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1. Vending : ['vendɪŋ] n. 名詞 販賣

例句 :

A : Is there any vending machines in this school?  
B : There is a vending machine outside the restaurant entrance to the left.  
     There are pizza vending machines in the Lobby and on the 10th floor.  
     Do you want something to drink from the vending machine?  
A : This vending machine sold out of oolong tea.  
     I put coins in this vending machine and pushed a button, but a coke didn't come out. 
     我把硬幣投入自動販賣機, 然後按了一個鈕, 可是沒有可樂出來。
B : I also deposited 1 dollar and 50 cents into this vending machine for canned coffee.  
A : Why are you banging on this vending machine?  
B : This vending machine does not work.  
A : Oh, that's great! We just lost 2.5 dollars in this stupid vending machine.  

2. Toppings : ['tɒpɪŋz] n. 名詞 餐點上層添加風味的餡料

例句 :

1. The special comes with a large pizza with up to five toppings of your choice, four
    fried chicken legs, a large order of garlic bread, and a bottle of soda for $ 699.

2. What are the best ice cream sundae toppings? At a toppings bar, it seems
    everyone chooses a different combination of syrup, candy, fruit, and nuts.
    什麼是最好的聖代冰淇淋配料? 在配料欄,似乎每個人都選擇糖漿,糖果,水果


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The world's longest glass-bottom bridge just opened in China — and it's terrifying.

The world's longest glass-bottom bridge just opened in China — and it's terrifying.








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不錯一句話 -1


1. accept : [əkˋsɛpt] v. 動詞 接受

2. let go of ( sth. )/( sb. ) 片詞
    通常被別人抓著時, 我們會說
Let go. 或 Let go of me.
    其他狀況可能接 of him / her / it / the rope繩子..等等名詞, 或者不接. 

    可以用 Let go. 或 Let go of it. 這個說法

3. faith : [feɪθ] n. 名詞 信念 信心 信仰


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杜鵑颱風讓邦喬飛Bon Jovi的演唱會飛飛飛...飛走了, 對歌迷來講, 實在太可惜了!!

PO一段邦喬飛的影片, 不管是喜歡他的, 或有興趣學習英文的, 都來學習這段英文吧,

了解他講了什麼英文和什麼內容, 英文重要, 他傳達的內容也重要哦~


1. homelessness : [ˋhomlɪsnɪs] n. 名詞 無家可歸。

    homeless : adj. 形容詞 無家可歸的。

    -less : 形容詞字尾, 附在動詞或名詞之後變成形容詞, 表示"無" "不", 如valueless, tireless。

    -ness : 名詞字尾, 附在形容詞之後形成抽象名詞, 如sadness, happiness。

2. dent : [dɛnt] n. 名詞 凹痕;齒 v. 動詞 使凹下。

    make a dent : 引起注意, 產生影響 (是有進展之意)。

    dentist : [ˋdɛntɪst] 牙醫。

3. scientist : [ˋsaɪəntɪst] n. 名詞 科學家。

    -ist : 指.... 實行者, 和-er很像, 用法上大部份為 :

    N(名詞)+ist =人, 如art(藝術)+ist=artist(藝術家), novel(小說)+ist=novelist(小說家);

    V(動詞)+er =人, 如bake(烤)+er=baker(糕點師), make(做)+er=maker(製作者)。

4. cure : [kjʊr] v. 動詞 治療 治癒 n. 名詞 藥方 療程。

    例句 : The only way to cure backache is to rest. 治療背痛的唯一辦法是休息

    例句 : There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治癒感冒的良藥


5. desire : [dɪˋzaɪr] v. 動詞 n. 名詞 渴望;要求。

    例句 : We all desire happiness and health. 我們都渴望幸福和健康

    例句 : It is our desire to let our customers have exactly what they require.

             我們的願望是讓客戶能得到需要的商品。(require : [rɪˋkwaɪr] V.動詞 需要)

    例句 : We'll try to act according to your desire. 我們將盡量按你的要求行事


以上註解由Our ABC Online 線上英文教學彙整。

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雙十國慶快到了祝大家國日快樂(happy National Day)

整理出在英語中有很多表示節日的單字, 如下 :


1. Day一天 :


例如 International Labor Day勞動節、National Day 國慶日、Teacher’s Day教師節、International Nurse Day國際護士節、Christmas Day耶誕節等等。


2.Festival節日 :


例如 the Spring Festival春節、Lantern Festival元宵節、the Dragon-Boat Festival端午節。


3.holiday假期 :

holy神聖的+day 也是宗教慶典,大家就不需要上班了!!!同源字有health健康(跟神祈福一般都是保佑健康,不受傷害)、heal治癒、whole完整的(不受傷害)。

例如 National Holiday國慶假期、summer holiday夏日假期。


4.vacation假期 :

vac空的+a+tion名詞字尾 空閒的日子,不需要工作就是假期。Vac拉丁字根意思是空的同源字有vain空的 徒勞的 無效的、vanish 消失不見、vanity自負 虛榮心 虛空 無價值的東西、vast空曠的、devastating(de+vast+ate+ing)完全空了 毀滅性的、vacant(vac+ant)空缺(職位)evacuate(e出來+vacu+ate)使空出來 疏散、vacuum真空、void無效的、avoid避免。

例如 winter vacation寒假


5.leave離開 留下 假期 :


例如 ask for leave 請假、annual leave年假、maternity leave產假、leave of absence from休假。


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Skype軟體在9/21週一下午及晚上發生全球性短暫當機, 無法登入或通話. 當天受影響的線上課程一律不計時數, 不計費用.
經過Skype公司致力搶修, 於隔天9/22週二凌晨1時已恢復正常運作. 所有課程也恢復正常上課.

Skype communication app is down across the globe

© Dado Ruvic
Popular communications application Skype went down across the world on Monday. Numerous users are currently complaining on social media that they are not able to sign in.

“We're a bit overloaded right now...Please try again later, or download Skype to use it anytime,” Skype wrote on its website.


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Name : Chris
Nationality : South African (南非籍)
Language : English (Native English Speaker 官方英語)
Education : College Diploma in Trading
English Teaching Experience :  More Than 20 Years
Hi, my name is Christopher, I am 47 years old, I am a calm, thoughtful dependable person. My hobbies are hiking,nature, art history and reading. I also enjoy volunteer work and have a great passion for teaching and learning.
I'm currently teaching Conversation, Business, Trade, IELTS and TOEIC. If you need my class to promote your English, please contact us via Our ABC Online

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Name :  Tanya
Nationality : South African (南非籍)
Language : English (Native English Speaker 官方英語)
Education : Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design
English Teaching Experience :  Teaching face to face and being online English tutor for 6 years
Hello, my name is Tanya, I am 26 years old, I love Art and Photography. I enjoy going to the beach, reading and hiking . I am an outgoing, fun loving creative person and teaching allows me to learn of different cultures and people. I'm now teaching Conversation, Business English, Grammar, IELTS and TOEIC.
If you're interested in my English class, please click Our ABC Online

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