Man Injured at Fast Food Place.

2008/12/03 21:35

A 79-year-old man was slightly injured on Saturday while waiting in his brand new convertible in a drive-through lane at Burger Prince restaurant. Herman Sherman of Northville suffered a mild burn about 9:00 p.m. when a young female employee accidentally spilled a cup of coffee into his lap. Sherman said the coffee was hot but not scalding.

He refused medical aid, saying the only problem was the stain on his slacks, but it would wash out. He was given a fresh refill. Before Sherman drove off, the restaurant manager, John Johnson, gave him two free gift certificates--one for an extra-large coffee and one for the restaurant's newest sandwich, the McRap.

The employee, who was a new hire, was let go later that evening. She was quite upset. She said she would probably sue Burger Prince for letting her go. She said it was the man's fault for ordering something that she might be able to spill.


English Notes :

lightly adv.

slight adj 輕微的,微不足道的



Using “injured slightly” is also ok, but “slightly injured” is more common.

do you feel pain/painful ?

are you painful?

my wrist was wounded/hurt/injured while playing Yoga

wrist 手腕 ; waist

my wrist was injured.

he injured his knee (while) playing hockey

convertible ---- a car with roof that can be folded and taken off

bicycle lane ; lane 小路 ; path 小徑

mild 温和的,mile

spill 溢出 ; pour 傾瀉

flow over, flowed/flowed

the drink comes out of the container.

the coffee flowed over his knee.

lap 膝上部 ; knee 膝蓋

laptop, desktop

scald 燙傷 ; scold 責罵

scalding water


first aid 急救

stain ---- dirty mark

slacks=loose pants

refill none. vb.

marriage certificate

birth certificate

coupon 折價券, 禮券

how do you spend your coupon?

hire 雇用,員工 ; hide 躲藏

sue sb for sth = accuse sb of sth

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