Our ABC Online一對一線上英文教學 網站http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw
想說一口流利的英語嗎? 須線上英文一對一家教嗎? 要線上學英文嗎? 請參閱我們網站 歡迎申請免費試上課哦~~

Name : Anika

Nationality : Dominica (多明尼克/多米尼克 位於中美洲)

Language : Native English Speaker (官方英文)

Education : Dominica State College - Associate Degree in Business Administration (企業管理), China University of Geosciences - Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management (行銷管理)

Certification : TEFL/TESOL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

English Teaching Experience :  8 years

Hello, my name is Anika Browne, I am 29 years old, a fun and loving person. I like to play Table Tennis. I enjoy teaching my native English language and can also speak Mandarin Chinese. (也會中文哦)

Currently teaching in Our ABC Online English School

If you are interested in learning English, please contact us.  



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英文老師 : Mei Wang

國        籍 : 中籍老師

擅        長 : 生活會話, 全民英檢, 口語及聽力訓練, 旅遊英文, 醫療英文

學歷/經歷 : King’s College of University of London, UK 英國倫敦大學 醫學相關系所,居住英國9年,從事醫療研究和兼職線上教授英文,個性熱情和自律,熱愛傳授英文知識和分享自身英文學習經驗,目前已有5年英文教學經歷


如有興趣該英文課程, 請連繫Our ABC Online 一對一線上學英文


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農曆過年2/18(三)~2/23(一)休假停課6天, 2/24(二)恢復正常上課. 如果您過年期間可以上課, 請提前告知Jean安排課程.


Dear teachers and students,

Hope you are well!!

The school will be off from February 18th (Wed) till February 23th (Mon) for 6 days due to Chinese New Year.

All the classes will restart normally on Tuesday the 24th of February.

If you can have class during the New Year holidays, please inform Jean to arrange the class ahead. 

Happy Chinese New Year to Everyone~~

以上, Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學 敬告



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Dear tutors and students,

The classes will go on as normal on the National Day, which falls on the 10th of October.

If you can not attend the English class, please obey the policy to inform the online school.

Happy National Day~~

Best regards,

Our ABC Online one to one online English school







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Dear tutors and students,

All classes for the Mid-Autumn Day will go on as normal.
If you can not attend the class, please follow the policy to inform the online school.


Our ABC Online 敬上




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親愛的學員們 :


颱風天, 線上英文課照常進行, 課表有課的學員們, 請準時上線上課!!

並請注意自家安全, 及提早存糧哦!!

<防颱準備不可少, 在家上課是最好>

PS. 有事無法上課者, 請依請假規定通知請假

Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學







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放暑假, 線上英文課程特惠 : (全部一對一, 專屬指導) 
國小, 國中, 高中, 大學生, 研究生等在學莘莘學子照過來唷 < 

暑假到了, 您在考慮要讓孩子去哪間英文補習班嗎?

如果您想一次解決以上所有問題, 在家裡使用網路Skype通訊軟體和真人英文老師一對一全互動上課, 讓您孩子炎炎夏日留在家, 颱風下雨留在家, 方便有效地學習英文. 

利用今年暑假, 讓您的國小, 國中, 高中, 大學研究生等莘莘學子們英文大躍進, 請趕快報名我們的免費試聽課程, 我們備有中藉老師外籍老師任您挑選, 從初級~中級~高中及高級課程, 白天晚上平日假日均有開課. 

報名前10名有優惠哦!! 動作要快~~~

Our ABC Online線上英文學校網址 http://www.ourabc-online.url.tw/

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Name : Abbie

Nationality : Canadian

Language : Native English Speaker

Education : Medical Office Assisant Diploma from Algonquin College in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Certification : TEFL/TESOL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

English Teaching Experience : more than 15 years

Character : positive, lively, intelligent, patient, careful, logical


Currently teaching in Our ABC Online English School

If you are interested in learning English, please contact us.   



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provide, supply, offer 的區別:

1 .表示“向某人提供某物”

supply sb with sth / supply sth for sb / supply sth to sb

provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb

offer sb sth.

2. 表示“主動提出做某事 ( 願意去幫忙 )

offer to do sth

3. 表示“倘使”、“假如”

provided / providing that

        His company can tide over this difficulty providing (that) the checks are cashed next week.

        Provided (that) you help me translate this documents into Chinese, I will make preparations for the negotiations this Friday.

= on condition that

=only if

4. 表示“滿足需要” supply / meet a need


provide supply offer 都有“供給、提供”的意思,但用法不同。

provide 指有遠見,為應付意外、緊急情況等作好充分準備而“供給、提供”, 可用於 provide sb. with sth. )或 provide sth. for sb. )結構。 He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help. 他說服別人提供錢或給予幫助。 The school provided food for the students. 學校為學生提供伙食。 They provided us with all the books we need. 他們為我們提供所需要的所有書籍。

supply 通常指定期“供應 , 補給”,強調替代或補充所需物品,常用於 supply sb. with sth. supply sth. for/to sb. 結構。 The cars will be supplied to people all over the country. 這些汽車將供應給全國各地的人們。 Cows supply us with milk. 母牛供給我們牛奶。 In Britain milk is supplied to each house in bottles. 在英國牛奶是裝在瓶子裏送往每家每戶的。

offer 側重表示“願意給予”,常用於 offer sb. sth. offer to do sth. 結構。 She offered me a cup of tea. 她給我端了杯茶。 He offered to go instead of me. 他主動提出代替我去。

意: supply provide 常用,有時它們可互換,可說 provide/supply sth. for sb. ,也可說 provide/supply sb. with sth. The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000. 銀行為他提供了 10 萬美元的貸款。

supply 是“供應,補給” 名詞有“供應品,補給品,生活用品” 記得它有週期性需要而供應補給的涵意。 provide 是“提供,供給”多記成主動提供的涵意,這點與 offer 相像。


Our ABC Online 一對一線上英文教學 /  線上學英文






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