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I'm not Single.

I'm in a long standing relationship with Fun and Freedom.


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A tour bus driver is driving with a bus load of seniors down a highway when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady. She offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully munches up.
After about 15 minutes, she taps him on his shoulder again and she hands him another handful of peanuts.
She repeats this gesture about five more times. When she is about to hand him another batch again he asks the little old lady, 'Why don't you eat the peanuts yourself?' 'We can't chew them because we've no teeth', she replied.
The puzzled driver asks, 'Why do you buy them then?'
The old lady replied, 'We just love the chocolate around them.' 

「peanut chocolate」的圖片搜尋結果「peanut chocolate」的圖片搜尋結果






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I wonder who came up with this idea?







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  1. Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella…That's FAITH
  2. When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her…That's TRUST
  3. Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up…That's HOPE
  4. We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future…That's CONFIDENCE
    儘管未來一無所知, 我們還是計畫著明天的大事......這就是信心
  5. We see the world suffering, but still we get married and have children…That's LOVE
  6. Written on a man's shirt was the sentence, “I am not 80 years old...I am sweet 16 with 64 years experience.”… That's ATTITUDE


          線上英文學習 一對一教學  Our ABC Online         






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這是一首歌詞簡單又好聽的英文歌曲 朗朗上口值得一學


有人說主唱Jake Roche一張包包臉卻要裝酷 實在有準 hahaha...


挑出此版附中英文歌詞 中文有稍美化語境 (又開車又合音....good job)

1. kick-start [ˋkɪk͵stɑrt] => V.啟動 開始 用腳踢壓發動 N.起動踏板 Joining a great company can kick start your career and contritube to a sustainable tomorrow. 加入一個優良的公司可以開啟你的職業生涯和促成有一定生活水平的未來. (contribute [kənˋtrɪbjut] => (+to)捐助 貢獻 促成) (sustainable [səˋstenəb!] => 能長期維持的 永續的 能保持在一定水平的)

2. tear [tɛr] => V.N.撕開 拉掉 扯破 撕裂處 (過去式tore [tɔr] 過去分詞torn [tɔrn]) I once saw a man tear a telephone directory in half.  我有一次看見一個人把電話簿撕成了兩半. V.N.流淚 眼淚 Wiping a tear away, she took a sip of chocolate milk. 她一邊拭去眼淚,一邊啜了一口巧克力奶. (wipe [waɪp] => V.N.擦 抺) She burst/bursted into tears. 她突然哭了起來. (burst into [bɝst] => 突然)

3. 單字註解由Our ABC Online提供。如果想加速說得一口流利的英文, 可以參加我們專業的線上課程, 和中/外籍家教互動學習唷~~歡迎預約免費試上課





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Nice weather on the quiet beach   we walk along

Listening to the soft music   we sing along

Seen  from  your  eyes     you have me in your heart

Thanks to the God     we met each other

In our memories     every moment of being moved lasts forever

Wish all of us     a sweet Valentine's Day   

                                                                         above by - Our ABC Online

歌詞 Lyrics

1. figure out [ˋfɪgjɚ][aʊt] => 計算出 想出 弄明白 解決 Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost? 你算出這假期要花多少錢了嗎? I can't figure out what he was hinting at. 我想不出他在暗示什麼 (hint [hɪnt] => V.N. 暗示)

2. common ground [ˋkɑmən][graʊnd] => 共同點 交集 共識 People like to live with the ones who have common ground. 人們喜歡與自己有著共同點的人生活相處在一起 They are trying to find common ground on the best way to work together. 他們正試著找出相互合作的共同利益.

3. 單字註解由Our ABC Online提供。如果您想克服口說英文的障礙, 可以參加我們專業的線上課程, 和中/外籍英文家教一對一互動學習唷~~歡迎預約免費試上課





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1. shelter [ˋʃɛltɚd] => V.N.遮蔽 保護 躲避 (+from) The house sheltered us from the storm. 這房子遮擋著使我們免遭暴風雨淋. He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism. 他極力為老板擋住外界的批評. They sheltered from the sun under a tree. (=They took shelter from the sun under a tree.) 他們躲在樹底下乘涼. Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life. ,,住所是生活的基本必需品.

2. get => 使…..一直做某事或者處於某狀態 You got me dancing. Can you get the machine running?

3. sip [sɪp] => V.N.啜飲 Should we sip water or gulp it? 我們應該小口地喝水還是大口喝水? (gulp [gʌlp] => 狼吞虎嚥) This liquor is strong. I can only take a sip. 這酒很烈,我只能喝一小口. (liquor [ˋlɪkɚ] => )

4. bet [bɛt] => V.N.敢斷定 打賭 I bet (you) (that) she is on the wrong side of forty. 我敢肯定她已40多歲了. He made the bet that he would win the game. 他和別人打賭說他會贏得這場遊戲比賽. I bet $30 on the red horse. =I made a 30-dollar bet on the red horse. (=I bet $30 that the red horse would win.) 我賭30美元在那匹紅馬身上.

5. strung-out [͵strʌŋˋaʊt] => 毒癮的

6. hazy [ˋhezɪ] => 模糊的 有薄霧的 朦朧的 He’s a bit hazy about how to do next? 他有點不清楚下一步該怎麼做? The mountains were hazy in the distance. 遠處的群山在朦朧霧靄之中.

7. odds [ɑds] => 機會 成功的可能性 差別The odds are against us. 我們成功的機會很小. The odds are in their favor. 他們成功的機會很大. It makes no adds whether you leave or stay. 你離開或留下來都没有差別. What’s the odds? (=What are the odds?) 有什麼關係(有什麼差別)? He’s often at odds with his father. 他時常和父親意見不一.

8. scatter [ˋskætɚ] => V.N.消散 分散 潰散 散布 When the tree falls, monkeys scatter. 樹倒猢猻散. Don’t scatter your money around. 別到處揮霍.

9. scream [skrim] => 刺眼 尖叫 放聲大哭或大笑

10. torture [ˋtɔrtʃɚ] => V.N. 烤打 酷刑 折磨

11. escape [əˋskep] => V.N. 逃跑 脫逃 逃避 避免 She listens to some music as an escape from the pressures of work. (=She escapes from the pressures of work by listening to some music.) 她聽些音樂以逃避工作上的壓力.

12. f airytale [ˋfɛrɪ͵tel] => 童話式的 童話故事

13. 以上, 單字註解由 Our ABC Online 提供。

14. 不敢開口說英文嗎 ? 英文還是說得卡卡的嗎 ? 想快速地說得一口流利的英文, 可以參加我們互動的線上英文課程, 和中/外籍英文家教一對一學習訓練唷~~歡迎預約免費試上課





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歌詞 Lyrics







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