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KK音標: 以美式發音及符號為主, 以下學習網頁, 有嘴形示範發音及解析發聲位置. 請多加利用及勤加練習~~~ 配合自然發音法(即字母拼讀法), 準確發音及熟記規則, 快速增加單字量, 會說會拼, 為建立英文基礎的第一步哦!!


如有進一步學習需求, 歡迎洽詢 "真人線上英文家教網站 Our ABC Online", 我們備有多位美語老師專業指導學習. 歡迎預約免費的試上課程.

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Fear not that your life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning.  ----- John Henry Newman

不要害怕你的生活將要結束, 而是應該擔心你的生活從來没有真正開始.

句型 : not ... but (rather) ... 不是... 而是....

例句1 : That restaurant is not bad but rather over priced.  那家餐廳不糟, 而是太貴了.

例句2 : The most important thing in life is not where you are, but the direction you are heading toward.  人生最重要的事不是你身在何處, 而是你正要前往的方向.

Our ABC Online 線上英文學習

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母語外籍/雙語中籍 線上英文家教一對一教學

英文教學官網 電腦版 手機版  歡迎免費試上課



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1.      A rolling stone gathers no moss.

滾石不生苔。 (亦可做轉業不聚財”)

2.      Do in Rome as the Romans do.


3.      First come, first served.


4.     Two heads are better than one.

三個臭皮匠, 勝過一個諸葛亮。

5.      As you sow, so shall you reap. (As you sow you shall mow.)

種瓜得瓜, 種豆得豆。 (sow-播種, reap-收割, mow-刈草. 亦可做善有善報, 惡有惡報”)

6.      Rome is not built in a day.


7.      God helps those who help themselves.




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1.      A stitch in time saves nine.

及時行事, 事半功倍。 (及時一針, 省下九針)

2.      A friend in need is a friend indeed.

患難見真情。 (患難之交才是真的朋友)

3.      Well begun is half done.


4.      Look before you leap.

三思而後行。 (Think before you leap. /See before you go.)

5.      Make hay while the sun shines.

未雨綢繆。 (hay-乾草, 亦可做把握時機, 打鐵趁熱”)

6.      Practice makes prefect.


7.      Time flies like an arrow.

光陰似箭, 歲月如梭。 (arrow-)

8.      Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

今日事, 今日畢。

9.      Health is better than wealth.


10.All roads lead to Rome .








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thatwhich who 關係代名詞子句 (形容詞子句/定語從句)

. 本課要點及範例

在這一課裡, 我們要學習以 that, which who關係代名詞開頭的子句. 這種短句在整個句子裡有修飾的功用.

首先我們還是看一段對話, 內容是說彼得和瑪麗快要畢業了, 兩個人見面談起畢業典禮的事情:

F: Next week we graduate from high school. I can hardly wait.

M: But first there are two more examinations which I have to pass.

F: And there are three more papers that I have to write.

M: Did you get your cap and robe for the graduation ceremony?

F: Yes, but the robe which they gave me is too long. The person who gave it to me told me to take it back.

M: The one that they gave me is too short. Maybe we should trade.

在剛才那段對話裡有些句子包含了用 that, which who 開頭的短句, 現在我們再把這些句子挑出來整理一遍.

M: There are two more examinations which I have to pass.

F: There are three more papers that I have to write.

F: The robe which they gave me is too long.

F: The person who gave it to me told me to take it back.

M: The one that they gave me is too short.


看了剛才那段對話, 你可能已經注意到用一個短句來修飾一個詞(先行詞)的時候, 它的位置是在那個詞的後面, 比如: "穿著長禮服戴著方帽子的學生," 英文應該這樣

: the students that wear long robes and caps with square tops

The students --- 先行詞      that --- 關係代名詞

現在我們來練習這類句子, 每個句子都跟彼得和瑪麗快要畢業有關係. 現在請你注意以下句子.

M: There are two more examinations that Peter has to pass.

M: There are three more papers that Mary has to write.

M: Most students that graduate this year will attend the graduation ceremony.

M: The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops are graduating.


剛才那些句子裡用來修飾的短句都是用that開頭的, that可以用來指人或是東西. 但是在專門指東西或事情的時候可以用which代替. The robe that they gave Mary is too long. 這句話也可以這樣說: The robe which they gave Mary is too long.

下面我們作一組練習, 學學這種句子, 練習的作法是由我們用 "什麼" what 提出一個問句, 比方 "什麼是文憑? “What is a diploma?” 然後唸一個用 which 開頭的短句修飾的詞, 比如 "高中畢業生得到的文件" the paper which a high school graduate receives, 所以剛才那個問題的答案就是: "文憑是高中畢業生得到的." A diploma is the paper which a high school graduate receives. 在這組練習裡, 你可以學習到怎麼用英文來解釋什麼是 "學位" degree, 什麼是 "畢業舞會" prom, p-r-o-m, prom 等等. 現在請你注意看以下問題, 並且回答.

M: What is a graduation robe?

M: the robe which the graduates wear

F: A graduation robe is the robe which the graduates wear.

M: What is a graduation ceremony?

M: a ceremony which the graduates attend

F: A graduation ceremony is a ceremony which the graduates attend.

M: What is a diploma?

M: the paper which a high school graduate receives

F: A diploma is the paper which a high school graduate receives.

M: What is a degree?

M: the paper which a university or college graduate receives

F: A degree is the paper which a university or college graduate receives.

M: What is a prom?

M: the dance which the graduates go to

F: A prom is the dance which the graduates go to.


下面我們來學習用who作剛才那種短句, 比如有一句話: "老師就是教書的人" A teacher is a person who teaches. 在這句話裡, who指的就是 "" person.

下面我們來做一組練習,首先我們提出一個疑問句. 比如: "誰將在典禮上致辭? " Who will give a speech at the ceremony? 接著唸出一個用who開頭的短句修飾的詞. 比如: "參加畢業典禮的官員們" The officials who attend the graduation ceremony. 所以剛才那個問題的答案就是: "參加畢業典禮的官員們將在典禮上致辭. "The officials who attend the graduation ceremony will give a speech at the ceremony. 現在請你注意看以下問題, 並且回答.

M: Who will wear long robes and caps with square tops?

M: the students who graduate

F: The students who graduate will wear long robes and caps with square tops.

M: Who will attend the graduation ceremony?

M: the students who graduate

F: The students who graduate will attend the graduation ceremony.

M: Who will receive a diploma?

M: the students who graduate from high schools

F: The students who graduate from high schools will receive a diploma.

M: Who will receive a degree?

M: the students who graduate from universities or colleges

F: The students who graduate from universities or colleges will receive a degree.

M: Who will make a speech at the ceremony?

M: the graduate who has the best record in school

F: The graduate who has the best record in school will make a speech at the ceremony.


現在我們再來學習用短句. 在剛才做的幾組練習裡用的短句都是用來修飾主詞的. 下面我們要用這種短句來修飾受詞. 比如有一句話: "父母和朋友向畢業的學生祝賀. "Parents and friends congratulated the students who graduated. 在這句話裡, 短句 who graduated 修飾句子裡的受詞 the students.

下面我們來做一組練習把兩句簡單的話合併成用短句修飾受詞的句子. 練習的作法是這樣的: 我們先唸一個句子 "彼得跟學生閒談" Peter chatted with the students, 接著又唸第二個句子 "典禮中坐在他附近的學生" The students sat near him at the ceremony.請用who把第二個句子改為短句, 用來修飾第一句話裡的 "學生", 所以答案就是 Peter chatted with the students who sat near him at the ceremony. 現在我們開始做練習.

M: Peter talked to the student.

M: The student gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.

F: Peter talked to the student who gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.

M: Peter chatted with the students.

M: The students sat near him at the ceremony.

F: Peter chatted with the students who sat near him at the ceremony.

M: Parents and friends congratulated the students.

M: The students graduated.

F: Parents and friends congratulated the students who graduated.

M: Students met their friends and relatives.

M: Their friends and relatives came to the graduation ceremony.

F: Students met their friends and relatives who came to the graduation ceremony.

M: The graduates took pictures of their friends.

M: Their friends were in the same classes.

F: The graduates took pictures of their friends who were in the same classes.

下面我們用同樣的方式練習怎麼用以which開頭的短句來形容一個句子的受詞, 比如說: "學生聽演講" Students listened to the speech. 接著又說:

"校長在典禮中演講" The principal gave a speech at the ceremony. 你就把第二句話改成短句來修飾第一句話裏的受詞" 演講", 所以正確答案就是 Students listened to the speech which the principal gave at the ceremony. , 現在我們開始做練習.

M: Mary didn't like the robe.

M: She got the robe for the graduation ceremony.

F: Mary didn't like the robe which she got for the graduation ceremony.

M: Mary wore the robe.

M: She traded the robe with Peter.

F: Mary wore the robe which she traded with Peter.

M: Students listened to the speech.

M: The principal gave a speech at the ceremony.

F: Students listened to the speech which the principal gave at the ceremony.

M: Students were very happy to receive the diplomas.

M: They earned the diplomas.

F: Students were very happy to receive the diplomas which they earned.

M: Students showed each other the pictures.

M: They took the pictures.

F: Students showed each other the pictures which they took.

M: Students danced to the music.

M: The band played music at the prom.

F: Students danced to the music which the band played at the prom.


今天我們要看的文章是談到美國中學和大學的畢業典禮. 文章裡許多句子都是我們剛才練習過的, 比如哪些學生可以畢業, 在典禮上誰致辭, 典禮之後舉行畢業舞會, 畢業典禮是令人回味的活動等等.


In American high schools and colleges, the last day of the school year is graduation day.

The students who finish their last year in the school will graduate.

The graduation ceremony is often in the school gymnasium. The people who come to watch the graduation are teachers, parents and friends of the graduates. Those students who will graduate will wear long robes and caps with square tops. The graduate who has the best record in school will make a speech. The school principal and other officials will also make speeches. Then each graduate will receive a piece of paper which has his name and the name of the school. The paper which the students receive in high school is a diploma. The paper which the students receive in college is a degree.

After the ceremony, students often chat with their teachers, friends and relatives who come to congratulate them. They take pictures of each other. They will show each other these pictures a few nights later at the graduation prom. Graduation is a memorable event.

剛才那段文章你看懂了嗎? 現在我們先來看今天測驗的三個問題.


M: Who attends the graduation ceremony?


M: What do graduates do at the ceremony?


M: What do students often do after the ceremony?

現在請回答今天測驗的三個問題, 回答之後請核對正確答案.


M: Who attends the graduation ceremony?

F: The school principal, officials, the graduates, their teachers, parents and friends attend the graduation ceremony.


M: What do graduates do at the ceremony?

F: They listen to speeches, and they receive diplomas or degrees.


M: What do students often do after the ceremony?

F: They chat with their teachers, friends and relatives. They also take pictures of each other.


學英文想找線上外籍(美加英澳 南非 菲律賓)、中籍的英文家教嗎?






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各位學員們, 網路字典, 對您的英文學習, 會提供很大的幫助, 請善用他們哦~~~

以下, 列出幾個國內、外很不錯的免費英漢及英英網路字典網址, 查閱字辭的意思、詞性、用法及例句時, 也用耳機聽聽他們的發音, 看看老外他們是如何唸的,.......




(注意 : 請課前、課後或平時, 預習教材及複習上課內容/筆記時開啟使用。在課堂中, 如需使用字典, 請先確定開啟網路字典使用, 不致影響頻寬通訊的聲音品質, 或請使用傳統字典或一般電子辭典。)





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. 本課要點及範例


在這一課裏, 我們學習一些以 i-v-e 結尾的形容詞, 比如active, impressive 跟一 些以 i-t-y 結尾的名詞, 比如 possibility, popularity 等等. 另外, 我們也要學習一 些跟新聞傳播有關係的辭彙.

現在我們先來看以下的對話,內容是說亨利跟女兒琳達談到了看電視新聞的事情. 請你注意閱讀.

F: Dad, what are you watching on television?

M: I'm watching the news, Linda. Why don't you join me and watch it too?

F: The news is boring. It's always the same thing.

M: You should know what's going on in the world. There's always the possibility that things could affect you.

F: I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.

M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.

F: Well, if you want me to watch the news with you, can we change to Channel 7?

M: Why?

F: Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.




M: There's always the possibility that things could affect you.

F: I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.

M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.

F: Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.


.-TIVE -SIVE 結尾的形容詞


首先我們練習一些以 t-i-v-e 結尾的形容詞. 這些形容詞都是從動詞演變來的.

練習的作法是由M顯示動詞, 然 後F則顯示 這個動詞演變成的形容詞, 接著用那個形容詞作句子. 下面就是一個例子.

M: act

F: active

F: Reporters are active in gathering news.


這組練習裏的句子都是說到電視記者的工作, 比方新聞界競爭激烈, 記者們忙著跑新聞, 儘量把消息告訴觀眾, 希望作到消息又新又快; 他們必須要文筆好 又得知道觀眾的喜好,因為他們知道觀眾可以自由選擇節目, 不受歡迎的節目 就會被淘汰等等. 現在請你注意以下句子.


M: inform

F: informative

F: They want to be as informative as possible.

M: select

F: selective

F: They know the viewers are selective.

M: sense

F: sensitive

F: They are sensitive to viewers' tastes.

M: create

F: creative

F: They do creative writing on news items.

M: compete

F: competitive

F: They have to be competitive to do a good job.

M: repeat

F: repetitive

F: They try not to be repetitive.


下面我們再作一組練習, 復習我們剛才教的辭彙. 練習的內容還是談到電視記者的工作. 練習的作法是老師提出一個問題. 比如 "記者們設法塑造一個好形象嗎? " Do reporters try to create a good image? 請你作肯定的答覆: Yes, they try to create a good image.

M: Do reporters act fast when something happens?

F: Yes, they act fast when something happens.

M: Are they active in gathering news?

F: Yes, they are active in gathering news.

M: Is their job to inform people?

F: Yes, their job is to inform people.

M: Are their reports generally informative?

F: Yes, their reports are generally informative.

M: Are viewers free to select good programs?

F: Yes, they are free to select good programs.

M: Are viewers selective?

F: Yes, they are selective.

M: Do reporters sense what viewers like to watch?

F: Yes, they sense what viewers like to watch.

M: Are they sensitive to viewers' tastes?

F: Yes, they are sensitive to viewers' tastes.

M: Do they try to create a good image?

F: Yes, they try to create a good image.

M: Do they do creative writing on news items?

F: Yes, they do creative writing on news items.

M: Do they compete with other reporters?

F: Yes, they compete with other reporters.

M: Are the news media competitive?

F: Yes, the news media are competitive.

M: Do reporters sometimes repeat what was reported?

F: Yes, they sometimes repeat what was reported.

M: Do they try not to be repetitive?

F: Yes, they try not to be repetitive.


下面我們學習幾個以s-i-v-e 結尾的形容詞.這些形容詞也是由動詞演變而來的比如 "延伸" extend 變成 "廣泛的" extensive, "說服" persuade 變成 "有說服力 " persuasive, "滲透" pervade 變成 "深遠的" pervasive, "觸怒" offend 變成 "冒犯人的" offensive 等等. 現在M顯示動詞, F則為形容詞, 然後用形容詞作一個句子.

M: extend

F: extensive

F: American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.

M: impress

F: impressive

F: The election coverage is impressive.

M: offend

F: offensive

F: They avoid making offensive reports.

M: persuade

F: persuasive

F: Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.

M: pervade

F: pervasive

F: They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.


下面我們再以問答方式把剛才教的形容詞復習一遍.首先請你注意問題, 然後請你一一的作肯定的答覆.

M: Do American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election?

F: Yes, American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.

M: Is the election coverage impressive?

F: Yes, the election coverage is impressive.

M: Do they avoid making offensive reports?

F: Yes, they avoid making offensive reports.

M: Are their analyses and comments persuasive?

F: Yes, their analyses and comments are persuasive.

M: Do they have pervasive influence on the general public?

F: Yes, they have pervasive influence on the general public.




下面我們學習幾個由形容詞演變而成的名詞. 這些名詞都是以 i-t-y 結尾, 比如 "能力" ability,"可靠性" credibility,"活動" acitivity,"敏感度" sensitivity 等等. 在M顯示形容詞, F則為名詞, M用形容詞作個句子, 然後 F就改用名詞說出意思相同或是相關的句子. 這些句子說到一位名字叫 瓦特, 很有名的電視記者.他的報導深入,可靠,很受歡迎等等.現在請你注意看.

M: active

F: activity

M: Walter is very active.

F: He is interested in political activities.

M: able

F: ability

M: He is able to do in-depth reports.

F: He has the ability to do in-depth reports.

M: credible

F: credibility

M: His reports are credible.

F: He has high credibility.

M: sensitive

F: sensitivity

M: He is sensitive to the interests of the public.

F: He has a sensitivity to the interests of the public.

M: popular

F: popularity

M: He is very popular with audiences.

F: He enjoys popularity with audiences.

M: possible

F: possibility

M: It is possible that some Chinese have heard of him.

F: There is a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him.


下面我們用問答方式練習剛才教的名詞. 練習的作法是根據剛才念過的句子提出問題, 請你作肯定的答覆.

M: Is Walter interested in political activities?

F: Yes, Walter is interested in political activities.

M: Does he have the ability to do in-depth reports?

F: Yes, he have the ability to do in-depth reports.

M: Does he have high credibility?

F: Yes, he have high credibility.

M: Does he have a sensitivity to the interests of the public?

F: Yes, he have a sensitivity to the interests of the public.

M: Does he enjoy popularity with audiences?

F: Yes, he enjoys popularity with audiences.

M: Is there a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him?

F: Yes, there is a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him.




我們今天要看的文章談到美國的新聞媒介. 文章裏除了說到一般民眾依賴新聞傳播瞭解國際情況, 同時也描寫新聞界為了迎合一般民眾的口味而爭先恐後搶新聞的情景.


The news media in the U.S. consist of radio, television and newspapers. Together they are pervasive on the lives of many Americans and influential on their daily routines.

Many Americans begin their day reading the newspaper or watching a morning news program on television while drinking their coffee. While driving to work, the news can be heard on the car radio. Throughout the day the news is broadcast repeatedly on the radio and television.

In the evening news is a prime feature on television with up to two hours of news in the early evening and more news late at night. For those who prefer reading, the evening newspaper offers the reader the possibility of reading the news others see and hear on television.

The news media are free of government control. It is up to the general public to choose what to read, watch or listen to. Therefore, the media must have a sensitivity to the interests of the public.

News is big business. However, it is a very competitive business, as each station or each newspaper competes for audiences and readers. Each tries to present the news Americans want to know. When an item becomes newsworthy, such as an election or a war, Americans will become familiar with the most minute details as the news media scramble to be as informative as possible. But the result is that the news becomes repetitive.

As the news media report the same news items estimated to be the most interesting and impressive, listeners, viewers or readers might find it difficult to be selective.

Nevertheless, most Americans would not criticize their news media too harshly.

The credibility of the news media is generally acknowledged and accepted by the American public.


現在請你回答下面三個問題. ,請您回答之後, 再核對以下正確答案.


M: How do Americans get the news?

F: They get the news through radio, television and newspapers.



M: When can Americans get the news?

F: They can get the news in the morning, throughout the day and in the evening.



M: How do the news media compete for audiences and readers?

F: They try to report what Americans want to know as fast as possible.



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. 本課要點及範例


在這一課裏, 我們學習以 t-i-o- n 結尾的名詞. 比如 education, introduction, production 等等. 我們還要學習以 a-l 結尾的形容詞, 比方 national, emotional, historical 等等.


F: Peter, listen to the lyrics of this song.

M: What's so special about this song?

F: It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now. Do you like it?

M: Not very much. It sounds too emotional to me.

F: That's why it is so popular. It was recorded by Barbara Martin. I've heard that when she sang this song on stage the opening night, she created quite a sensation.

M: I'm afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.

F: Well then, you need an introduction. The school drama club is putting on a musical production. Why don't you take me?

M: I have a better idea. Let's go to a jazz concert and I'll give you an education in jazz.



F: It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now.

M: It sounds too emotional to me.

F: She created quite a sensation.

M: My association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.

F: You need an introduction. The school drama club is putting on a musical production.

M: I'll give you an education in jazz.




第一組練習是比較動詞和以 t-i-o-n 結尾的名詞. 這些名詞都是由動詞演變來. 比如 "打算" intend 變成 intention, "申請" apply 變成 application, "競爭" compete 變成 competition, "通知" inform 變成 information, "吸引" attract 變成 attraction 等等. 現在老師給你一些句子, 比較這種動詞和名詞在用法上的分別. 句子的內容主要說到我們剛才在對話裏提到的那位歌舞劇紅星早年是怎麼樣到紐約戲劇中心百老匯演歌舞劇的. 請你注意以下的句子.

M: New York attracts a lot of people. Broadway musicals are one of its attractions.

M: Barbara intended to go to New York . She told her parents about her intention.

M: They described New York for her. Their description sounded very exciting.

M: She applied for a singing role in a Broadway show. Her application was accepted.

M: She competed with a lot of applicants for the role and won the competition.

M: The company informed her of the good news. She was very happy to hear the information.


剛才那些句子說明芭芭拉怎麼樣在紐約百老匯的一出歌舞劇裏找到了演唱的機會. 我希望你都懂了. 如果沒有完全懂, 不要緊, 現在我們再作一組練習, 換一個方式把那些句子重複練習一遍. 練習的作法是老師根據剛才那些句子提出問句, 接著老師給出一個片語, 學生就用片語來回答問題. 下面就是一個 例子:

M: What did Barbara tell her parents?

M: her intention to go to New York

F: She told her parents about her intention to go to New York .


請你一起作練習. 同時特別注意以t-i-o-n結尾的名詞.

M: What is one of the attractions in New York ?

M: Broadway musicals

F: Broadway musicals are one of the attractions in New York .

M: What did Barbara tell her parents?

M: her intention to go to New York

F: She told her parents about her intention to go to New York .

M: What sounded exciting?

M: the description of New York

F: The description of New York sounded exciting.

M: What was accepted?

M: Barbara's application for a job in a Broadway musical

F: Barbara's application for a job in a Broadway musical was accepted.

M: What did she win?

M: the competition for the job

F: She won the competition for the job.

M: What did the company tell her?

M: the information that she was hired

F: The company told her the information that she was hired.




下面我們作一組練習, 學習以 a-l 結尾的形容詞. 這些形容詞都是從名詞演變來的. 比如 "感情" emotion 變成 "激動的" emotional,"喜劇"comedy 變成 "滑稽的" comical, "戲院" theater 變成"有戲劇性的"theatrical,"音樂" music 變成 "有音樂才能的" musical 等等. 不過 musical 這個字也可以當名詞用, 意思就是"歌舞劇".


M: Barbara loves music. She is very musical.

M: She has a career in the musical theater, because she is also talented in doing theatrical works.

M: Her acting is full of emotion. She can be very emotional when it is necessary.

M: When she acts in a comedy, she is comical.

M: She studies history before she plays a historical role.

M: Her performances are sensational. Her shows created a sensation on Broadway.

M: She plays in many cities across the nation. She attracts national attention.


下面我們以問答的方式重複練習剛才那些句子和新辭彙. 請你注意老師問, 然後用老師提出的字或是片語來回答問題.

M: Is Barbara talented in doing theatrical works?

M: yes

F: Yes, she is talented in doing theatrical works.

M: When is she emotional?

M: when she acts

F: She is emotional when she acts.

M: When is she comical?

M: when she acts in a comedy

F: She is comical when she acts in a comedy.

M: When does she study history?

M: before she plays a historical role

F: She studies history before she plays a historical role.

M: Does she give sensational performances?

M: yes

F: Yes, she gives sensational performances.

M: Does she attract national attention?

M: yes

F: Yes, she attracts national attention.




下面我們再作一組練習多學學以 t-i-o-n 結尾的名詞.這些名詞仍然是動詞演變而來的, 比如 "跟某某人交往" 或是 "跟什麼什麼有聯繫" associate 變成 association,"提升" 或是 "宣傳" promote 變成 promotion, "製作" produce 變成 "作品" production, "即興表演" improvise 變成 "即興作品" improvisation 等等.

這組練習的內容是說芭芭拉在歌舞劇方面的經驗和成就. 請你注意以下句子.

M: Barbara associated with other artists.The close association with them was helpful to her.

M: The company promoted her. A lot of money was spent on her promotion.

M: The company produced many shows for her. The productions were successful.

M: When she sang she often improvised. Her improvisations were unique.

M: The songs she sang were translated into other languages. The translations made the songs popular abroad.



M: Did Barbara have close associations with other artists?

F: Yes, she had close associations with other artists?

M: Did the company spend a lot of money for her promotion?

F: Yes, the company spent a lot of money for her promotion?

M: Were the productions produced for her successful?

F: Yes, the productions produced for her were successful.

M: Were the translations of her songs popular?

F: Yes, the translations of her songs were popular.




今天我們要聽的文章談到兩種美國流行歌曲,一種是起源於非洲宗教樂曲和民, 由美國黑人音樂家發揚光大的爵士音樂, 一種是以紐約戲劇中心 "百老匯為大本營的美國歌舞劇.

現在請你閱讀. 並且注意我們剛才學過的辭彙在文章裏的用法.

When people talk about American popular music, they don't just mean country music or rock music. There are two other types of popular music with national and international appeal that are basically American. One is Jazz. The other is a musical form associated with New York City theaters.

Jazz originated from African religious and folk music. The themes and melodies of jazz music have historical origins. They came from songs sung by black Americans in church or at work. There have been different kinds of jazz music, the blues, ragtime, swing boogie- woogie and others.

In playing jazz music, the performers blend rhythms and melodies with their skills of improvisation. Modern jazz music has developed into a complex musical style enjoyed more by musicians and older jazz lovers than by the general public.

American theater has developed another American musical style. It is associated with a street in New York City , Broadway. Broadway musicals are dramatic productions in which the story is told partly by dialogue and partly through songs. The lyrics of these songs give background information about the story and express the feelings of the characters in the story. Many Broadway musicals have been made into movies that have been shown all over the world. " Oklahoma ", "Sound of Music", "My Fair Lady", and "West Side Story" are some good examples.

Songs from these musicals and others have translations in various languages that are sung around the world. Many of them have become popular with people who have not even seen the musicals for which they were written.


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M: What are two types of American popular music with international appeal?

F: They are Jazz and Broadway musicals.



M: What are the origins of American Jazz?

F: The origins of American Jazz are the religious and folk music of American blacks.



M: How is the story told in American musicals?

F: It is told partly by dialogue and partly through songs.



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