Batching - 學員上課分享

2011/06/18 13:11

Batching. 批量做事:將一些瑣事放在一起做完


Boring or routine tasks can create a lot of procrastination and low-level anxiety. One good way to get these things done quickly is to batch them. This means that you do them all in row. You will be able to do them quicker because there is less "start-up time" compared to if you spread them out. And when you are batching you become fully engaged in the tasks and more focused.


[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:01:01] Lily (Tutor): turn on/ turn off

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:02:10] Richard: switch on/ switch off the computer

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:03:19] Richard: 打開 / 關掉

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:04:31] Lily (Tutor): plug in/ plug out the computer

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:04:58] Richard: 插入 / 拔掉插頭

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:06:49] Lily (Tutor): it's dark inside

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:06:57] Lily (Tutor): turn on the light

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:09:31] Lily (Tutor): joyride

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:10:38] Richard: I had a joyride

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:12:28] Lily (Tutor): go out for a drive

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:12:42] Richard: went out for a drive

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:00] Richard: night market

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:41] Lily (Tutor): after midnight

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:43] Lily (Tutor): pass

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:15:55] Richard: It is already pass midnight

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:16:18] Richard: pass 12

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:16:47] Richard: pass the midnight ?

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:16:53] Richard: pass midnight ?

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:17:29] Richard: both are ok

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:18:04] Richard: a batch of

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:18:56] Richard: a batch of products

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:20:22] Richard: the whole batch of

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:20:56] Lily (Tutor): batch together; assemble or process as a batch

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:07] Richard: procrastination= delay

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:16] Lily (Tutor): procrastinate

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:30] Lily (Tutor): Boring or routine tasks can create a lot of procrastination and low-level anxiety.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:23:47] Lily (Tutor): procrastinate = put off

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:24:43] Lily (Tutor): =postpone

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:26:32] Richard: a little anxiety

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:27:02] Lily (Tutor): anxious

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:28:46] Richard: I learn English out of my anxiety

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:29:20] Lily (Tutor): curiosity

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:29:28] Richard: out of my curiosity

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:29:40] Richard: curious

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:31:05] Lily (Tutor): security

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:31:31] Richard: I hired some guards out of security.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:33:36] Richard: 出於 out of security/anxiety/curiosity

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:36:50] Richard: get/have something done

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:37:42] Lily (Tutor): in a row

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:39:50] Richard: He has won the first place for 4 years in a row.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:41:07] Lily (Tutor): He has won the first prize 4times in a row.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:42:02] Lily (Tutor): has won the championship

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:42:59] Richard: I have to ask for 2 weeks leave in a row.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:43:19] Richard: ask for a 2-week leave in a row

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:43:52] Richard: a 2-week holiday

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:44:00] Lily (Tutor): she is a 2-year-old baby

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:44:37] Richard: a 2-week vacation

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:45:29] Richard: I have worked for 7 days in a row without rest.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:45:48] Lily (Tutor): start-up time

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:46:06] Richard: 起動時間

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:46:53] Lily (Tutor): How long will it take to start up your computer ?

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:47:29] Lily (Tutor): quicker

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:47:46] Richard: quick + er 形容詞副詞比較級

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:48:56] Richard: spread out 散開, 展開, 攤開

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:50:03] Lily (Tutor): The space is large/wide, we can spread out our legs.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:51:41] Lily (Tutor): My little sister spread the newspapers out on the floor.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:51:57] Lily (Tutor): spread/spread/spread

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:52:49] Richard: The teacher asked the students to spread out over the playground.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:52:58] Lily (Tutor): in/on the playground

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:53:33] Richard: be engaged in (adj)投入, 忙於

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:53:56] Richard: engage in (vb)

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:54:33] Richard: She is engaged in writing a novel.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:55:14] Richard: She has engaged in writing novels for 10 years.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:56:06] Richard: engaged 訂婚的

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:56:23] Lily (Tutor): My brother has been engaged to Mary.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:57:11] Lily (Tutor): =My brother and Mary are engaged.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 10:58:42] Richard: =My brother has an engagement to Mary.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 11:00:37] Lily (Tutor): I have an engagement/ a date/ an appointment with my boyfriend for dinner at 6pm.

[ 2011/6/13 下午 11:00:59] Richard: 約會


以上, 感謝學員Richard Su分享上課筆記

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