我叫Eve. 之前是個上班族, 隨著兩個孩子漸漸長大, 我現在是個家庭主婦, 平常整理家務之外, 興趣就是學英文. 今年因為肺炎疫情的關係, 開始在Our ABC Online線上學習英文, 訓練口說和聽力, 我不想感到學習的壓力, 所以, 希望老師用free talk的方式, 引導我多講多聽, 很幸運我遇到這位老師可以順著話題和前面的語意, 聯想出我正在表達的意思, 提示我單字和糾正我的句子, 無論講對講錯都會打字下來給我, 讓我表達越來越完整, 學的很紮實.
從好幾年前, 我就一直利用本身的英文能力, 陪伴及教導我的孩子學校和補習班的英文科目, 除了英文作業和考試, 我也將英文融入他們日常生活對話當中, 即使不是生活在國外, 也盡量給他們一個中文和英文雙語的生活環境.
這次的上課內容, 是討論健康和教育的主題, 還提到了一點現今的防疫情形. 如果你們也有英文學習的需要, 推薦這一間線上英文教學, 我的先生在他們這裡學商用英文(要再考多益), 我大女兒在這裡上雅思課(未來打算去英國讀書), 他們也很習慣和喜歡. 分享個人經驗給你們, 可以去試讀看看, 反正是免費的, 有喜歡再購買課程, 希望你們也能夠有所收獲.
(以下為Eve學員2020/8/20 的上課內容和中文筆記, 感謝分享~~ )
OurABCtutor,下午 08:00 Hi Eve, How are you doing today?
to take more medicine
side effects
effect of the medicine
consumed or used up all (consume吃光/耗盡)
took all the pills
delivered not yet
prescription medicine from the doctor has not arrived yet
What is prescription?
It is the paper from the doctor
Doctors prescribe medicine.
5 pills of ____
2 mg of ____
Aspirin can only make me feel more comfortable.
When I inhale cold air, I have a stuffy/blocked/congested nose soon.
My left face feels sore.
temperature allergy (allergy 過敏症)
allergic reaction to change or abrupt change of temperature (abrupt 突然的)
When the air becomes suddenly humid, something in the air makes my nose uncomfortable.
rhinitis (rhinitis鼻炎)
allergic rhinitis
pollen (pollen 花粉)
My mind was not clear.
Were you also taking medicine at that time?
I had to take medicine every after meal.
narcotic side effects like drowsiness and others (narcotic 麻醉劑/鎮靜劑)(drowsiness 睡意)
tinnitus (tinnitus耳鳴)
traditional Chinese medicine he prescribed
I just took the medicine he prescribed for almost 12 days.
tiny needles = acupuncture (acupuncture針灸)
It worked for 2.5 years.
His nose allergy was gone and he felt better for 2.5 years.
doctor who practiced western medicine
entrance exam for high school
I feel more pressured.
with calm down
If I am angry with her, it is not good for my health and my ear problem will get worse.
So, I changed the way to communicate with her.
I asked my husband to help me explain things to her. Like recently, I didn't know why my daughter had money to buy things. I and my husband would only give her money for lunch.
She went roller skating/blading. (roller skate 四輪溜冰) (roller blade 溜直排輪)
Eve,下午 08:24 rolling shoes
OurABCtutor,下午 08:24 Did you check her computer activity?
husband and wife criminals (criminal 罪犯)
They pretend to be young but they are sexual predators. (predator 捕食者)
graphic pictures (graphic 圖樣的)
You blocked him.
Eve,下午 08:34 cooking food games
OurABCtutor,下午 08:36 It’s highly suspicious for a 18-year old girl to make money without your noticing (suspicious 懷疑的)
the source
cliques (cliques 派系/小集團)
I cannot manage my time.
Eve,下午 08:38 bad scores/poor scores
lay them there
OurABCtutor,下午 08:43 leave it there
delivery boy
A few people who got out of Taiwan tested positive in the rapid test for NCOV 19.
social distancing
1.5 meters
If they speak with the mask on, I couldn't hear them clearly.
speak softly
ups and downs
bad hair days = those days with bad luck
Our ABC Online 線上一對一英文教學