The Shaggy Dog (中級)

2009/04/21 23:18

The Shaggy Dog

retold by

S. E. Schlosser


There once was a woman traveling home from England who lost her pooch somewhere between Salem and Springfield . He was just about the shaggiest dog in the entire world; so shaggy you couldn't tell which end was which until his tail started wagging. The woman was completely distraught. She loved the dog like it was her own son, so she advertised in all the local newspapers, hoping to find him. The advertisement read: "Missing, extremely shaggy dog. Reward. Will pay all travel expenses of finder." Then it listed her home address.


It didn't take long for people to start climbing her front steps with a shaggy dog in tow. The woman would answer the door eagerly and step out onto the porch to survey the dog. Each and every time she would shake her head sadly and say: "Not shaggy enough. He's just not shaggy enough." Folks came from the East, but their dogs weren't shaggy enough. They came from the West, but their dogs weren't shaggy enough. The ones from the South weren't shaggy enough either, and neither were the ones from the North.


The woman was about to give up in despair when she received a letter from a chap in England . Claimed to have found a shaggy dog stowed away on his ship when he was traveling from Salem , Massachusetts to Liverpool , England . The woman was so excited. Could it be her shaggy dog at last? He'd gone missing just after she left Salem ! After writing back and forth with the English chap a few times, she paid the ship fare to America for both the man and his shaggy dog.


Well, the woman waited and waited and waited! Oh how she longed for the big day to arrive. Finally, (finally!), she heard a crisp voice outside the house and the sound of footsteps coming up the front walkway. She sprang to the door, opened it, and burst out onto the porch. Then she staggered backward and clapped a hand to her heart, staring at the huge hairy ball on the leash beside the Englishman. In despair, she cried out: "Oh no! Not THAT shaggy!"


[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:28:55] Diane says: hi

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:29:01] Diane says: Get ready?

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:35:39] Diane says: it is worth teaching him

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:37:47] Diane says: invisible

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:38:41] Diane says: i will no longer

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:40:00] Diane says: impose

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:42:31] HelenLin says: blame your wife

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:43:26] HelenLin says: admitted

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:43:56] Diane says: privacy

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:45:02] Diane says: moody 情緒不穩的

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:45:22] HelenLin says: i became moody

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:45:44] Diane says: give up

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:46:12] Diane says: make concession for

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:46:47] Diane says: considerate 體貼的

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:05] Diane says: in my shoes 處在我的位置; 以我的立場

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:14] HelenLin says: Could you think about it in my shoes ?

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:31] Diane says: selfish

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:47:38] Diane says: self-centered person 自我中心的人

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:48:49] HelenLin says: the week before last week 上上週

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:48:56] HelenLin says: the week after next week 下下週

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:50:06] Diane says: fill in

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:51:00] Diane says: i made a form in format of Excel

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:51:25] HelenLin says: in format of Word

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:51:45] HelenLin says: with class time

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:52:45] Diane says: all your efforts were in vain

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:53:18] Diane says: rule

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:17] Diane says: do you play at me ? 欺騙我

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:29] Diane says: in reward, a large reward, be rewarded sth

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:47] Diane says: under my thought,

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:54:47] HelenLin says: =after I thought about it,

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:55:03] Diane says: =after my consideration,

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:55:53] HelenLin says: after my thinking ......(wrong)

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:56:15] Diane says: harsh

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:56:25] HelenLin says: i said something harsh

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:56:38] Diane says: I told him in a harsh way if you……..

[ 2009/4/17 下午 04:59:44] Diane says: i told him harshly/strictly that

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:00:44] Diane says: that is what I wanna tell you.

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:01:13] HelenLin says: i want to tell you that what you did is.......

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:03:11] HelenLin says: read out

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:10:26] Diane says: adopt 收養

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:11:11] HelenLin says: her adopted son

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:13:07] HelenLin says: in tow 拉著

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:13:30] HelenLin says: climb

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:15:00] HelenLin says: Folks 親朋好友們

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:18:46] HelenLin says: stow away 偷偷的搭上 stow away on sth to somewhere

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:20:00] HelenLin says: back and forth

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:20:12] HelenLin says: forth and back

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:21:27] Diane says: long for = eager for 渴望

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:21:27] HelenLin says: an outing on a crisp fall day

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:22:16] HelenLin says: crisp 清脆的, 涼爽的

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:22:58] HelenLin says: walkway走廊

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:23:29] HelenLin says: spring to 彈跳起來到

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:24:05] HelenLin says: burst out 突然起來 burst out crying/laughing.

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:25:09] Diane says: sidewalk

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:25:33] HelenLin says: backward 向後地 >< forward 向前地

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:25:54] HelenLin says: stagger 搖晃, 蹣跚地走

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:26:32] HelenLin says: stare at 盯著看

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:27:10] HelenLin says: hairy

[ 2009/4/17 下午 05:27:33] HelenLin says: on the leash 皮帶, 鏈條 (拴狗用)


以上, 感謝學員Helen Lin分享上課筆記

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