11/28 下午 09:03:35] Josephine Lee: I soaked instant noodles for lunch.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:04:34] Josephine Lee: i don't soak .....very often

[2012/11/28 下午 09:05:08] English Tutor Ann: picky

[2012/11/28 下午 09:05:16] Josephine Lee: you are picky on food.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:06:18] English Tutor Ann: he bought a big box of instant noodles.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:07:07] English Tutor Ann: a pack of cigarette

[2012/11/28 下午 09:07:38] Josephine Lee: a bag/pack of cookies

[2012/11/28 下午 09:09:55] Josephine Lee: a bag of cookies

[2012/11/28 下午 09:10:20] Josephine Lee: a pack of cookies

[2012/11/28 下午 09:10:57] English Tutor Ann: wrap sth in foil

[2012/11/28 下午 09:12:54] English Tutor Ann: break down into phrases

[2012/11/28 下午 09:13:09] Josephine Lee: the sentences break down into phrases.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:13:59] Josephine Lee: we break the bills down by names.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:14:20] English Tutor Ann: to break down a hotel bill into daily charges

[2012/11/28 下午 09:15:40] Josephine Lee: we break down the bills by names.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:17:43] English Tutor Ann: smell the roses

[2012/11/28 下午 09:17:56] Josephine Lee: =enjoy your life

[2012/11/28 下午 09:19:32] English Tutor Ann: sooner or later

[2012/11/28 下午 09:19:47] Josephine Lee: 遲早

[2012/11/28 下午 09:21:25] English Tutor Ann: nasty

[2012/11/28 下午 09:21:34] Josephine Lee: 噁心

[2012/11/28 下午 09:23:35] Josephine Lee: he has double faces.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:23:47] English Tutor Ann: double-faced

[2012/11/28 下午 09:24:00] Josephine Lee: he is double-faced

[2012/11/28 下午 09:24:41] Josephine Lee: he has two faces.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:24:57] English Tutor Ann: well-known

[2012/11/28 下午 09:25:10] Josephine Lee: well-experienced

[2012/11/28 下午 09:30:47] English Tutor Ann: ending

[2012/11/28 下午 09:31:00] Josephine Lee: the ending of the tv drama

[2012/11/28 下午 09:32:48] English Tutor Ann: one episode

[2012/11/28 下午 09:33:05] Josephine Lee: 一集

[2012/11/28 下午 09:35:42] English Tutor Ann: finale

[2012/11/28 下午 09:36:04] Josephine Lee: 大結局

[2012/11/28 下午 09:37:37] English Tutor Ann: your true color came out.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:38:12] Josephine Lee: After he paid for the cable tv, my true color came out.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:38:32] English Tutor Ann: final

[2012/11/28 下午 09:38:38] English Tutor Ann: finally

[2012/11/28 下午 09:39:21] English Tutor Ann: season

[2012/11/28 下午 09:40:06] English Tutor Ann: episode

[2012/11/28 下午 09:42:18] English Tutor Ann: greasy

[2012/11/28 下午 09:45:15] English Tutor Ann: long distance relationship

[2012/11/28 下午 09:46:11] English Tutor Ann: because of the long distance

[2012/11/28 下午 09:46:52] English Tutor Ann: hit

[2012/11/28 下午 09:47:35] Josephine Lee: It is a hit.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:47:43] Josephine Lee: = It is popular.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:48:02] English Tutor Ann: album

[2012/11/28 下午 09:48:46] English Tutor Ann: hit the road

[2012/11/28 下午 09:48:58] Josephine Lee: 上路

[2012/11/28 下午 09:49:00] English Tutor Ann: hit the sack

[2012/11/28 下午 09:49:04] Josephine Lee: hit the bed

[2012/11/28 下午 09:49:37] English Tutor Ann: hit the hay

[2012/11/28 下午 09:50:28] English Tutor Ann: hit the bar

[2012/11/28 下午 09:50:32] Josephine Lee: let's hit the road

[2012/11/28 下午 09:50:33] English Tutor Ann: hit the city

[2012/11/28 下午 09:51:41] Josephine Lee: hit -- let's go somewhere and have fun

[2012/11/28 下午 09:52:35] English Tutor Ann: humor

[2012/11/28 下午 09:52:51] English Tutor Ann: human

[2012/11/28 下午 09:53:26] English Tutor Ann: cannon

[2012/11/28 下午 09:53:40] English Tutor Ann: loose cannon

[2012/11/28 下午 09:55:02] Josephine Lee: he is a loose cannon.

[2012/11/28 下午 09:56:10] English Tutor Ann: rebellious

[2012/11/28 下午 09:56:16] English Tutor Ann: rebel

[2012/11/28 下午 09:57:06] English Tutor Ann: disobedient

[2012/11/28 下午 09:57:11] English Tutor Ann: obey

[2012/11/28 下午 09:58:20] English Tutor Ann: wild card

[2012/11/28 下午 09:59:35] Josephine Lee: he is a wild card. 難掌控及預料的人

[2012/11/28 下午 10:00:23] Josephine Lee: = He is a loose cannon.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:03:44] English Tutor Ann: fail

[2012/11/28 下午 10:03:49] English Tutor Ann: failure

[2012/11/28 下午 10:04:54] English Tutor Ann: flop

[2012/11/28 下午 10:05:18] English Tutor Ann: awe

[2012/11/28 下午 10:06:23] English Tutor Ann: awesome

[2012/11/28 下午 10:06:26] English Tutor Ann: awful

[2012/11/28 下午 10:07:43] Josephine Lee: awesome - good

[2012/11/28 下午 10:08:05] Josephine Lee: awful - bad

[2012/11/28 下午 10:09:35] Josephine Lee: the movie is a flop.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:10:51] Josephine Lee: the voice is awful.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:11:10] English Tutor Ann: blockbuster

[2012/11/28 下午 10:11:16] English Tutor Ann: hit

[2012/11/28 下午 10:11:55] Josephine Lee: the movie is a blockbuster.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:12:31] Josephine Lee: the voice is a hit.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:13:10] English Tutor Ann: blockbuster -- a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:14:38] English Tutor Ann: describe

[2012/11/28 下午 10:15:53] Josephine Lee: describe the movie as a blockbuster

[2012/11/28 下午 10:15:55] English Tutor Ann: call

[2012/11/28 下午 10:16:38] Josephine Lee: call some popular moves blockbusters

[2012/11/28 下午 10:17:10] Josephine Lee: call someone something

[2012/11/28 下午 10:19:27] English Tutor Ann: square one

[2012/11/28 下午 10:20:35] Josephine Lee: go back to the drawing board

[2012/11/28 下午 10:21:55] Josephine Lee: go back to the beginning

[2012/11/28 下午 10:22:39] English Tutor Ann: Rubik's Cube

[2012/11/28 下午 10:23:44] Josephine Lee: go back to square one

[2012/11/28 下午 10:24:32] English Tutor Ann: from scratch

[2012/11/28 下午 10:24:48] English Tutor Ann: = from the beginning

[2012/11/28 下午 10:25:18] Josephine Lee: let's start from scratch.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:26:17] English Tutor Ann: If you scratch my back, i will scratch your back.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:28:02] English Tutor Ann: as stubborn as a mule

[2012/11/28 下午 10:28:10] Josephine Lee: as busy as a bee

[2012/11/28 下午 10:28:43] Josephine Lee: you are as stubborn as a mule.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:29:39] Josephine Lee: you act as ...as

[2012/11/28 下午 10:29:48] Josephine Lee: (x) wrong

[2012/11/28 下午 10:30:23] Josephine Lee: as sharp as a tack

[2012/11/28 下午 10:30:31] English Tutor Ann: clever

[2012/11/28 下午 10:30:36] English Tutor Ann: blunt

[2012/11/28 下午 10:31:03] English Tutor Ann: You are blunt, because you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:32:19] Josephine Lee: talk it over

[2012/11/28 下午 10:32:21] English Tutor Ann: do it over

[2012/11/28 下午 10:32:25] Josephine Lee: over and over again

[2012/11/28 下午 10:32:37] Josephine Lee: =do it again

[2012/11/28 下午 10:33:11] English Tutor Ann: talk about

[2012/11/28 下午 10:33:54] English Tutor Ann: talk of

[2012/11/28 下午 10:33:56] English Tutor Ann: speak of

[2012/11/28 下午 10:34:06] Josephine Lee: 提及

[2012/11/28 下午 10:34:11] Josephine Lee: 談及

[2012/11/28 下午 10:34:37] English Tutor Ann: talking of the devil

[2012/11/28 下午 10:34:41] English Tutor Ann: speaking of the devil

[2012/11/28 下午 10:35:49] English Tutor Ann: Speaking of the devil, here he comes.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:36:39] English Tutor Ann: speak ill of

[2012/11/28 下午 10:36:43] Josephine Lee: Speaking of 美式

[2012/11/28 下午 10:37:04] Josephine Lee: don't speak ill of someone.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:38:27] Josephine Lee: they often speak ill of me in the office.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:40:14] English Tutor Ann: put in a word for me

[2012/11/28 下午 10:40:37] Josephine Lee: 美言幾句

[2012/11/28 下午 10:41:09] Josephine Lee: Please put in a word for me in front of the su.....

[2012/11/28 下午 10:41:12] English Tutor Ann: supervisor

[2012/11/28 下午 10:42:28] Josephine Lee: I will appreciate that you put in a word for me in front of the boss.

[2012/11/28 下午 10:42:33] Josephine Lee: (that)

[2012/11/28 下午 10:43:14] Josephine Lee: i will appreciate if you put in a word for me in front of.....

[2012/11/28 下午 10:44:23] Josephine Lee: OK…See youuuu


以上, 感謝學員Josephine Lee 11月上課筆記分享

OurABC Online線上一對一英文教學: www.ourabc-online.url.tw

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Batching - 學員上課分享

2011/06/18 13:11

Batching. 批量做事:將一些瑣事放在一起做完


Boring or routine tasks can create a lot of procrastination and low-level anxiety. One good way to get these things done quickly is to batch them. This means that you do them all in row. You will be able to do them quicker because there is less "start-up time" compared to if you spread them out. And when you are batching you become fully engaged in the tasks and more focused.


[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:01:01] Lily (Tutor): turn on/ turn off

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:02:10] Richard: switch on/ switch off the computer

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:03:19] Richard: 打開 / 關掉

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:04:31] Lily (Tutor): plug in/ plug out the computer

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:04:58] Richard: 插入 / 拔掉插頭

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:06:49] Lily (Tutor): it's dark inside

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:06:57] Lily (Tutor): turn on the light

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:09:31] Lily (Tutor): joyride

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:10:38] Richard: I had a joyride

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:12:28] Lily (Tutor): go out for a drive

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:12:42] Richard: went out for a drive

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:00] Richard: night market

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:41] Lily (Tutor): after midnight

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:43] Lily (Tutor): pass

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:55] Richard: It is already pass midnight

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:16:18] Richard: pass 12

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:16:47] Richard: pass the midnight ?

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:16:53] Richard: pass midnight ?

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:17:29] Richard: both are ok

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:18:04] Richard: a batch of

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:18:56] Richard: a batch of products

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:20:22] Richard: the whole batch of

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:20:56] Lily (Tutor): batch together; assemble or process as a batch

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:07] Richard: procrastination= delay

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:16] Lily (Tutor): procrastinate

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:30] Lily (Tutor): Boring or routine tasks can create a lot of procrastination and low-level anxiety.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:47] Lily (Tutor): procrastinate = put off

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:24:43] Lily (Tutor): =postpone

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:26:32] Richard: a little anxiety

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:27:02] Lily (Tutor): anxious

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:28:46] Richard: I learn English out of my anxiety

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:29:20] Lily (Tutor): curiosity

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:29:28] Richard: out of my curiosity

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:29:40] Richard: curious

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:31:05] Lily (Tutor): security

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:31:31] Richard: I hired some guards out of security.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:33:36] Richard: 出於 out of security/anxiety/curiosity

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:36:50] Richard: get/have something done

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:37:42] Lily (Tutor): in a row

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:39:50] Richard: He has won the first place for 4 years in a row.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:41:07] Lily (Tutor): He has won the first prize 4times in a row.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:42:02] Lily (Tutor): has won the championship

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:42:59] Richard: I have to ask for 2 weeks leave in a row.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:43:19] Richard: ask for a 2-week leave in a row

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:43:52] Richard: a 2-week holiday

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:44:00] Lily (Tutor): she is a 2-year-old baby

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:44:37] Richard: a 2-week vacation

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:45:29] Richard: I have worked for 7 days in a row without rest.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:45:48] Lily (Tutor): start-up time

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:46:06] Richard: 起動時間

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:46:53] Lily (Tutor): How long will it take to start up your computer ?

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:47:29] Lily (Tutor): quicker

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:47:46] Richard: quick + er 形容詞副詞比較級

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:48:56] Richard: spread out 散開, 展開, 攤開

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:50:03] Lily (Tutor): The space is large/wide, we can spread out our legs.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:51:41] Lily (Tutor): My little sister spread the newspapers out on the floor.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:51:57] Lily (Tutor): spread/spread/spread

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:52:49] Richard: The teacher asked the students to spread out over the playground.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:52:58] Lily (Tutor): in/on the playground

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:53:33] Richard: be engaged in (adj)投入, 忙於

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:53:56] Richard: engage in (vb)

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:54:33] Richard: She is engaged in writing a novel.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:55:14] Richard: She has engaged in writing novels for 10 years.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:56:06] Richard: engaged 訂婚的

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:56:23] Lily (Tutor): My brother has been engaged to Mary.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:57:11] Lily (Tutor): =My brother and Mary are engaged.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:58:42] Richard: =My brother has an engagement to Mary.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 11:00:37] Lily (Tutor): I have an engagement/ a date/ an appointment with my boyfriend for dinner at 6pm.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 11:00:59] Richard: 約會


以上, 感謝學員Richard Su分享上課筆記

Our ABC Online一對一線上英文課程: www.ourabc-online.url.tw

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Big Challenges - 中級 (線上英文教學實錄)

2010/12/11 21:03


Big Challenges 巨大的挑戰

“Keep staring! I might do a trick

That’s the message on a T-shirt of mine. People stare at me all the time so I thought this shirt would be funny. See I’m a dwarf. Most of the time people aren’t trying to be rude— they just haven’t seen many dwarfs like me before. I can understand that. But I also want to let them know that I see them staring. Usually the T-shirt makes them laugh at themselves not at me.

I was born with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. I have an average-size torso, but my arms and legs are shorter and my head is bigger than average. Right now I’m almost four feet tall and that’s about as tall as I’m going to get.

I’m not going to pretend that my height isn’t a challenge. It is. Light switches and counters are usually too high for me. I can’t reach some shelves in the grocery stores. It takes me almost three steps to keep up with one step of an average-size adult. And my mom has to hem almost all of my pants.

But everyone faces challenges. You just have to face them with a good attitude. So I have a long barbecue fork to pull things down from pantry shelves. I’m a great climber and I can make a stool out of just about anything. I’ll even be able to drive a car with the help of pedal extensions. If all else fails, I ask for help. Due to the way I see it, I can do just about anything that an average-size person can do. So I’ll never play professional sports but I have no problem testing my limits. I have to. For instance, everyone uses stoves. Little people just have to figure out how to use them in different ways. I use a stool to reach mine at home. It may take me longer and it may be harder but I can still do it.

My T-shirt shows people the real me—a kid with a sense of humor. And maybe that’s the real trick showing others that I’m just like them. I play sports and video games, I go to school and I hang out with my friends. I’m just shorter. I mean no one is exactly the same. And anyway, I’m proud of who I am.



[下午 07:01:09] Aron Online: be sick of it ; get tired of it

[下午 07:02:37] Aron Online: self-improvement

[下午 07:03:31] Naomi Lu: pay more attention to self-improvement in English

[下午 07:04:32] Aron Online: am apologetic for (adj.)

[下午 07:05:30] Aron Online: I apologize to sb for sth (vb.)

[下午 07:07:11] Aron Online: cherish 愛護, 懷念(+memory), 懷抱(+hope)

[下午 07:07:52] Naomi Lu: It’s a nature for parents to cherish their children.

[下午 07:09:14] Aron Online: I cherish the memory of those months with you in Taipei .

[下午 07:11:19] Aron Online: I can’t cherish much hope that you would forgive me some day.

[下午 07:12:28] Aron Online: They don’t take it seriously.

[下午 07:13:28] Aron Online: took advantage of your kindness

[下午 07:15:23] Naomi Lu: took advantage of sb 佔某人便宜

[下午 07:22:39] Aron Online: character

[下午 07:25:59] Aron Online: I ever dated many girls before.

[下午 07:27:28] Aron Online: He is interested in some subjects which are popular at his age group.

[下午 07:28:54] Aron Online: He is interested in some subjects which are popular among the young of his age.

[下午 07:31:34] Naomi Lu: The brand of cosmetics is effective for ladies of your age to make skins look younger.

[下午 07:33:17] Aron Online: He often played a trick on me.

[下午 07:35:41] Aron Online: My neighbor is good at doing some tricks to amuse kids.

[下午 07:37:13] Aron Online: tricky = not to be trusted

[下午 07:39:18] Naomi Lu: He is a tricky client because he often asked us to send him some free spare parts, but nerve sent the scrapped parts back.

[下午 07:39:29] Aron Online: …., but never sent the scrapped ones back.

[下午 07:41:03] Naomi Lu: prank=practical joke

[下午 07:42:46] Naomi Lu: He tricked me into investing my life savings in his company..

[下午 07:43:06] Naomi Lu: dwarf 侏儒 dwarfism侏儒症

[下午 07:43:30] Aron Online: It’s immoral to play a prank on dwarfs.

[下午 07:43:42] Naomi Lu: Playing a prank on dwarfs is immoral.

[下午 07:44:08] Naomi Lu: torso 軀幹

[下午 07:44:32] Naomi Lu: four feet tall 數字+單位詞+形容詞

[下午 07:44:38] Aron Online: four meters deep

[下午 07:44:45] Aron Online: four feet long

[下午 07:44:52] Aron Online: four feet wide

[下午 07:44:59] Aron Online: four feet thick

[下午 07:45:07] Aron Online: four years old

[下午 07:46:05] Aron Online: four kilos in weight (數字+單位詞+ in+名詞) (重量)

[下午 07:46:25] Aron Online: four meters in height ()

[下午 07:46:37] Aron Online: four centimeters in length ()

[下午 07:46:48] Aron Online: four inches in width ()

[下午 07:46:59] Aron Online: four inches in girth (周長)

[下午 07:47:35] Aron Online: The mountain has a height of 4,000 meters.

[下午 07:47:39] Naomi Lu: The height of the mountain is 4,000 meters.

[下午 07:48:03] Aron Online: The length of the bridge is 800 meters.

[下午 07:48:27] Aron Online: a two-hour class = a two hours class

[下午 07:48:53] Aron Online: the 1,500-meter race = the 1,500 meters race

[下午 07:49:12] Aron Online: a eight-year girl = a eight years girl

[下午 07:51:14] Aron Online: She came in/won first place in the 100-meter race.

[下午 07:52:13] Aron Online: place=名次

[下午 07:53:33] Aron Online: come third = come in third place

[下午 07:53:59] Naomi Lu: 不用加the…

[下午 07:54:50] Aron Online: pantry ['pæntri] - a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

[下午 07:55:06] Naomi Lu: stool 凳子

[下午 07:55:25] Aron Online: for instance = for example

[下午 07:55:57] Naomi Lu: extension 加長, 擴大

[下午 07:56:22] Aron Online: put “grant” in your sentence

[下午 07:57:49] Naomi Lu: My foreigner teacher has been granted a visa extension for another six months.

[下午 07:58:56] Naomi Lu: We are wondering if the extension of the deadline can be the end of next week the 31st of Dec ?

[下午 08:00:07] Naomi Lu: . We are wondering if it’s possible to extend the deadline to the end of next week?

[下午 08:00:36] Aron Online: Please contact me at 123-123, extension 456.

[下午 08:00:51] Aron Online: You can reach me at 123-123, extension 456.

[下午 08:01:33] Aron Online: Can I have extension 456 please?

[下午 08:01:45] Naomi Lu: Please call me at 123-123. The extension is 456.

[下午 08:02:13] Aron Online: The extension of the building has been successfully completed.

[下午 08:02:22] Naomi Lu: 擴建....

[下午 08:02:47] Naomi Lu: I have hung out two clothes.

[下午 08:03:04] Aron Online: hang out with some people….


以上, 感謝學員Naomi Lu上課記錄分享

Our ABC Online 一對一線上學英文課程: www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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Unpolished Diamond -- intermediate

2010/12/04 19:35

Unpolished Diamond


How a person reacts to criticism often means the difference between success and failure. Take the case of Ole Bull, the famous Norwegian violinist of the 19th century.


His practical father, a chemist, sent him to the University of Christiania to study for the ministry and forbade him to play his beloved violin. He promptly flunked out and, defying his father, devoted all his time and energy to the violin. Unfortunately, though he had great ability, his teachers were relatively unskilled, so that by the time he was ready to start his concert tour he wasn’t prepared.


In Italy a Milan newspaper critic wrote: "He is an untrained musician. If he were a diamond, he should be certainly in the rough and unpolished." There were two ways Ole Bull could have reacted to that criticism. He could have let it make him angry, or he could learn from it.


Fortunately he chose the latter. He went to the newspaper office and asked to see the critic. The astounded editor introduced him. Ole spent the evening with the 70-year-old critic, asked about his faults, and sought the older man’s advice on how to correct them. Then he canceled the rest of his tour, returned home, and spent the next six months studying under really able teachers. He practiced hours upon hours to overcome his faults. Finally, he returned to his concerts and, when only 26, became the sensation of Europe .


[下午 08:57:55] Tutor Janny : hi

[下午 08:58:01] Tutor Janny : good afternoon

[下午 08:58:29] Michael Fan: good afternoon

[下午 08:58:34] Michael Fan: Let me call you. ok ?

[下午 08:58:48] *** 撥打給 Tutor Janny ,通話時間 53:30 ***

[下午 09:00:07] Michael Fan: i slept late

[下午 09:08:04] Tutor Janny : go off = ring

[下午 09:08:22] Tutor Janny : went off = rang

[下午 09:08:28] Michael Fan: When my alarm clock went off, I still stayed in bed for a while.

[下午 09:08:41] Michael Fan: My alarm clock rang at 8am this morning, so I slept late.

[下午 09:09:54] Tutor Janny : watch

[下午 09:10:13] Michael Fan: watched some videos on Youtube last night

[下午 09:04:18] Tutor Janny : disgusting

[下午 09:04:20] Tutor Janny : gross

[下午 09:04:28] Tutor Janny : scary

[下午 09:07:32] Michael Fan: asked details about them

[下午 09:07:39] Michael Fan: asked them in detail

[下午 09:08:11] Michael Fan: details of it

[下午 09:09:42] Tutor Janny : Do you still remember every detail of your Graduation Day ?

[下午 09:10:19] Michael Fan: Do you still remember the details of what happened on your graduation day ?

[下午 09:15:09] Michael Fan: roared with laughter

[下午 09:16:25] Michael Fan: /f/

[下午 09:16:34] Tutor Janny : near

[下午 09:16:38] Tutor Janny : nearer

[下午 09:16:50] Tutor Janny : poor

[下午 09:16:53] Tutor Janny : poorer

[下午 09:17:17] Michael Fan: clear

[下午 09:17:20] Michael Fan: clearer

[下午 09:18:25] Tutor Janny : laughter ['lɑ:ftə; 'læf-]

[下午 09:22:32] Tutor Janny : move on to the new one

[下午 09:27:51] Tutor Janny : practiced

[下午 09:28:42] Tutor Janny : fine

[下午 09:29:12] Michael Fan: finer

[下午 09:29:59] Michael Fan: polished

[下午 09:30:43] Tutor Janny : I polished my shoes with a brush

[下午 09:32:09] Tutor Janny : If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper

[下午 09:32:29] Michael Fan: If you polish your article well, we will publish it in the newspaper.

[下午 09:34:10] Tutor Janny : remark

[下午 09:34:12] Tutor Janny : comment

[下午 09:35:03] Tutor Janny : thanks for your criticism

[下午 09:36:12] Michael Fan: means 意味著

[下午 09:36:34] Michael Fan: you are so mean. adj.

[下午 09:37:55] Michael Fan: ministry

[下午 09:38:13] Tutor Janny : government

[下午 09:38:17] Michael Fan: official 官員

[下午 09:39:02] Michael Fan: 公務員

[下午 09:39:09] Tutor Janny : civil servant

[下午 09:39:37] Tutor Janny : city

[下午 09:40:10] Michael Fan: forbid

[下午 09:40:10] Tutor Janny : forbidden city

[下午 09:40:54] Michael Fan: forbid , forbade, forbidden

[下午 09:41:39] Tutor Janny : sweets

[下午 09:41:42] Tutor Janny : candy

[下午 09:41:56] Michael Fan: he forbade his children to have sweets/candies.

[下午 09:42:26] Tutor Janny : no smoking

[下午 09:42:54] Tutor Janny : The entry is forbidden.

[下午 09:43:27] Tutor Janny : It's forbidden to enter.

[下午 09:43:55] Michael Fan: flunk out – expelled because of failing to get a passing grade

[下午 09:44:51] Michael Fan: 退學 (主因課業成續被退學)

[下午 09:45:09] Tutor Janny : expel

[下午 09:45:17] Michael Fan: He was expelled. (不論課業考試或品行操守, 被退學)

[下午 09:46:12] Tutor Janny : The headmaster may expel the boy from the school

[下午 09:47:00] Tutor Janny : drop out of school

[下午 09:47:04] Tutor Janny : quit school

[下午 09:48:26] Tutor Janny : she flunked (in) her English exam

[下午 09:48:35] Michael Fan: 考試不及格

[下午 09:48:43] Tutor Janny : she failed (in) her English exam

[下午 09:50:10] Tutor Janny : He flunked out of the flight training.

[下午 09:52:24] *** 通話結束 ***

[下午 09:54:47] *** 來自 Tutor Janny  的電話,通話時間 36:57 ***

[下午 09:56:42] Michael Fan: defy

[下午 09:57:11] Tutor Janny : disobey

[下午 09:57:15] Tutor Janny : rebel

[下午 09:58:42] Tutor Janny : rebel against

[下午 10:00:37] Tutor Janny : I am against you.

[下午 10:00:56] Tutor Janny : fight for

[下午 10:08:03] Tutor Janny : fight against

[下午 10:10:17] Tutor Janny : The people in Paris fight against the government for increasing retirement age.

[下午 10:07:10] Michael Fan: the people in Taiwan rebel again/defy the government for canceling the pension.

[下午 10:07:19] Tutor Janny : obey = listen to

[下午 10:08:03] Tutor Janny : decrease

[下午 10:08:13] Michael Fan: for decreasing the pension

[下午 10:11:20] Michael Fan: If he were a diamond, he should be in the rough...

[下午 10:11:56] Michael Fan: If I were you, I should come here early.

[下午 10:12:58] Michael Fan: 與現在事實相反的假設, If were/過去V, +should/could/would V…….

[下午 10:13:15] Michael Fan: If I had told you, you wouldn’t have made the mistakes.

[下午 10:14:53] Michael Fan: 與過去事實相反的假設, If had V完成, +would/could/should have V完成…..

[下午 10:15:35] Michael Fan: latter <-> former

[下午 10:15:40] Tutor Janny : astound =astonish

[下午 10:15:45] Michael Fan: =very surprised

[下午 10:16:04] Tutor Janny : be astounded at/by

[下午 10:16:48] Michael Fan: I am astounded at the news that you are pregnant.

[下午 10:16:55] Tutor Janny : I was astonished at the news of his sudden death.

[下午 10:17:24] Michael Fan: to hear that you are pregnant

[下午 10:17:49] Michael Fan: I was astounded by what you did for me.

[下午 10:17:59] Michael Fan: ……..at what you did to me

[下午 10:18:35] Michael Fan: you astounded me.

[下午 10:18:42] Michael Fan: you scared me.

[下午 10:18:57] Michael Fan: so scary adj.

[下午 10:19:01] Tutor Janny : scare vb.

[下午 10:19:50] Michael Fan: seek = look for

[下午 10:20:03] Michael Fan: seek sought sought

[下午 10:20:34] Tutor Janny : seek a quarrel with someone

[下午 10:21:04] Michael Fan: Are you seeking a quarrel with me ?

[下午 10:21:15] Tutor Janny : seek fame and gain

[下午 10:21:32] Michael Fan: I am seeking a job.

[下午 10:21:47] Michael Fan: I am seeking some information about/of something online.

[下午 10:22:03] Tutor Janny : seek advice from someone

[下午 10:23:05] Michael Fan: about how to cook a big meal

[下午 10:23:58] Michael Fan: ….advice on/about how to correct them

[下午 10:24:39] Tutor Janny : hours after hours

[下午 10:24:57] Michael Fan: =upon hours

[下午 10:25:37] Michael Fan: for many hours

[下午 10:27:52] Tutor Janny : overcome shortcomings

[下午 10:28:02] Tutor Janny : weak point

[下午 10:28:09] Tutor Janny : strong point

[下午 10:29:33] Michael Fan: I was overcome by the heavy work.

[下午 10:30:53] Michael Fan: He is the sensation in the city

[下午 10:31:40] Michael Fan: The article caused a sensation.

[下午 10:32:27] Michael Fan: His remark caused a sensation in the 21st century.

[下午 10:32:38] *** 通話結束 ***

[下午 10:32:52] Tutor Janny : have a good day

[下午 10:33:01] Michael Fan: same to you


以上, 感謝學員Michael Fan分享上課記錄

Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學: www.ourabc-online.url.tw

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Positivity Makes a Difference -- upper intermediate

2010/11/21 01:02

Positivity Makes a Difference


Positivity makes the difference between Heaven and Hell. There is a Korean story that illustrates this. Once upon a time there was a little boy who used to pray to God for an opportunity to see Heaven and Hell so that he could make up his mind on where to go.


One day his prayers were answered. God deputed an angel to guide the boy on his excursion to Heaven and Hell. He was taken, first, to Hell. What he saw there was different from all that he had Heard about Hell. He found a huge dining table piled up with excellent food and people sitting around the table looking famished and miserable.


The reason for this was that they had to eat their food with chopsticks and they were given chopsticks bigger than walking sticks, with which they could not feed themselves. So they were all sitting in front of tasty and appetizing food, tortured by hunger but unable to eat.


The boy decided then and there that Hell was not the place for him. So he was taken to Heaven. On arrival there, what he found truly astonished him. He found the same enormous table, the same fabulous menu and even the same huge chopsticks. But there was a glorious difference; the people sitting around the table were looking visibly happy.


This surprised him no end. Then, in a moment, the difference dawned on him. Unlike the people in Hell, these men and women were feeding each other across the table with the long chopsticks. In simple terms, they had the capacity to respond positively to each other and to the given problem. The huge chopsticks were a problem only in respect of feeding oneself, but they were a blessing in respect of feeding their neighbors sitting at a distance.


Heaven, in short, is a place where people respond positively to each other. As a matter of fact, there are many “huge chopsticks” in our way to success. Only when we react positively to them can we transform the problems into driving force and finally achieve success. So you see, positivity also makes the difference between success and failure.


[2010-11-16 13:58:03] Joyce: Hi, Madam Margaret

[2010-11-16 13:58:15] Joyce: I am ready

[2010-11-16 13:58:55] AET Margaret: Hi

[2010-11-16 13:58:59] AET Margaret: Good afternoon!!

[2010-11-16 13:59:07] *** 來自 AET Margaret 的電話,通話時間 1:04:15 ***

[2010-11-16 14:00:19] AET Margaret: grade two

[2010-11-16 14:00:27] Joyce: My daughter is studying in grade two in Elementary school.(in the second grade)

[2010-11-16 14:00:58] Joyce: My husband takes her to school by motorcycle in the mornings and I pick her up from school by car at noons or in the afternoons.

[2010-11-16 14:01:11] Joyce: drive my daughter home from school

[2010-11-16 14:01:23] AET Margaret: get down to the business/ get to the point

[2010-11-16 14:01:55] AET Margaret: illustrate – show, explain, demonstrate

[2010-11-16 14:02:13] AET Margaret: Once upon a time – long time ago

[2010-11-16 14:02:20] AET Margaret: prayer – something the boy said to God

[2010-11-16 14:02:49] AET Margaret: depute – give someone else the authority/power to represent you or do something for you

[2010-11-16 14:02:53] Joyce: depute sb to do sth…

[2010-11-16 14:03:08] AET Margaret: excursion -- journey

[2010-11-16 14:03:35] Joyce: make up one’s mind on sth /to do sth => decide on sth /to do sth

[2010-11-16 14:03:57] Joyce: pile up 堆疊 be piled up with..

[2010-11-16 14:04:25] AET Margaret: famished – very hungry

[2010-11-16 14:05:09] AET Margaret: miserable – poor, pitiful

[2010-11-16 14:05:43] Joyce: chopsticks 筷子

[2010-11-16 14:06:22] AET Margaret: appetizing – flavorous, savory (savoury) food smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty

[2010-11-16 14:07:23] Joyce: torture 折磨

[2010-11-16 14:07:42] Joyce: They were tortured by hunger.

[2010-11-16 14:08:23] AET Margaret: On arrival there, what he found truly astonished him.

[2010-11-16 14:09:41] AET Margaret: On arriving there, what he found truly surprised him.

[2010-11-16 14:10:56] AET Margaret: When he arrived there, what he found truly astounded him.

[2010-11-16 14:11:30] AET Margaret: “astonish” It emphasizes/stresses the second syllable.

[2010-11-16 14:11:50] AET Margaret: enormous – huge, large

[2010-11-16 14:13:13] AET Margaret: fabulous -- unbelievable

[2010-11-16 14:14:22] Joyce: there was a glorious difference 可觀的差異

[2010-11-16 14:16:27] AET Margaret: visibly shocked, visibly nervous

[2010-11-16 14:17:42] AET Margaret: Her face visibly/obviously/plainly caught the sun while traveling to South-East Asia .

[2010-11-16 14:19:58] AET Margaret: phonetic symbols

[2010-11-16 14:21:33] Joyce: no end => a lot => very much

[2010-11-16 14:21:38] AET Margaret: no end -- on and on for a long time

[2010-11-16 14:22:37] AET Margaret: It upset me no end to hear the bad news from them.

[2010-11-16 14:23:17] AET Margaret: There is no end to his attempts at winning a scholarship.

[2010-11-16 14:24:49] AET Margaret: There seems to be no end to his grumbles.

[2010-11-16 14:26:15] Joyce: We had no end of trouble getting them to agree.

[2010-11-16 14:27:06] Joyce: We got no end of trouble having them agree.

[2010-11-16 14:29:09] AET Margaret: We have no doubt about his success.

[2010-11-16 14:30:13] AET Margaret: There is no doubt that he will achieve success.

[2010-11-16 14:30:38] AET Margaret: No doubt He will win this lawsuit.

[2010-11-16 14:31:13] Joyce: complex => complicated

[2010-11-16 14:31:34] AET Margaret: simplify

[2010-11-16 14:31:35] Joyce: 簡化

[2010-11-16 14:35:40] Joyce: dawned on him 頓悟

[2010-11-16 14:37:04] Joyce: The boy realized the difference

[2010-11-16 14:37:25] Joyce: understood

[2010-11-16 14:37:56] AET Margaret: become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions

[2010-11-16 14:38:58] Joyce: consciousness 意識

[2010-11-16 14:40:58] Joyce: in simple terms => in simple words => in a word => in short

[2010-11-16 14:42:32] Joyce: capacity 能力

[2010-11-16 14:42:40] AET Margaret: they had the ability to respond to…

[2010-11-16 14:43:08] AET Margaret: wisdom

[2010-11-16 14:43:51] AET Margaret: they were capable to respond to…

[2010-11-16 14:44:05] AET Margaret: get the access to the internet

[2010-11-16 14:54:09] Joyce: in respect of...

[2010-11-16 14:54:38] AET Margaret: as for

[2010-11-16 14:54:59] AET Margaret: as to

[2010-11-16 14:56:12] Joyce: in respect of =>as for / as to => about

[2010-11-16 14:57:27] AET Margaret: as a matter of fact -- in fact

[2010-11-16 14:59:35] AET Margaret: Only when we transform the problem into driving force can victory be won.

[2010-11-16 15:01:36] AET Margaret: =Victory can be won only when we transform the problem into driving force.

[2010-11-16 15:02:14] AET Margaret: reverse, invert, turn around

[2010-11-16 15:02:36] AET Margaret: driving force -- a power to push sb forward

[2010-11-16 15:03:10] AET Margaret: transform into – change to

[2010-11-16 15:03:24] Joyce: Our next class is at 2-3pm this Thursday on the 18th of Nov.

[2010-11-16 13:03:26] *** 通話結束 ***


以上感謝學員Joyce Cheng分享上課筆記

Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學網站: www.ourabc-online.url.tw

Our ABC Online 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Leon Chen英文上課筆記 (初級Book1)

2010/10/06 20:22

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:33:38] Tony: Hi Leon

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:33:41] Tony: Are you there?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:38:55] Tony: what's the weather like today?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:39:31] Tony: what's your plan for today?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:40:47] Tony: I want to buy a movie ticket for Friday night!

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:41:14] Tony: book a room (book 預訂vb)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:41:40] Tony: I want to book a room for this Saturday night

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:42:20] Tony: This book is for you. (book noun)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:42:44] Tony: Are you for me or against me? 支持或反對

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:43:10] Tony: Are you for or against the proposal? 你支持(贊成)或反對這個提議 ?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:43:40] Tony: Are you for this decision or against it? 你支持(贊成)這項決定或反對呢 ?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:44:00] Tony: take a walk on the old street

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:44:31] Tony: How far is the old street from your home?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:44:55] Tony: 10km (kilometer)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:45:25] Tony: How often do you go there?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:45:29] Tony: once a week (一週一次)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:45:36] Tony: twice a week (一週二次)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:46:01] Tony: Do you go there by yourself or with your family?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:46:26] Tony: drive them there 開車載他們去那裡

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:47:00] Tony: You will go there after lunch time/lunchtime.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:47:30] Tony: When will you set off?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:47:33] Tony: set out = set off 開始, 出發, 動身

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:47:56] Leon : We usually set off at 1pm.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:48:00] Tony: Where do you have lunch?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:48:22] Tony: in the restaurant on the old street

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:48:57] Tony: Five people will go with me.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:49:12] Tony: Who else?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:49:37] Tony: Who are they?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:50:09] Leon : younger brother and his girlfriend

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:50:31] Tony: He is visiting you.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:50:59] Tony: Is he living on the old street?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:55:10] Tony: I usually get up at 6o'clock in the morning.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:55:15] Tony: get up

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:55:18] Tony: he gets up..

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:55:22] Tony: I get up..

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:56:14] Tony: closet 衣櫥

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:57:02] Tony: She usually dusts the closet on Saturday morning. (dust 灰塵noun/擦拭vb)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:57:42] Tony: There is so much dust in the skye.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:58:19] Tony: She always makes the bed in the morning. (make the bed鋪床)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:58:55] Tony: stereo 立體音響

[ 2010/10/3 上午 09:59:37] Tony: They sometimes listen to the stereo.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:01:14] Tony: He cleans the blackboard everyday.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:02:31] Tony: They always go to bed early at night. (always 總是)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:02:42] Tony: often 常常

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:03:01] Tony: usually 通常

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:03:43] Tony: She usually washes the dishes after the meal. (after the meal飯後/after supper晚飯後/after lunch午餐後)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:04:54] Tony: They usually type some letters in the afternoon.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:06:05] Tony: He usually drinks some milk before he sleeps.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:06:52] Tony: They sometimes watch TV in the evening.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:07:47] Tony: She always has lunch at noon.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:08:45] Tony: He often reads his newspaper in the evening

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:09:12] Tony: usual 通常的adj.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:09:35] Tony: Let’s meet at the usual time and place. 我們在老地方老時間見面吧. (usual place/usual time)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:10:21] Tony: store/shop

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:10:47] Tony: department store

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:10:50] Tony: drug store 藥局

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:11:38] Tony: shopping

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:11:43] Tony: I like shopping.  shopping名詞noun.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:12:09] Tony: I am shopping. 現在進行式Ving

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:12:30] Tony: do shopping  shopping購物名詞noun.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:12:37] Tony: My sister does window shopping with her boyfriend every weekend.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:13:11] Tony: shopaholic 購物狂

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:13:29] Tony: you are a shopaholic.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:13:32] Tony: -aholic 成癡的人

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:13:37] Tony: workaholic 工作狂 bookaholic 愛書成癡的人

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:14:00] Tony: alcohol , 含酒精性飲料

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:14:07] Tony: alcoholic 酒鬼

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:14:40] Tony: wait a moment/wait here for a moment

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:14:45] Tony: wait a minute

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:15:01] Tony: wait for nearly 30 minutes/wait for a few minutes

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:15:18] Tony: at the moment 此刻, 現在

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:17:51] Tony: have a cup of tea

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:18:27] Leon : have a cup of coffee

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:18:36] Tony: have a cigarette

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:19:09] Tony: at present 目前, 現在

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:24:01] Tony: How do the children go to school every day?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:31:21] Tony: 10:30  It’s half past ten.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:32:13] Tony: 10:10  It’s ten past ten.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:32:41] Tony: 9:50  It’s ten to ten.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:33:01] Tony: 9:45  The time is a quarter to ten.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:35:25] Tony: He shaved at 8o'clcok.  shave 刮鬍子

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:36:06] Tony: drink/drank/drank or drunk

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:36:20] Tony: She drank coffee this morning.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:37:13] Tony: They swam in the river this afternoon. (swim/swam/swun)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:39:04] Tony: I am reading a book.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:40:48] Tony: pepper 胡椒粉

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:41:37] Tony: red envelope 紅包

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:41:40] Tony: luck money 壓歲錢

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:42:05] Tony: letter 信件

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:42:25] Tony: stamp 郵票

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:43:30] Tony: office assistant 助理

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:44:09] Tony: assist 協助 vb

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:44:53] Tony: We are delighted to assist you. 我們很樂意為您服務.

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:45:10] Tony: What size are your shoes?small

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:45:18] Tony: S-small M-Medium L-large XL-extra large

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:46:45] Tony: To glue the broken pieces together. 把碎片黏合起来 (glue 黏合vb.)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:47:28] Tony: I need some glue. 我需要一些膠水 (glue 膠水noun)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:48:08] Tony: Here is your change. (change 找零noun)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:48:47] Tony: change my mind. (change 改變 vb.)

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:49:20] Tony: He changed a five-dollar bill for five single ones. 他把一張5美元的鈔票兑換成5張一美元的鈔票

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:55:52] Tony: Who else will go with you?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 10:56:47] Tony: What else do you want?

[ 2010/10/3 上午 11:04:50] Tony: have a wonderful day

以上, 感謝學員Leon Chen分享上課筆記

Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學: www.ourabc-online.url.tw

Our ABC Online 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


2009/06/19 23:50


Text for dictation:______

Students often manage to travel long distances on very limited budgets 預算. The secret is to find cheap travel, food and accommodation 住宿.

In the 1960s, British students did this through hitch-hiking  塔便車旅行 and youth hostelling 住青年招待所.It can still be done today, though drivers are much more reluctant 不情願的 to offer lifts 順便塔載 to strangers.

Youth hostels are also more expensive as they tend to 傾向 offer a greater level of comfort. Hostellers used to 過去一向 carry their own sheet sleeping bags and would expect to sleep in bunk beds, often within large single sex dormitories 大寢室. A long walk to one of few outside toilets was not uncommon.

Today, other possibilities 可能性 present themselves to people living near one of Britain's international airports. The cost of international rail travel has become prohibitive, but hopping around Europe on charter flights can be done very cheaply. The chief 主要的 snag 障礙 is finding reasonably priced accommodation when you arrive at your destination.

[下午 09:01:51] Kiki : dictation

[下午 09:02:30] Kiki : you will have a dictation in your test.

[下午 09:05:23] ET.US : section

[下午 09:06:12] Kiki : the first part/section of the test is a dictation.

[下午 09:07:28] Kiki : the second part/section is reading.

[下午 09:09:13] ET.US : spoken /oral

[下午 09:10:28] Kiki : the last/final part is oral/spoken english test.

[下午 09:11:58] Kiki : spoken 口語的

[下午 09:12:10] ET.US : speaking ability

[下午 09:13:38] Kiki : 說話, 交談能力

[下午 09:22:07] ET.US : on a budget

[下午 09:22:23] ET.US : i am on a budget now

[下午 09:22:35] Kiki : 手頭很緊

[下午 09:22:43] Kiki : i am short of money

[下午 09:24:33] ET.US : he offers us a comfortable accommodation.

[下午 09:25:51] ET.US : what kind of accommodation do you want ?

[下午 09:26:34] Kiki : i want an accommodation for one person

[下午 09:28:05] ET.US : with a double bed

[下午 09:28:43] Kiki : for two persons with a double bed

[下午 09:29:22] ET.US : standardized room

[下午 09:29:53] ET.US : double room

[下午 09:29:59] ET.US : twin room

[下午 09:30:18] Kiki : single room

[下午 09:32:11] Kiki : double room=twin room

[下午 09:32:31] Kiki : standardized room=two single beds

[下午 09:32:58] Kiki : i want a twin room

[下午 09:34:06] Kiki : in his 30s

[下午 09:34:37] Kiki : more than 30

[下午 09:34:41] Kiki : about 30

[下午 09:35:29] Kiki : youth noun

[下午 09:35:34] Kiki : young adj.

[下午 09:35:53] Kiki : is her youth,....

[下午 09:36:15] Kiki : she studied hard in her youth.

[下午 09:36:24] ET.US : the youth

[下午 09:36:35] Kiki : the old

[下午 09:36:46] Kiki : the kids

[下午 09:37:02] Kiki : the dead

[下午 09:37:44] Kiki : the living

[下午 09:38:24] Kiki : the ill

[下午 09:39:17] ET.US : much more reluctant

[下午 09:39:27] ET.US : much + more adj.

[下午 09:39:44] ET.US : much + less adj.

[下午 09:40:21] ET.US : what i got was much less than you did.

[下午 09:41:11] Kiki : than what you have got.

[下午 09:42:02] Kiki : much worse

[下午 09:42:06] Kiki : much better

[下午 09:42:20] ET.US : even

[下午 09:42:21] ET.US : a lot

[下午 09:42:27] Kiki : a lot better

[下午 09:42:52] ET.US : even worse

[下午 09:42:58] ET.US : conventional

[下午 09:43:37] Kiki : a lot more beautiful

[下午 09:43:49] Kiki : a great deal more beautiful

[下午 09:44:10] Kiki : much more beautiful

[下午 09:44:23] Kiki : even more beautiful

[下午 09:44:53] Kiki : very much more beautiful...(wrong)

[下午 09:45:08] Kiki : much much more beautiful

[下午 09:50:08] Kiki : single sex 同性別

[下午 09:53:02] Kiki : present 顯示, 呈現

[下午 09:57:33] ET.US : hop around

[下午 09:58:52] Kiki : hop


以上, 感謝學員Kiki Chou分享上課筆記

Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學網站 : www.ourabc-online.url.tw


Our ABC Online 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What Does Your Boss Want You To Know ? (Intermediate)

2009/05/08 19:54

What does your boss want you to know ?


1. Forget about excuses

No boss cares why an assignment wasn't done. It's your job to get it done and on time.

2. Don't aim for perfection

Getting it done well and on time is much more important than doing it "Perfectly"

3. Carrying your share is not enough

Bosses value people who do their job and look around for, create or ask for more real work.

4. Follow through

Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly by a Supervisor.

5. Anticipate problems

When your responsibilities depend on input from others, check their plans and their understanding of what you're requesting.

6. Be resilient about problems

Part of carrying your responsibilities is understanding that unforeseeable failures by others are a routine part of work life. When problems occur, no one is picking on you and you can't excuse it as bad luck.

7. Don't take problems to your boss

If you lack the authority, come prepared with solutions when you broach the problem. Even though your boss may not use your solutions, you've made an impression as a problem solver - not as a problem collector.

8. Attendance counts

People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses any excuse to miss a day.

9. Don't be a squeaking wheel

Don't be seen as " Here comes a problem".

10.Don't carry grudges

You cannot win them all. So don't squander your energy, the goodwill of your allies, and the patience of your boss by turning every issue into a crusade.

11.Choose your battles carefully

Ask yourself: how much difference the problem really makes. Is it worth making an enemy? Do I have a realistic chance of winning

12.Deal directly with the person who makes the decision

Dealing with people with less authority may be easier on your nerves, but you'll be wasting time and effort.

[2009-4-27 19:01:43] jack Says hold on, pls give me three mins

[2009-4-27 19:02:41] Tony Says hi

[2009-4-27 19:02:48] Tony Says good evening

[2009-4-27 19:04:03] Tony Says ok

[2009-4-27 19:09:26] jack Says hi

[2009-4-27 19:09:38] jack Says i am ok

[2009-4-27 19:12:22] Tony Says entertain

[2009-4-27 19:12:43] Tony Says agenda

[2009-4-27 19:13:17] Tony Says advertisement

[2009-4-27 19:13:49] Tony Says 50

[2009-4-27 19:14:01] Tony Says 80

[2009-4-27 19:15:22] Tony Says employee

[2009-4-27 19:15:52] Tony Says How many times have you been to BaLi

[2009-4-27 19:15:57] Tony Says 5times

[2009-4-27 19:16:39] Tony Says impression

[2009-4-27 19:16:46] Tony Says relaxing

[2009-4-27 19:17:39] Tony Says cheap

[2009-4-27 19:17:58] Tony Says civil servant

[2009-4-27 19:18:24] Tony Says with tour group

[2009-4-27 19:18:46] Tony Says push you to buy some local food

[2009-4-27 19:19:08] Tony Says cookies

[2009-4-27 19:20:16] Tony Says bad service

[2009-4-27 19:21:26] Tony Says tour fees

[2009-4-27 19:21:43] Tony Says commission

[2009-4-27 19:25:11] Tony Says do some sports

[2009-4-27 19:26:58] Tony Says resort

[2009-4-27 19:27:40] Tony Says vacation village

[2009-4-27 19:28:11] Tony Says holiday resort

[2009-4-27 19:29:15] Tony Says night show

[2009-4-27 19:29:56] Tony Says 40,000

[2009-4-27 19:31:07] Tony Says award

[2009-4-27 19:31:20] Tony Says some good employee

[2009-4-27 19:32:25] Tony Says contest

[2009-4-27 19:32:36] Tony Says competition

[2009-4-27 19:32:41] Tony Says race

[2009-4-27 19:33:48] Tony Says teamwork

[2009-4-27 19:35:14] Tony Says preside

[2009-4-27 19:35:25] Tony Says over the meeting

[2009-4-27 19:36:24] Tony Says preside over a meeting

[2009-4-27 19:38:32] Tony Says neck and neck in strength.

[2009-4-27 19:41:06] Tony Says investment

[2009-4-27 19:41:50] Tony Says privilege

[2009-4-27 19:41:56] Tony Says businessman

[2009-4-27 19:42:34] Tony Says salesman

[2009-4-27 19:44:34] Tony Says domestic business

[2009-4-27 19:44:53] Tony Says international business

[2009-4-27 19:45:57] Tony Says It goes in one ear and comes out of the other.

[2009-4-27 19:46:18] Tony Says go into the room

[2009-4-27 19:46:30] Tony Says get out of the room

[2009-4-27 19:47:54] Tony Says It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

[2009-4-27 19:48:20] Tony Says keep the secret

[2009-4-27 19:49:12] Tony Says traffic accident

[2009-4-27 19:49:32] Tony Says car accident

[2009-4-27 19:49:46] Tony Says car crash

[2009-4-27 19:50:25] Tony Says reporter

[2009-4-27 19:51:06] Tony Says I am the son of the victim

[2009-4-27 19:51:56] Tony Says donkey

[2009-4-27 19:52:13] Tony Says A car was involved in an accident in a street. As expected a large crowd gathered. A newspaper reporter anxious to get his story could not get near the car.

Being a clever sort, he started shouting loudly, "Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim."

The crowd made way for him.

Lying in front of the car was a donkey.

[2009-4-27 19:54:53] Tony Says get involved in something

[2009-4-27 19:55:24] Tony Says on a street

[2009-4-27 19:55:50] Tony Says a large crowd of people

[2009-4-27 19:56:06] Tony Says get together

[2009-4-27 19:56:35] Tony Says get close to the car

[2009-4-27 19:57:26] Tony Says an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance

[2009-4-27 19:57:53] Tony Says victims of war

[2009-4-27 19:58:19] Tony Says The accident victim

[2009-4-27 19:58:37] Tony Says give way to him

[2009-4-27 19:59:05] Tony Says A donkey was lying in front of the car

[2009-4-27 19:59:18] Tony Says here is your book

[2009-4-27 19:59:33] Tony Says here comes the bus

[2009-4-27 20:00:30] Tony Says similar joke

[2009-4-27 20:01:03] Tony Says run away


以上, 感謝學員Jack分享上課記錄

Our ABC Online一對一英文教學網址 : www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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The Shaggy Dog (中級)

2009/04/21 23:18

The Shaggy Dog

retold by

S. E. Schlosser


There once was a woman traveling home from England who lost her pooch somewhere between Salem and Springfield . He was just about the shaggiest dog in the entire world; so shaggy you couldn't tell which end was which until his tail started wagging. The woman was completely distraught. She loved the dog like it was her own son, so she advertised in all the local newspapers, hoping to find him. The advertisement read: "Missing, extremely shaggy dog. Reward. Will pay all travel expenses of finder." Then it listed her home address.


It didn't take long for people to start climbing her front steps with a shaggy dog in tow. The woman would answer the door eagerly and step out onto the porch to survey the dog. Each and every time she would shake her head sadly and say: "Not shaggy enough. He's just not shaggy enough." Folks came from the East, but their dogs weren't shaggy enough. They came from the West, but their dogs weren't shaggy enough. The ones from the South weren't shaggy enough either, and neither were the ones from the North.


The woman was about to give up in despair when she received a letter from a chap in England . Claimed to have found a shaggy dog stowed away on his ship when he was traveling from Salem , Massachusetts to Liverpool , England . The woman was so excited. Could it be her shaggy dog at last? He'd gone missing just after she left Salem ! After writing back and forth with the English chap a few times, she paid the ship fare to America for both the man and his shaggy dog.


Well, the woman waited and waited and waited! Oh how she longed for the big day to arrive. Finally, (finally!), she heard a crisp voice outside the house and the sound of footsteps coming up the front walkway. She sprang to the door, opened it, and burst out onto the porch. Then she staggered backward and clapped a hand to her heart, staring at the huge hairy ball on the leash beside the Englishman. In despair, she cried out: "Oh no! Not THAT shaggy!"


[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:28:55] Diane says: hi

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:29:01] Diane says: Get ready?

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:35:39] Diane says: it is worth teaching him

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:37:47] Diane says: invisible

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:38:41] Diane says: i will no longer

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:40:00] Diane says: impose

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:42:31] HelenLin says: blame your wife

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:43:26] HelenLin says: admitted

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:43:56] Diane says: privacy

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:45:02] Diane says: moody 情緒不穩的

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:45:22] HelenLin says: i became moody

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:45:44] Diane says: give up

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:46:12] Diane says: make concession for

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:46:47] Diane says: considerate 體貼的

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:05] Diane says: in my shoes 處在我的位置; 以我的立場

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:14] HelenLin says: Could you think about it in my shoes ?

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:31] Diane says: selfish

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:38] Diane says: self-centered person 自我中心的人

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:48:49] HelenLin says: the week before last week 上上週

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:48:56] HelenLin says: the week after next week 下下週

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:50:06] Diane says: fill in

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:51:00] Diane says: i made a form in format of Excel

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:51:25] HelenLin says: in format of Word

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:51:45] HelenLin says: with class time

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:52:45] Diane says: all your efforts were in vain

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:53:18] Diane says: rule

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:17] Diane says: do you play at me ? 欺騙我

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:29] Diane says: in reward, a large reward, be rewarded sth

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:47] Diane says: under my thought,

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:47] HelenLin says: =after I thought about it,

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:55:03] Diane says: =after my consideration,

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:55:53] HelenLin says: after my thinking ......(wrong)

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:56:15] Diane says: harsh

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:56:25] HelenLin says: i said something harsh

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:56:38] Diane says: I told him in a harsh way if you……..

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:59:44] Diane says: i told him harshly/strictly that

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:00:44] Diane says: that is what I wanna tell you.

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:01:13] HelenLin says: i want to tell you that what you did is.......

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:03:11] HelenLin says: read out

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:10:26] Diane says: adopt 收養

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:11:11] HelenLin says: her adopted son

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:13:07] HelenLin says: in tow 拉著

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:13:30] HelenLin says: climb

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:15:00] HelenLin says: Folks 親朋好友們

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:18:46] HelenLin says: stow away 偷偷的搭上 stow away on sth to somewhere

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:20:00] HelenLin says: back and forth

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:20:12] HelenLin says: forth and back

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:21:27] Diane says: long for = eager for 渴望

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:21:27] HelenLin says: an outing on a crisp fall day

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:22:16] HelenLin says: crisp 清脆的, 涼爽的

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:22:58] HelenLin says: walkway走廊

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:23:29] HelenLin says: spring to 彈跳起來到

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:24:05] HelenLin says: burst out 突然起來 burst out crying/laughing.

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:25:09] Diane says: sidewalk

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:25:33] HelenLin says: backward 向後地 >< forward 向前地

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:25:54] HelenLin says: stagger 搖晃, 蹣跚地走

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:26:32] HelenLin says: stare at 盯著看

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:27:10] HelenLin says: hairy

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:27:33] HelenLin says: on the leash 皮帶, 鏈條 (拴狗用)


以上, 感謝學員Helen Lin分享上課筆記

Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學網址 : www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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New To American (中級)

2009/04/03 19:13

Nancy was new to America . She came to America speaking only her native language. She brought her 8-year-old son with her. He was all she had in the world.

They found an apartment in Arcadia . They were there for only two months when a neighbor’s dog jumped over the fence. The dog ran toward Nancy ’s son. Nancy put her body in between the dog and her son. The dog stopped when it saw Nancy screaming at it. She was going to punch it in the nose. The dog turned around.

Shaking, Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the apartment all weekend. Then Nancy found another apartment, close to the school that her son was going to attend.

She and her son walked everywhere. One day her son started coughing badly. He had an asthma attack. All the walking was making his asthma worse.

Nancy knew that she had to buy a car. So she called up the Honda dealer. She talked to a salesman who spoke her language. She told him that she wanted to buy a new car if he could come over to pick her up. The salesman said he would be right over.


[下午 04:28:32] Jessica : hi, Elaine

[下午 04:28:52] Jessica : ready?

[下午 04:29:52] Elaine  : how are you doing ?

[下午 04:31:47] Elaine  : rarely

[下午 04:32:27] Elaine  : bought a set of food.

[下午 04:33:00] Elaine  : each of us has/had an ice cream.

[下午 04:33:55] Jessica : underground street

[下午 04:35:12] Jessica : i passed them

[下午 04:35:40] Jessica : tourism

[下午 04:35:53] Elaine  : is developing tourism

[下午 04:36:32] Jessica : take a glance of them

[下午 04:36:33] Elaine  : i can hardly take a look at them. 幾乎不敢….

[下午 04:37:00] Elaine  : thin and young

[下午 04:37:13] Elaine  : fat and old

[下午 04:37:26] Jessica : donate sth to sb

[下午 04:37:47] Elaine  : 捐贈

[下午 04:41:47] Jessica : obtain compassion 同情, 憐憫

[下午 04:42:05] Jessica : obtain = get = receive獲得

[下午 04:42:13] Elaine  : have great compassion for sb.

[下午 04:44:27] Jessica : no one wants to be .....

[下午 05:03:43] Jessica : it is a way to make for a living for some people.

[下午 05:06:40] Elaine  : asthma

[下午 05:07:50] Elaine  : fence 柵欄

[下午 05:08:02] Elaine  : jump over...

[下午 05:08:45] Elaine  : scream at 大叫

[下午 05:09:09] Jessica : =shout at

[下午 05:09:11] Jessica : =yell at

[下午 05:09:14] Jessica : =call out

[下午 05:09:19] Jessica : =cry out

[下午 05:09:37] Jessica : call out for help

[下午 05:09:45] Jessica : call out to sb

[下午 05:10:27] Elaine  : call her up =call up Janet=call Janet 打電話

[下午 05:10:41] Elaine  : call sb out= ask sb to go out約某人出來

[下午 05:11:03] Elaine  : can i call you out tonight= can i ask you to got out ?

[下午 05:11:37] Elaine  : can we date tonight ?

[下午 05:12:08] Jessica : we are dating.

[下午 05:12:15] Elaine  : can i date you tonight= can i have a date with you tonight ?

[下午 05:13:28] Elaine  : call out to you....=cry out to you... 對你大叫

[下午 05:14:07] Elaine  : =yell at you

[下午 05:14:32] Elaine  : shout at that dog

[下午 05:15:55] Elaine  : punch my head

[下午 05:16:11] Elaine  : punch用力打

[下午 05:16:51] Elaine  : punish 懲罰

[下午 05:17:01] Elaine  : punish me

[下午 05:17:42] Elaine  : punch it in the nose

[下午 05:17:55] Elaine  : =punch the dog's nose

[下午 05:18:19] Elaine  : shake

[下午 05:18:56] Elaine  : it's so cold that i am shaking.

[下午 05:19:04] Elaine  : i am cold to shake.

[下午 05:19:49] Elaine  : upstairs  adv.

[下午 05:19:54] Elaine  : 不用加to

[下午 05:19:57] Jessica : go downtown

[下午 05:20:09] Elaine  : downtown  adv. 前面也不用加to

[下午 05:20:23] Elaine  : abroad  adv. 前面也不用加to

[下午 05:21:13] Elaine  : my school is close to my home/house.

[下午 05:21:40] Jessica : neighborhood

[下午 05:22:06] Elaine  : there is a neighborhood school.

[下午 05:22:28] Elaine  : is far away from….

[下午 05:23:14] Jessica : i can cover the distance to school in 10 minutes.

[下午 05:23:33] Elaine  : It takes me 10 minutes to walk from my home to school.

[下午 05:24:07] Jessica : by foot

[下午 05:24:18] Elaine  : by bike

[下午 05:24:22] Elaine  : by car

[下午 05:25:01] Jessica : start doing sth

[下午 05:25:03] Elaine  : coughing  Ving.

[下午 05:25:31] Jessica : heart attack

[下午 05:27:04] Elaine  : be right over 馬上過來

[下午 05:27:17] Elaine  : badly

[下午 05:27:17] Jessica : =seriously

[下午 05:27:20] Jessica : =severely

[下午 05:27:26] Jessica : =terribly

[下午 05:27:35] Jessica : =awfully

[下午 05:27:55] Jessica : deadly   adj. adv.

[下午 05:28:15] Jessica : disease

[下午 05:28:19] Elaine  : he has a deadly disease.

[下午 05:28:45] Elaine  : he is ill/sick awfully.

[下午 05:29:16] Elaine  : dealer

[下午 05:29:19] Jessica : trader

[下午 05:29:52] Jessica : vendor

[下午 05:30:06] Elaine  : Honda dealer=trader=vendor


以上, 感謝學員Elaine Wang分享上課紀錄

Our ABC Online一對一英文教學網址 : www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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2009/03/12 01:55
我在一家公司擔任研發主管一職, 為了充實自我, 我假日去進修電子碩士在職專班, 為了增加英文能力, 一直以來都有買一些英文學習雜誌, 趁睡覺前讀一讀。我不是個容易偷懶的人, 卻總是有理由今天不讀, 明天不讀, 後天也没讀, 即時讀了也没開口和人對話, 又很快地忘了, 就這樣耗了好多年, 英文始終没有明顯提升, 也不知自己用英文表達時, 對方能不能聽的懂。

後來, 經同事介紹了Our ABC Online一對一英文線上教學, 他說他在那裡已上了半年的課, 建議我去看看, 結果讓我真正找到了既方便又有效, 而且也很經濟的學習英文方法, 我的課程是週一、四晚上9-10點, 我的老師是Jeff, 他的口音標準, 是個佷有耐心、且仔細聆聽的老師, 會糾正我的Taiglish。還有一點, 我很感激他的就是, 我不定期的會寫英文作文練習, 他都會免費利用課餘時間幫我修改, 且在下次上課的時候, 把錯誤講解給我聽。所謂亦師亦友, 益師益友啊。


上課筆記分享 :

[21:00:46] allen says: i try to call you

[21:03:43] Jeff says: force

[21:03:56] Jeff says: i was forced doing so

[21:05:20] Jeff says: reluctant

[21:06:22] Jeff says: you don't force him

[21:16:06] Jeff says: there's no necessity (for you) to get there

[21:16:22] Jeff says: necessary

[21:28:13] Jeff says: confidential

[21:29:06] Jeff says: tone

[21:29:27] Jeff says: tune

[21:29:36] Jeff says: melody

[21:29:43] Jeff says: enjoyable

[21:30:16] Jeff says: that melody sounds beautiful

[21:30:33] Jeff says: good to hear

[21:30:53] Jeff says: charm

[21:31:24] Jeff says: glamour  

[21:32:03] Jeff says: charming

[21:32:07] Jeff says: glamorous

[21:32:29] Jeff says: a girl with charm  

[21:32:36] Jeff says: a man with glamour  

[21:34:47] Jeff says: glance

[21:36:31] Jeff says: take a break  

[21:37:29] Jeff says: have a glimpse of

[21:38:41] Jeff says: after a while

[21:39:48] Jeff says: held

[21:40:28] Jeff says: oil pipe  

[21:42:20] Jeff says: midi

[21:43:40] Jeff says: rise rose risen

[21:44:29] Jeff says: palm  

[21:44:34] Jeff says: back of hand

[21:44:51] Jeff says: finger nail

[21:45:47] Jeff says: arm

[21:46:10] Jeff says: elbow

[21:47:17] Jeff says: dance to  

[21:48:39] Jeff says: at

[21:50:19] Jeff says: reveal

[21:53:56] Jeff says: he pretends to be very musical

[21:54:35] Jeff says: appears to be  

[21:54:41] Jeff says: guises to be  

[21:54:52] Jeff says: seems to be

[21:55:27] Jeff says: disappear  

[21:55:50] Jeff says: guise  

[21:56:05] Jeff says: in a guise of buddist  

[21:57:06] Jeff says: obviously

[21:57:37] Jeff says: Hindi

[21:58:55] Jeff says: India , Indian ,Indian  

[21:59:28] Jeff says: American Indian  

[21:59:49] Jeff says: apparently  

[22:01:11] Jeff says: be knowing much

[22:01:26] Jeff says: he obviously pretends to be knowing much

[22:03:00] Jeff says: square  

[22:03:25] Jeff says: cubic


Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學網站 : www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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Man Injured at Fast Food Place.

2008/12/03 21:35

A 79-year-old man was slightly injured on Saturday while waiting in his brand new convertible in a drive-through lane at Burger Prince restaurant. Herman Sherman of Northville suffered a mild burn about 9:00 p.m. when a young female employee accidentally spilled a cup of coffee into his lap. Sherman said the coffee was hot but not scalding.

He refused medical aid, saying the only problem was the stain on his slacks, but it would wash out. He was given a fresh refill. Before Sherman drove off, the restaurant manager, John Johnson, gave him two free gift certificates--one for an extra-large coffee and one for the restaurant's newest sandwich, the McRap.

The employee, who was a new hire, was let go later that evening. She was quite upset. She said she would probably sue Burger Prince for letting her go. She said it was the man's fault for ordering something that she might be able to spill.


English Notes :

lightly adv.

slight adj 輕微的,微不足道的



Using “injured slightly” is also ok, but “slightly injured” is more common.

do you feel pain/painful ?

are you painful?

my wrist was wounded/hurt/injured while playing Yoga

wrist 手腕 ; waist

my wrist was injured.

he injured his knee (while) playing hockey

convertible ---- a car with roof that can be folded and taken off

bicycle lane ; lane 小路 ; path 小徑

mild 温和的,mile

spill 溢出 ; pour 傾瀉

flow over, flowed/flowed

the drink comes out of the container.

the coffee flowed over his knee.

lap 膝上部 ; knee 膝蓋

laptop, desktop

scald 燙傷 ; scold 責罵

scalding water


first aid 急救

stain ---- dirty mark

slacks=loose pants

refill none. vb.

marriage certificate

birth certificate

coupon 折價券, 禮券

how do you spend your coupon?

hire 雇用,員工 ; hide 躲藏

sue sb for sth = accuse sb of sth

以上, 感謝Our ABC Online 一對一教學中心學員Lily分享上課筆記



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2008/11/06 01:39

以前上英文課的時候, 老師教發音, 唸很多遍,還是學不起來;但是這位Peggie老師會教我發音的技巧。以前背很多文法, 但是有很多疑問, 也搞不懂, 問老師也只是簡單的回答, 無法深入了解為什麼, 日積月累地就覺得很累, 而學不下去;但是Peggie老師會講的明白透徹, 現在發現懂它了,  它就好記了, 就是屬於我自己的了。還有, 我以前參加的補習班強調說英文, 但是不強調文法的正確性, 所以說出來也就錯誤連篇, 最後我還是搞不懂文法, 單字也記不住, 也不知道要如何說英文, 腦筋一遇到講英文就是一片空白;Peggie老師會協助我表達完整的句子, 並糾正我的錯誤, 很快地, 我的進步連我自己都不敢相信。

而且這份新英語教材, 它由淺入深地慢慢引導, 學習新的單字、片語及文法, 且每課單字片語及文法間均有承接關係, 以前學習過的很多英文教材, 編排方式比如 : 旅遊、上班、家庭、季節...等依主題來切割各個單元, 各單元間並没什麼關聯性。所以我覺得這份新英語教材真的很適合我。

當然, 我知道自己在英文學習方面的領悟力很差, 所以很感謝這位老師很有耐心的教我英文, 我不追求學快學多, 但我希望學的紮實, 穩健地把英文的聽說讀寫譯學起來。

Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學網址 : www.ourabc-online.url.tw




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