Unpolished Diamond -- intermediate

2010/12/04 19:35

Unpolished Diamond


How a person reacts to criticism often means the difference between success and failure. Take the case of Ole Bull, the famous Norwegian violinist of the 19th century.


His practical father, a chemist, sent him to the University of Christiania to study for the ministry and forbade him to play his beloved violin. He promptly flunked out and, defying his father, devoted all his time and energy to the violin. Unfortunately, though he had great ability, his teachers were relatively unskilled, so that by the time he was ready to start his concert tour he wasn’t prepared.


In Italy a Milan newspaper critic wrote: "He is an untrained musician. If he were a diamond, he should be certainly in the rough and unpolished." There were two ways Ole Bull could have reacted to that criticism. He could have let it make him angry, or he could learn from it.


Fortunately he chose the latter. He went to the newspaper office and asked to see the critic. The astounded editor introduced him. Ole spent the evening with the 70-year-old critic, asked about his faults, and sought the older man’s advice on how to correct them. Then he canceled the rest of his tour, returned home, and spent the next six months studying under really able teachers. He practiced hours upon hours to overcome his faults. Finally, he returned to his concerts and, when only 26, became the sensation of Europe .


[下午 08:57:55] Tutor Janny : hi

[下午 08:58:01] Tutor Janny : good afternoon

[下午 08:58:29] Michael Fan: good afternoon

[下午 08:58:34] Michael Fan: Let me call you. ok ?

[下午 08:58:48] *** 撥打給 Tutor Janny ,通話時間 53:30 ***

[下午 09:00:07] Michael Fan: i slept late

[下午 09:08:04] Tutor Janny : go off = ring

[下午 09:08:22] Tutor Janny : went off = rang

[下午 09:08:28] Michael Fan: When my alarm clock went off, I still stayed in bed for a while.

[下午 09:08:41] Michael Fan: My alarm clock rang at 8am this morning, so I slept late.

[下午 09:09:54] Tutor Janny : watch

[下午 09:10:13] Michael Fan: watched some videos on Youtube last night

[下午 09:04:18] Tutor Janny : disgusting

[下午 09:04:20] Tutor Janny : gross

[下午 09:04:28] Tutor Janny : scary

[下午 09:07:32] Michael Fan: asked details about them

[下午 09:07:39] Michael Fan: asked them in detail

[下午 09:08:11] Michael Fan: details of it

[下午 09:09:42] Tutor Janny : Do you still remember every detail of your Graduation Day ?

[下午 09:10:19] Michael Fan: Do you still remember the details of what happened on your graduation day ?

[下午 09:15:09] Michael Fan: roared with laughter

[下午 09:16:25] Michael Fan: /f/

[下午 09:16:34] Tutor Janny : near

[下午 09:16:38] Tutor Janny : nearer

[下午 09:16:50] Tutor Janny : poor

[下午 09:16:53] Tutor Janny : poorer

[下午 09:17:17] Michael Fan: clear

[下午 09:17:20] Michael Fan: clearer

[下午 09:18:25] Tutor Janny : laughter ['lɑ:ftə; 'læf-]

[下午 09:22:32] Tutor Janny : move on to the new one

[下午 09:27:51] Tutor Janny : practiced

[下午 09:28:42] Tutor Janny : fine

[下午 09:29:12] Michael Fan: finer

[下午 09:29:59] Michael Fan: polished

[下午 09:30:43] Tutor Janny : I polished my shoes with a brush

[下午 09:32:09] Tutor Janny : If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper

[下午 09:32:29] Michael Fan: If you polish your article well, we will publish it in the newspaper.

[下午 09:34:10] Tutor Janny : remark

[下午 09:34:12] Tutor Janny : comment

[下午 09:35:03] Tutor Janny : thanks for your criticism

[下午 09:36:12] Michael Fan: means 意味著

[下午 09:36:34] Michael Fan: you are so mean. adj.

[下午 09:37:55] Michael Fan: ministry

[下午 09:38:13] Tutor Janny : government

[下午 09:38:17] Michael Fan: official 官員

[下午 09:39:02] Michael Fan: 公務員

[下午 09:39:09] Tutor Janny : civil servant

[下午 09:39:37] Tutor Janny : city

[下午 09:40:10] Michael Fan: forbid

[下午 09:40:10] Tutor Janny : forbidden city

[下午 09:40:54] Michael Fan: forbid , forbade, forbidden

[下午 09:41:39] Tutor Janny : sweets

[下午 09:41:42] Tutor Janny : candy

[下午 09:41:56] Michael Fan: he forbade his children to have sweets/candies.

[下午 09:42:26] Tutor Janny : no smoking

[下午 09:42:54] Tutor Janny : The entry is forbidden.

[下午 09:43:27] Tutor Janny : It's forbidden to enter.

[下午 09:43:55] Michael Fan: flunk out – expelled because of failing to get a passing grade

[下午 09:44:51] Michael Fan: 退學 (主因課業成續被退學)

[下午 09:45:09] Tutor Janny : expel

[下午 09:45:17] Michael Fan: He was expelled. (不論課業考試或品行操守, 被退學)

[下午 09:46:12] Tutor Janny : The headmaster may expel the boy from the school

[下午 09:47:00] Tutor Janny : drop out of school

[下午 09:47:04] Tutor Janny : quit school

[下午 09:48:26] Tutor Janny : she flunked (in) her English exam

[下午 09:48:35] Michael Fan: 考試不及格

[下午 09:48:43] Tutor Janny : she failed (in) her English exam

[下午 09:50:10] Tutor Janny : He flunked out of the flight training.

[下午 09:52:24] *** 通話結束 ***

[下午 09:54:47] *** 來自 Tutor Janny  的電話,通話時間 36:57 ***

[下午 09:56:42] Michael Fan: defy

[下午 09:57:11] Tutor Janny : disobey

[下午 09:57:15] Tutor Janny : rebel

[下午 09:58:42] Tutor Janny : rebel against

[下午 10:00:37] Tutor Janny : I am against you.

[下午 10:00:56] Tutor Janny : fight for

[下午 10:08:03] Tutor Janny : fight against

[下午 10:10:17] Tutor Janny : The people in Paris fight against the government for increasing retirement age.

[下午 10:07:10] Michael Fan: the people in Taiwan rebel again/defy the government for canceling the pension.

[下午 10:07:19] Tutor Janny : obey = listen to

[下午 10:08:03] Tutor Janny : decrease

[下午 10:08:13] Michael Fan: for decreasing the pension

[下午 10:11:20] Michael Fan: If he were a diamond, he should be in the rough...

[下午 10:11:56] Michael Fan: If I were you, I should come here early.

[下午 10:12:58] Michael Fan: 與現在事實相反的假設, If were/過去V, +should/could/would V…….

[下午 10:13:15] Michael Fan: If I had told you, you wouldn’t have made the mistakes.

[下午 10:14:53] Michael Fan: 與過去事實相反的假設, If had V完成, +would/could/should have V完成…..

[下午 10:15:35] Michael Fan: latter <-> former

[下午 10:15:40] Tutor Janny : astound =astonish

[下午 10:15:45] Michael Fan: =very surprised

[下午 10:16:04] Tutor Janny : be astounded at/by

[下午 10:16:48] Michael Fan: I am astounded at the news that you are pregnant.

[下午 10:16:55] Tutor Janny : I was astonished at the news of his sudden death.

[下午 10:17:24] Michael Fan: to hear that you are pregnant

[下午 10:17:49] Michael Fan: I was astounded by what you did for me.

[下午 10:17:59] Michael Fan: ……..at what you did to me

[下午 10:18:35] Michael Fan: you astounded me.

[下午 10:18:42] Michael Fan: you scared me.

[下午 10:18:57] Michael Fan: so scary adj.

[下午 10:19:01] Tutor Janny : scare vb.

[下午 10:19:50] Michael Fan: seek = look for

[下午 10:20:03] Michael Fan: seek sought sought

[下午 10:20:34] Tutor Janny : seek a quarrel with someone

[下午 10:21:04] Michael Fan: Are you seeking a quarrel with me ?

[下午 10:21:15] Tutor Janny : seek fame and gain

[下午 10:21:32] Michael Fan: I am seeking a job.

[下午 10:21:47] Michael Fan: I am seeking some information about/of something online.

[下午 10:22:03] Tutor Janny : seek advice from someone

[下午 10:23:05] Michael Fan: about how to cook a big meal

[下午 10:23:58] Michael Fan: ….advice on/about how to correct them

[下午 10:24:39] Tutor Janny : hours after hours

[下午 10:24:57] Michael Fan: =upon hours

[下午 10:25:37] Michael Fan: for many hours

[下午 10:27:52] Tutor Janny : overcome shortcomings

[下午 10:28:02] Tutor Janny : weak point

[下午 10:28:09] Tutor Janny : strong point

[下午 10:29:33] Michael Fan: I was overcome by the heavy work.

[下午 10:30:53] Michael Fan: He is the sensation in the city

[下午 10:31:40] Michael Fan: The article caused a sensation.

[下午 10:32:27] Michael Fan: His remark caused a sensation in the 21st century.

[下午 10:32:38] *** 通話結束 ***

[下午 10:32:52] Tutor Janny : have a good day

[下午 10:33:01] Michael Fan: same to you


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