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2010/01/30 03:13

Name:  Frederick Otto
Nationality: American

Master Degree in English Literature in 2002 from Cambridge International College
TEFL Diploma from Scotland-UK

Taught English in Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College for 2006/2007 academic year Currently teaching English in Qingdao University since 2007

Often teach Business English and companies staff 

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2010/01/30 02:47

Name : Rosy

Nationality : USA

Educational background:

2004-2008             Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

Providence RI , USA



Born in England

Lived in Scotland , Canada (American, Canadian, and Bangladeshi Citizen)

Visited- Japan , China, France, Germany , Netherlands , Australia , Bangladesh , Belgium , UAE

Languages- English, Bengali, familiar with Japanese language and culture, familiar with Spanish


Working experience:

Online English tutor for 3 years

Tutored adults and children oral English

Supervised students’ development and improvement

Encouraged students to speak out and participate in conversations


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2010/01/30 01:38

Name : Maria

Nationality : USA



B.A. of English Major [University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA] 2002-2006




Calm, friendly, and have a focused personality with a high sense of responsibility.

Experienced and work well in a cross-cultural communications and environments

Have positive work attitude and be willing, and able to work diligently without supervision.




To better facilitate student learning in the area of cross-cultural communication and English learning.


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2010/01/23 00:56

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2010/01/21 19:06

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2010/01/21 19:02

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2010/01/21 19:01


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2010/01/21 18:56

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Can you tell the different meanings of "DOWN" in the following sentences ?


1. Please don't make me down. Otherwise I'm afraid I have no energy and motivation to do anything.

2. I am down with the flu.

3. Let's get down to business at hand.

4.  My boss is down with my proposals, so I'm going to hold my tongue till the meeting is over.

5. I am down for going to see the movies with you tomorrow.

6. Drinking some water can get the medicine down easily.


Which sentence means that someone is about to work on it ?

Which sentence means that someone would like to do ?

Which sentences mean that someone is disappointed ?

Which sentence means that someone doesn't feel well ?


如有興趣提升英文能力, 線上進修英文, 請參閱Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學網站,

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to burst someone's bubble是粉碎某人的美夢,潑人冷水的意思。


例句 : 1

A: I dream of going to study at Harvard University.

B: I' m sorry to burst your bubble, but your grades are too low. You' ll never get accepted to Harvard.

A: Did you mean that my dream of studying abroad went up in smoke? (up in smoke = 希望破滅)


例句 : 2

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the party has been cancelled.


例句 : 3

My little sister thinks that Santa Claus is real. Don' t burst her bubble by telling her that he isn' t.


例句 : 4

I hate to burst your bubble, but you won't be getting a pay rise this year.


例句 : 5

I have a friend who really wants to be a famous singer. I should tell her to give up that dream because she has a really bad voice, but I don't want to burst her bubble.


歡迎參閱線上英文學習官網 https:www.ourabc-online.url.tw

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