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  1. Invincible [ɪnˋvɪnsəb!] => 無敵的 無法征服的 不屈不撓的 堅定不移的 Our manager has an invincible will. 我們的經理有著堅強的意志 Such an army will be invincible. 這樣的軍隊將是所向無敵的 Young people should never fail an invincible courage. 年輕人決不應該缺少大無畏的精神 (courage [͵kɝɪdʒ] => N.勇氣)
  2. fit in => V.相處融洽 適合/一致(+with) 插入(地方)/安排(時間) The new boy fitted in well with his roommates. 這位新生和室友們相處得很好 I’ll change my timetable to fit in with yours. 我將變更我的時間表以適應你的 His ideas didn’t quite fit in with our aims. 他的想法和我們的目標不完全一致 All the kids can fit in the back of the car. 所有的孩子都可以坐入車的後座 The doctor can’t fit in any more visits this week. 本週這位醫生無法再接診更多的病人
  3. clue [klu] => N.(解決疑案 問題等的)線索 跡象 提示(+to/+about) V.()……提供情況(+in/+up) There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 没有確認竊賊身份的線索 She will clue you up about this. 她將為你提供這方面情況 Please clue me in on his girlfriend. 請告訴我有關他女朋友的事
  4. lane [len] => 車道 跑道 航道 The six-lane highway connects the two cities. 一條六車道的高速公路連接這兩個城市 The champion is running in lane 2. 冠軍正跑在第二跑道上 (champion [ˋtʃæmpɪən])
  5. 單字註解由Our ABC Online提供。如果您想快速地說得一口流利又漂亮的英文, 可以參加我們專業的線上課程, 和中/外籍英文家教一對一互動學習唷~~ 歡迎預約免費試上課

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  1. insecure [͵ɪnsɪˋkjʊr] => 無安全感的
  2. what for => ()= for what為什麼 有時可用why替代
  3. flip [flɪp] => V.N.輕拋 輕彈 翻轉 快速翻閱 Let’s flip the coin to decide who should go first. 我們來拋硬幣決定誰先走Be sure to flip down your collar. 看看你領子翻好了没有 I’m learning how to do a back flip. 我正在學習如何後空翻 After flipping through some novels, she took one of them to the checkout counter. 在瀏覽了幾本小說後, 她選了其中一本到結帳櫃台.
  4. overwhelmed [͵ovɚˋhwɛlm] => 無法承受的 不知所措的
  5. smile at => ….微笑 If we smile at the world, it will smile back. 假如我們向世界微笑, 世界也會向我們微笑
  6. ain’t [ent] => ()= am not, are not, is not, have not, has not 的縮寫
  7. if only => .(表示現在/未來願望 用過去式表達)但願 如果該有多好 If only I were rich. 但願我很富有 If only I could speak good English. 如果我會說一口流利的英語該有多好. .(表示與過去事實相反的願望 用過去完成式表達)要是...就好了 If only I had remembered to set the alarm clock last night. 要是我昨晚記得設定閙鐘就好了.
  8. desperately [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] => 不顧一切地 拼命地 孤注一擲地 非常地 The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side. 那個落水的人拼命地想游到河岸邊 I’m desperately hungry. I could eat a horse! 我餓死了我可以吃下一頭馬.
  9. 單字註解由Our ABC Online提供。
  10. 如果您想快速地說得一口流利又漂亮的英文, 可以參加我們專業的線上課程, 和中/外籍英文家教一對一互動學習唷~~ 歡迎預約免費試上課






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第一句是唱「阿嬤的」payphone 我没聽錯吧? 我確認到最後一句還是阿嬤的


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有一次在新竹東門城 看見一群年輕小伙子在跳舞 就用這首歌呢~

原版MV 附英文歌詞 :

翻唱好學 附中英文歌詞

1. swing [swɪŋ] => V.N.搖動 搖擺 擺蕩 揮動 秋千 轉向 He swings his arms when he walks. 他走路時擺動手臂 The swing of the ship made many people seasick. 船的搖擺使很多人暈船 The golfer took a swing at the ball. 打高爾夫球的人揮動球桿擊出了球 The kids tied a (piece of) rope to the tree and used it as a swing. 孩子們繫(一根)繩子在樹上當作秋千 Can you swing him round/around to our opinion? 你可以讓他轉而接受我們的觀點嗎 Voting showed a 10% swing to the Opposition. 投票結果顯示有10%的人轉而支持反對黨。 swinging [ˋswɪŋɪŋ] => 搖動的

2. vine [vaɪn] => 藤蔓(植物)

3. flash [flæʃ] => V.N.閃爍 閃光 閃光燈 一剎那 I’ll flash my headlight to make sure he sees us. 我會打開車前燈讓它閃爍以確保他能看見我們 The train passed me as quickly as a flash. 列車風馳電掣地從我面前開過 A flash of lightning is electricity jumping. 電光一閃是跳電 Did you use flash when you took these pictures? 你拍這些照片時有用閃光燈嗎 Inspiration came to me in a flash. 一瞬間我有了靈感 (inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] => 靈感) Flashing => 閃爍的

4. seek [sik] => 尋找 探索 (過去式/過去分詞sought [sɔt]) seek out =>尋找出 探索出

5. bold [bold]=> 英勇的 大膽的 放肆的 厚顏無恥的 He is very brave, or rather very bold. 他很勇敢,或者應該說是很大膽(brave[brev]=> 勇敢的)(,or rather更確切地說) You are so bold that you never do something on second thought. 你太魯莽所以從不知深思熟慮後再做事 May I make bold to ask for help at such a late hour? 我可以冒昧地這麼晚了還來找您幫忙嗎

6. drown [draʊn] => 淹死 淹沒 沉沒 蓋過 It’s cruel to drown the cat in the river. 把貓淹死在河裡是件殘忍的事 (cruel[ˋkruəl]=>殘忍的 慘痛的) He turned up the radio to drown (out) the noise from next door. 他開大了收音機的音量以蓋過隔壁房子的噪音 It’s no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 想借酒消愁是於事無補的

7. 以上單字註解由Our ABC Online提供

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泰勒絲1989專輯裡的這首Style非常好聽 小編更喜歡這個版本 希望您也喜歡

[Verse 1]
Midnight, you come and pick me up, no headlights /午夜 你開車來載我 私人行程
Long drive, could end in burning flames or paradise /愛情長途行駛 盡頭是地獄 還是極樂世界
The end of you, oh, it's been a while since I've even heard from you /到了末期 我已有段時間沒聽到你的消息
I should just tell you to leave cause I /我該告訴你直接離去 因為
Know exactly where it leads but I /我清楚未來的路 會是怎樣
Watch it go round and round each time /但我卻讓情 不斷迴轉
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye /你的眼神透露 做青年偶像的大夢想
And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like /而我有著 紅唇 你喜愛的古典文藝風
And then we go crashing down, we come back every time /每次的吵鬧 都能安然和好
Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style /因為這是我們的獨特風格 我們的情侶風範
You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt /你有那滑順秀髮 結實背肌 招牌白衫
And I got that good girl fate and a tight little skirt /而我有 乖乖名牌 與那連身短裙
And then we go crashing down, we come back every time /每次的吵鬧 都能安然和好
We never go out of style, we never go out of style /這是我們的獨特風格 我們的情侶風範
[Verse 2]
So it goes, he can't keep his wild eyes on the road /旅程繼續 他很不安份的 開著車一邊偷瞄我
Takes me home, lights are off he's taking off his coat /帶我回家 燈火熄滅 他正脫去身上衣物
I say "I've heard that you've been out and about with some other girl" /我說 "聽說你跟某個女孩有約"
He says "What you've heard is true but I /他坦然承認 但
Can't stop thinking about you and I." /對我們的愛 無法自拔
I said "I've been there too a few times" /我回 沒關係 我也有這樣的經驗
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye /你的眼神透露 做青年偶像的大夢想
And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like /而我有著 紅唇 你喜愛的古典文藝風
And then we go crashing down, we come back every time /每次的吵鬧 都能安然和好
Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style /因為這是我們的獨特風格 我們的情侶風範
You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt /你有那滑順秀髮 結實背肌 招牌白衫
And I got that good girl fate and a tight little skirt /而我有 乖乖名牌 與那連身短裙
And then we go crashing down, we come back every time /每次的吵鬧 都能安然和好
We never go out of style, we never go out of style /這是我們的獨特風格 我們的情侶風範
Take me home /帶我回家
Just take me home /不用解釋
Just take me home /將我 帶回家
[Shortened Chorus]
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye /你的眼神透露 做青年偶像的大夢想
And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like /而我有著 紅唇 你喜愛的古典文藝風
And then we go crashing down, we come back every time /每次的吵鬧 都能安然和好
Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style /因為這是我們的獨特風格 我們的情侶風範
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  1. unconditionally [͵ʌnkənˋdɪʃənəlɪ] => 無條件地 (conditional => 有條件的 為條件的 My agreement is conditional on your help. 你肯幫助我才同意)
  2. insecurity [͵ɪnsɪˋkjʊrətɪ] => N.心神不定 不安全 She did not want to expose her fears and insecurity to anyone. 她不想向任何人顯露她的恐懼和不安. (expose [ɪkˋspoz] => 顯露 暴露 揭露)
  3. laundry [ˋlɔndrɪ] => 送洗的衣服 洗衣店
  4. blink [blɪŋk] => V.……視而不見 V.N.眨眼睛 瞇眼 閃爍 一瞬間 You cannot blink the fact that there are wars. 你不能忽視有戰爭存在的事實 Women blink nearly twice as much as men. 女人眨眼的次數幾乎男人的兩倍 A sudden light that made me blink. 突如其來的光亮讓我瞇著眼(睜不開眼睛) Blink your headlights on and off. 閃爍你的車頭燈(打信號) He had disappeared in the blink of an eye. 一眨間他就不見了
  5. acceptance [əkˋsɛptəns] => N.接受 Their acceptance of the contract is still in doubt. 他們是否接受那合約還說不準
  6. truly [ˋtrulɪ] => 真正地

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