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想說一口流利的英語嗎? 須線上英文一對一家教嗎? 要線上學英文嗎? 請參閱我們網站 歡迎申請免費試上課哦~~

線上Skype英文家教, 方便, 經濟, 專業, 有效, 歡迎您免費試上課


        我們了解學員們最弱的口語能力, 加入我們線上一對一英文學習課程, 真人老師即時通訊上課, 英文不再只是紙上談兵, 老師們會讓您的英文生動起來, 會說且會聽, 使長久停留在基礎、初級的英文,  以互動的方式, 學習字彙及片語和句型結構, 為基本的英文表達能力, 打下深厚的基礎, 前進到中級能力;平常苦無開口練習說的機會, 講英文時往往會受到中文句子的排列方式所干擾, 而吱吱唔唔,  這裡能實現原本讀及寫有中級程度的新進學員, 口語及聽力也能迅速跟進到中級的程度, 遠離中文思考的表達模式。


        學了很久的英文, 但缺乏和母語人士實際訓練的機會, 這裡外籍老師全英文上課, 密集的主題或文章討論, 協助修正學員以往錯誤的表達用法, 擴充及活用各種詞彙, 讓口語能力越來越流利,  實現您暢所欲言的預期目標。


        不用出國, 也不用放棄工作, 辦公室休息或下班後、睡覺前, 善用時間、充實英文實力, 讓您英文突飛猛進, 增加職場競爭力。 如果您決定出國進修, 這裡也是您出國前準備英文的好方法哦! 平價的學費, 為的就是讓學員們能持續學習, 因為英文能力是需要累積的, 任何的中斷學習, 在語文學習上是很吃虧的, 有句話說" If you forget English, English will forget you too."。


        每期分開的繳費方式, 考量的也是讓學員們有經濟實惠的付費方式, 每期結束也可以自由選擇, 而不被局限著, 每期的續班率高低, 對我們線上教學的經營更是種鞭策, 讓我們重視學生對課程的要求及感受, 讓我們的用心和負責能讓學生滿意。 


中籍老師10~80堂課程, 價位330~290/小時;菲律賓外籍老師10~80堂課程, 價位260~232/小時; 美加英澳外籍老師10~80堂課程, 價位590~488/小時。(備註:每堂課為一小時、60分鐘)


請加緊腳步, 申請我們免費的試上課, 滿意了再報名唷~~~~

最有保障的投資, 就是投資自己, 想了解更多教學內容嗎?

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Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學



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因為我們安排試上課的老師即是您未來正式上課的老師, 學員先認識老師, 體驗上課的情形, 和老師表達您對上課方式的看法及需求。是否喜歡您的專屬線上家教?

老師也是籍由和您試上課過程中, 親自掌握您的程度, 強弱點和您的需求, 在正式上課前便準備好適合您個人的線上課程。




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    Skype :service_jean

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    E-mail :service_jean@yahoo.com.tw

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修改潤飾:申請國外大學及研究所的英文履歷表, 自傳及推薦函

親愛的各位, 您們好:

如果您有準備到英語國家申請就讀大學及研究所等進修深造課程, 本線上英語教學學校, 備有曾在美國大學裡擔任教師及校務管理行政工作的美籍老師, 領有教育行政的碩士學位, 及了解學校行政校務的實際經驗, 目前正在擔任本教學中心線上英文教師~~

您有申請學校的英文履歷表, 自傳 及推薦函, 需要專業及有經驗的老師替您修改嗎 ? 包含錯誤更正及文體潤飾, 在維持您文章內容意思的前提之下, 替您修正為更具說服力的文體及正確的文字語意!! 從您送件起算, 7個工作天內交件, 之後, 您還保有一週時間的審視及提問哦~~

以前此項服務, 僅開放本學校線上課程學員, 至2011年起, 將開放全體有此需要的各位, 不限於本學校上課學員, 採按件數及字數收費, 如您有需要, 請連絡線上助理~~連繫方式如下 :



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Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學


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Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學中心的中/外籍老師們都有著一份教學的熱忱與專業, 和豐富的教學經驗。如何認識我們呢? 以下步驟, 供您參考 :

1 --- 如果您有學習英文的需要或興趣, 可以加入下方線上服務人員的即時通訊帳號或以電話洽詢, 亦可直接進入本中心網站填寫免費的試上課申請表後送出。

2 --- 服務人員將儘速與您聯絡, 並和您測試網路上課的通話品質, 同時也會初步評估您的程度, 給您適合中籍或外籍老師課程的建議。 如果您有指定中籍或外籍老師課程的話, 我們會直接為您安排試上課。  

3 --- 試上課的老師, 即是您未來上課固定的老師, 根據您想學習的課程種類, 在試上課過程中, 老師會再親自掌握您的程度, 決定您適合的教材, 或適合的上課主題和文章, 每堂課都是為學員專屬訂定。

4 --- 試上課後, 覺得本中心的課程對您有幫助, 滿意老師授課的話, 再報名加入我們!!



服務人員 :

電洽 : (03)375-5925, (0918)364-558

Skype :service_jean

Email :service_jean@yahoo.com.tw



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線上中籍及外籍老師英文課程, 適合學員們不同程度及學習需求

Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學中心, 從2005年設立迄今, 兼持一貫熱忱及負責態度, 幫助所有學員, 突破以往學習英文時的困難點。

對於初級-中級程度, 中籍老師課程除了建立紮實文法, 字彙及句型的寫作基礎, 更加強學員們最弱的聽、說能力, 課堂中的中翻英造句練習, 更是中籍老師上課的獨到之處。

對於中級及中級以上程度, 這裡美加澳紐及菲律賓南非等外籍老師全英文上課, 主題討論和文章講解及俚語運用..等等內容, 建議學員在上課前能寫下想發揮的句子及想法, 這樣上課時不僅節省構思的時間, 還能流暢且完整的表達您的意思, 學習效果加倍。

中外籍英文老師們上課時都會協助學員完整表達, 並且修正錯誤, 請學員們在課餘之時, 務必確實複習上課內容, 整理上課筆記。

如果您對英文學習有需要或有興趣的話, 歡迎申請免費試上課, 點閱本教學中心網站

電腦版官網 https://www.ourabc-online.url.tw/

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English Joke - Clever Mice


Three mice are being chased by a cat. The mice were cornered.

When one of the mice turned around and barked, "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!"

The surprised cat ran away scared.

Later when the mice told their mother what happened,

she smiled and said, "You see, it pays to be bilingual!"

(Note : bilingual - able to speak two languages)


Is it really necessary to learn English? This joke has helped answer this question.

You never know when speaking another language can be valuable.

Some day, you will learn the value of being able to speak English well. So, keep on going!

Discussion :

Q1. How can we know the mice learned another language in this story?

Q2. Could you please make some sentences with "it pays to"?

Q3. How many languages can you speak and how well can you speak them?


Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學 http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw



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A Funny Story - Jacky goes shopping

2013/07/06 18:43

What did Jacky actually pay for?

One day Jacky went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a pair of pants. He didn't like the pants, so he gave them back to the shopkeeper.

Then he tried a shirt which had the same price as the pants. Jacky was pleased with the shirt, and he left the shop.

Before he climbed on his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shop-assistant ran out.

"You didn't pay for the shirt!" said the shopkeeper.
"But I gave you the pants in exchange for the shirt, didn't I?" replied Jacky.
"Yes, but you didn't pay for the pants, either!" said the shopkeeper.
"But I didn't buy the pants," replied Jacky. "I am not so stupid as to pay for something which I never bought."


-          run out = run out of the shop 這裡指, 跑出了商店

run out (of) 有用完, 耗盡的意思

比如 :

1.      1. I have run out of my money. = My money has run out.

2.      My iPad will run out of battery in a few minutes. = My iPad battery will run out in a few minutes.

-          to give A in exchange for B= exchange A for B A換取B


1.      I gave you some pounds in exchange for dollars. = I exchanged some pounds for dollars.

-         so.….as to因為所以 (如此…..以致於)

比如 :

1.      He was so stupid as to pay for the products (which) he didn’t buy.

2.      She is so tired as to be unable to walk.

以上, as to 可以改成 that +句子, 意思不變.

1.      He was so stupid that he paid for the products he didn’t buy.

2.      She is so tired that she is unable to walk.

so as to = in order to 連在一起時, 是另一種意思. 表示為了

比如 :

1.      Each of us must study even harder so as to realize our dreams earlier.

2.      He took some oral English classes online so as to improve his speaking English ability more quickly.

以上, as to 可以改成 that +句子, 意思不變.

1.      Each of us must study even harder so that we can realize our dreams earlier.

2.      He took some oral English classes online so that he could improve his speaking English ability more quickly.


Our ABC Online 線上英文教學 http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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An Interesting Story

2013/07/06 01:14

This story compares what you KNOW to what you CAN DO.

Who had the most useful knowledge in this situation?


A man once had an old boat, which he used to ferry people across the river. One day, he was taking a university professor to the opposite bank.

"What is eight times nine?" asked the professor.
"I don't know," answered the man.
"How do you spell telephone?" asked the professor.
"I have no idea," replied the man.
"Didn't you study anything at school?" demanded the professor, surprised.
"No," said the man.
"Then you wasted half your life," said the professor.
The man was silent for a little while. Then he said:
"Can you swim?"
"No," said the professor.
"Then you wasted ALL of your life," said the man. "We are sinking."


-     ferry : to carry people or goods in a boat across the river

-     the opposite bank = the other side

-     eight times nine = 8X9(Answer: Eight times nine equals seventy-two.)

-     demand : to ask strongly

-     sink : to go down below the surface of the sea



Our ABC Online 線上英文一對一教學網站http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw

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English Joke -- Is my English even better?

2013/06/29 14:55

English Joke :  Even Better?

The other day I met my Taiwanese friend Mr. Deng. 

He has been taking English classes in the cram school for about half a year. 

"How are you getting on with your English, Deng?"  I asked him. 

"Oh, quite well.  Sometimes I feel my English is better than my Chinese."  he articulated with pride.

"Really?"  I could not hold back my disbelief.  "How do you know?" 

"Well, often when I speak English, I don't know its Chinese meaning."  he replied.


前幾天我遇見我的台灣朋友(Mr. Deng). 


我問他, "你的英文學的如何?"

他很自豪語氣堅決地回說, "哦, 非常好. 有時我覺得我的英文比中文還要棒."

"真的嗎?"  我無法隱瞞我的懷疑. 問說, "你怎麼知道呢?"

他回應, "喔, 我常常在說英文時, 不知道它中文是什麼意思."

以上, 搏君一笑.


如果, 您太忙没空, 太遠難停車, 下雨或太熱太冷, 無法出門進修英文.

有興趣在家在公司, 上網學習英文, 專屬一對一線上英文家教, 歡迎您,

請參閱網站 Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文家教 www.ourabc-online.url.tw



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The Two Versions Of A Joke

2013/06/21 23:01

The Joke In Two Different Versions:  Which one is easier to understand?

An accident


A couple of New Jersey hunters were out of the woods when one of them fell to the ground.  He didn't seem to be breathing, and his eyes were rolled back in his head.  The other guy whipped out his cell phone and called the emergency services.  He gasped to the operator:  "My friend is dead!  What can I do?"  The operator in a calm and soothing voice said:  "Just take it easy.  I can help.  First, let's make sure he's dead. " There was a silence, and then a shot was heard.  The guy's voice came back on the line.  He said:  "OK, now what?"


Once two hunters went hunting in the forest.  One of them suddenly fell down by accident.  He showed the whites of his eyes and seemed to have ceased breathing.  The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help.  The operator said calmly:  "First, you should make sure that he is already dead.  " Then the operator heard a gunshot from the other end of the phone and next he heard the hunter asking:  "What should I do next?"


The operator said "make sure he's dead", to see if maybe he was still alive.  So, the operator should have asked him to check if the friend was still alive!  In this case the man is not a killer, but he acts almost like a murderer/killer. It's just a joke, not a real story. But it is funny because of the man's mistake. We hope you can understand his mistake and never do this!!

Our ABC Online 線上英文教學 http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw


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