provide, supply, offer 的區別:
1 .表示“向某人提供某物”
supply sb with sth / supply sth for sb / supply sth to sb
provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb
offer sb sth.
2. 表示“主動提出做某事 ( 願意去幫忙 ) ”
offer to do sth
3. 表示“倘使”、“假如”
provided / providing that
– His company can tide over this difficulty providing (that) the checks are cashed next week.
– Provided (that) you help me translate this documents into Chinese, I will make preparations for the negotiations this Friday.
= on condition that
=only if
4. 表示“滿足需要” supply / meet a need
provide , supply 和 offer 都有“供給、提供”的意思,但用法不同。
provide 指有遠見,為應付意外、緊急情況等作好充分準備而“供給、提供”, 可用於 provide sb. ( with sth. )或 provide sth. ( for sb. )結構。 He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help. 他說服別人提供錢或給予幫助。 The school provided food for the students. 學校為學生提供伙食。 They provided us with all the books we need. 他們為我們提供所需要的所有書籍。
supply 通常指定期“供應 , 補給”,強調替代或補充所需物品,常用於 supply sb. with sth. 或 supply sth. for/to sb. 結構。 The cars will be supplied to people all over the country. 這些汽車將供應給全國各地的人們。 Cows supply us with milk. 母牛供給我們牛奶。 In Britain milk is supplied to each house in bottles. 在英國牛奶是裝在瓶子裏送往每家每戶的。
offer 側重表示“願意給予”,常用於 offer sb. sth. 或 offer to do sth. 結構。 She offered me a cup of tea. 她給我端了杯茶。 He offered to go instead of me. 他主動提出代替我去。
注 意: supply 較 provide 常用,有時它們可互換,可說 provide/supply sth. for sb. ,也可說 provide/supply sb. with sth. 。 The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000. 銀行為他提供了 10 萬美元的貸款。
supply 是“供應,補給” 名詞有“供應品,補給品,生活用品” 記得它有週期性需要而供應補給的涵意。 provide 是“提供,供給”多記成主動提供的涵意,這點與 offer 相像。
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