What Does Your Boss Want You To Know ? (Intermediate)

2009/05/08 19:54

What does your boss want you to know ?


1. Forget about excuses

No boss cares why an assignment wasn't done. It's your job to get it done and on time.

2. Don't aim for perfection

Getting it done well and on time is much more important than doing it "Perfectly"

3. Carrying your share is not enough

Bosses value people who do their job and look around for, create or ask for more real work.

4. Follow through

Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly by a Supervisor.

5. Anticipate problems

When your responsibilities depend on input from others, check their plans and their understanding of what you're requesting.

6. Be resilient about problems

Part of carrying your responsibilities is understanding that unforeseeable failures by others are a routine part of work life. When problems occur, no one is picking on you and you can't excuse it as bad luck.

7. Don't take problems to your boss

If you lack the authority, come prepared with solutions when you broach the problem. Even though your boss may not use your solutions, you've made an impression as a problem solver - not as a problem collector.

8. Attendance counts

People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses any excuse to miss a day.

9. Don't be a squeaking wheel

Don't be seen as " Here comes a problem".

10.Don't carry grudges

You cannot win them all. So don't squander your energy, the goodwill of your allies, and the patience of your boss by turning every issue into a crusade.

11.Choose your battles carefully

Ask yourself: how much difference the problem really makes. Is it worth making an enemy? Do I have a realistic chance of winning

12.Deal directly with the person who makes the decision

Dealing with people with less authority may be easier on your nerves, but you'll be wasting time and effort.

[2009-4-27 19:01:43] jack Says hold on, pls give me three mins

[2009-4-27 19:02:41] Tony Says hi

[2009-4-27 19:02:48] Tony Says good evening

[2009-4-27 19:04:03] Tony Says ok

[2009-4-27 19:09:26] jack Says hi

[2009-4-27 19:09:38] jack Says i am ok

[2009-4-27 19:12:22] Tony Says entertain

[2009-4-27 19:12:43] Tony Says agenda

[2009-4-27 19:13:17] Tony Says advertisement

[2009-4-27 19:13:49] Tony Says 50

[2009-4-27 19:14:01] Tony Says 80

[2009-4-27 19:15:22] Tony Says employee

[2009-4-27 19:15:52] Tony Says How many times have you been to BaLi

[2009-4-27 19:15:57] Tony Says 5times

[2009-4-27 19:16:39] Tony Says impression

[2009-4-27 19:16:46] Tony Says relaxing

[2009-4-27 19:17:39] Tony Says cheap

[2009-4-27 19:17:58] Tony Says civil servant

[2009-4-27 19:18:24] Tony Says with tour group

[2009-4-27 19:18:46] Tony Says push you to buy some local food

[2009-4-27 19:19:08] Tony Says cookies

[2009-4-27 19:20:16] Tony Says bad service

[2009-4-27 19:21:26] Tony Says tour fees

[2009-4-27 19:21:43] Tony Says commission

[2009-4-27 19:25:11] Tony Says do some sports

[2009-4-27 19:26:58] Tony Says resort

[2009-4-27 19:27:40] Tony Says vacation village

[2009-4-27 19:28:11] Tony Says holiday resort

[2009-4-27 19:29:15] Tony Says night show

[2009-4-27 19:29:56] Tony Says 40,000

[2009-4-27 19:31:07] Tony Says award

[2009-4-27 19:31:20] Tony Says some good employee

[2009-4-27 19:32:25] Tony Says contest

[2009-4-27 19:32:36] Tony Says competition

[2009-4-27 19:32:41] Tony Says race

[2009-4-27 19:33:48] Tony Says teamwork

[2009-4-27 19:35:14] Tony Says preside

[2009-4-27 19:35:25] Tony Says over the meeting

[2009-4-27 19:36:24] Tony Says preside over a meeting

[2009-4-27 19:38:32] Tony Says neck and neck in strength.

[2009-4-27 19:41:06] Tony Says investment

[2009-4-27 19:41:50] Tony Says privilege

[2009-4-27 19:41:56] Tony Says businessman

[2009-4-27 19:42:34] Tony Says salesman

[2009-4-27 19:44:34] Tony Says domestic business

[2009-4-27 19:44:53] Tony Says international business

[2009-4-27 19:45:57] Tony Says It goes in one ear and comes out of the other.

[2009-4-27 19:46:18] Tony Says go into the room

[2009-4-27 19:46:30] Tony Says get out of the room

[2009-4-27 19:47:54] Tony Says It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

[2009-4-27 19:48:20] Tony Says keep the secret

[2009-4-27 19:49:12] Tony Says traffic accident

[2009-4-27 19:49:32] Tony Says car accident

[2009-4-27 19:49:46] Tony Says car crash

[2009-4-27 19:50:25] Tony Says reporter

[2009-4-27 19:51:06] Tony Says I am the son of the victim

[2009-4-27 19:51:56] Tony Says donkey

[2009-4-27 19:52:13] Tony Says A car was involved in an accident in a street. As expected a large crowd gathered. A newspaper reporter anxious to get his story could not get near the car.

Being a clever sort, he started shouting loudly, "Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim."

The crowd made way for him.

Lying in front of the car was a donkey.

[2009-4-27 19:54:53] Tony Says get involved in something

[2009-4-27 19:55:24] Tony Says on a street

[2009-4-27 19:55:50] Tony Says a large crowd of people

[2009-4-27 19:56:06] Tony Says get together

[2009-4-27 19:56:35] Tony Says get close to the car

[2009-4-27 19:57:26] Tony Says an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance

[2009-4-27 19:57:53] Tony Says victims of war

[2009-4-27 19:58:19] Tony Says The accident victim

[2009-4-27 19:58:37] Tony Says give way to him

[2009-4-27 19:59:05] Tony Says A donkey was lying in front of the car

[2009-4-27 19:59:18] Tony Says here is your book

[2009-4-27 19:59:33] Tony Says here comes the bus

[2009-4-27 20:00:30] Tony Says similar joke

[2009-4-27 20:01:03] Tony Says run away


以上, 感謝學員Jack分享上課記錄

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