Big Challenges - 中級 (線上英文教學實錄)

2010/12/11 21:03


Big Challenges 巨大的挑戰

“Keep staring! I might do a trick

That’s the message on a T-shirt of mine. People stare at me all the time so I thought this shirt would be funny. See I’m a dwarf. Most of the time people aren’t trying to be rude— they just haven’t seen many dwarfs like me before. I can understand that. But I also want to let them know that I see them staring. Usually the T-shirt makes them laugh at themselves not at me.

I was born with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. I have an average-size torso, but my arms and legs are shorter and my head is bigger than average. Right now I’m almost four feet tall and that’s about as tall as I’m going to get.

I’m not going to pretend that my height isn’t a challenge. It is. Light switches and counters are usually too high for me. I can’t reach some shelves in the grocery stores. It takes me almost three steps to keep up with one step of an average-size adult. And my mom has to hem almost all of my pants.

But everyone faces challenges. You just have to face them with a good attitude. So I have a long barbecue fork to pull things down from pantry shelves. I’m a great climber and I can make a stool out of just about anything. I’ll even be able to drive a car with the help of pedal extensions. If all else fails, I ask for help. Due to the way I see it, I can do just about anything that an average-size person can do. So I’ll never play professional sports but I have no problem testing my limits. I have to. For instance, everyone uses stoves. Little people just have to figure out how to use them in different ways. I use a stool to reach mine at home. It may take me longer and it may be harder but I can still do it.

My T-shirt shows people the real me—a kid with a sense of humor. And maybe that’s the real trick showing others that I’m just like them. I play sports and video games, I go to school and I hang out with my friends. I’m just shorter. I mean no one is exactly the same. And anyway, I’m proud of who I am.



[下午 07:01:09] Aron Online: be sick of it ; get tired of it

[下午 07:02:37] Aron Online: self-improvement

[下午 07:03:31] Naomi Lu: pay more attention to self-improvement in English

[下午 07:04:32] Aron Online: am apologetic for (adj.)

[下午 07:05:30] Aron Online: I apologize to sb for sth (vb.)

[下午 07:07:11] Aron Online: cherish 愛護, 懷念(+memory), 懷抱(+hope)

[下午 07:07:52] Naomi Lu: It’s a nature for parents to cherish their children.

[下午 07:09:14] Aron Online: I cherish the memory of those months with you in Taipei .

[下午 07:11:19] Aron Online: I can’t cherish much hope that you would forgive me some day.

[下午 07:12:28] Aron Online: They don’t take it seriously.

[下午 07:13:28] Aron Online: took advantage of your kindness

[下午 07:15:23] Naomi Lu: took advantage of sb 佔某人便宜

[下午 07:22:39] Aron Online: character

[下午 07:25:59] Aron Online: I ever dated many girls before.

[下午 07:27:28] Aron Online: He is interested in some subjects which are popular at his age group.

[下午 07:28:54] Aron Online: He is interested in some subjects which are popular among the young of his age.

[下午 07:31:34] Naomi Lu: The brand of cosmetics is effective for ladies of your age to make skins look younger.

[下午 07:33:17] Aron Online: He often played a trick on me.

[下午 07:35:41] Aron Online: My neighbor is good at doing some tricks to amuse kids.

[下午 07:37:13] Aron Online: tricky = not to be trusted

[下午 07:39:18] Naomi Lu: He is a tricky client because he often asked us to send him some free spare parts, but nerve sent the scrapped parts back.

[下午 07:39:29] Aron Online: …., but never sent the scrapped ones back.

[下午 07:41:03] Naomi Lu: prank=practical joke

[下午 07:42:46] Naomi Lu: He tricked me into investing my life savings in his company..

[下午 07:43:06] Naomi Lu: dwarf 侏儒 dwarfism侏儒症

[下午 07:43:30] Aron Online: It’s immoral to play a prank on dwarfs.

[下午 07:43:42] Naomi Lu: Playing a prank on dwarfs is immoral.

[下午 07:44:08] Naomi Lu: torso 軀幹

[下午 07:44:32] Naomi Lu: four feet tall 數字+單位詞+形容詞

[下午 07:44:38] Aron Online: four meters deep

[下午 07:44:45] Aron Online: four feet long

[下午 07:44:52] Aron Online: four feet wide

[下午 07:44:59] Aron Online: four feet thick

[下午 07:45:07] Aron Online: four years old

[下午 07:46:05] Aron Online: four kilos in weight (數字+單位詞+ in+名詞) (重量)

[下午 07:46:25] Aron Online: four meters in height ()

[下午 07:46:37] Aron Online: four centimeters in length ()

[下午 07:46:48] Aron Online: four inches in width ()

[下午 07:46:59] Aron Online: four inches in girth (周長)

[下午 07:47:35] Aron Online: The mountain has a height of 4,000 meters.

[下午 07:47:39] Naomi Lu: The height of the mountain is 4,000 meters.

[下午 07:48:03] Aron Online: The length of the bridge is 800 meters.

[下午 07:48:27] Aron Online: a two-hour class = a two hours class

[下午 07:48:53] Aron Online: the 1,500-meter race = the 1,500 meters race

[下午 07:49:12] Aron Online: a eight-year girl = a eight years girl

[下午 07:51:14] Aron Online: She came in/won first place in the 100-meter race.

[下午 07:52:13] Aron Online: place=名次

[下午 07:53:33] Aron Online: come third = come in third place

[下午 07:53:59] Naomi Lu: 不用加the…

[下午 07:54:50] Aron Online: pantry ['pæntri] - a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

[下午 07:55:06] Naomi Lu: stool 凳子

[下午 07:55:25] Aron Online: for instance = for example

[下午 07:55:57] Naomi Lu: extension 加長, 擴大

[下午 07:56:22] Aron Online: put “grant” in your sentence

[下午 07:57:49] Naomi Lu: My foreigner teacher has been granted a visa extension for another six months.

[下午 07:58:56] Naomi Lu: We are wondering if the extension of the deadline can be the end of next week the 31st of Dec ?

[下午 08:00:07] Naomi Lu: . We are wondering if it’s possible to extend the deadline to the end of next week?

[下午 08:00:36] Aron Online: Please contact me at 123-123, extension 456.

[下午 08:00:51] Aron Online: You can reach me at 123-123, extension 456.

[下午 08:01:33] Aron Online: Can I have extension 456 please?

[下午 08:01:45] Naomi Lu: Please call me at 123-123. The extension is 456.

[下午 08:02:13] Aron Online: The extension of the building has been successfully completed.

[下午 08:02:22] Naomi Lu: 擴建....

[下午 08:02:47] Naomi Lu: I have hung out two clothes.

[下午 08:03:04] Aron Online: hang out with some people….


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